
Hearing Beibei's words from afar, Zhao Chengfeng seems to have ten thousand grass mud horses galloping by in his heart. That taste, that sour, let you not want it.

"Well, go home."

Zhao Chengfeng was too lazy to go in. When they got into the welfare home, they started the car and drove all the way to the sea view room.

Half an hour later, Zhao Chengfeng returned home.

Chen Shuxian was a little surprised, "so fast?"

"I'm afraid of Beibei's noise, so I drive faster." With a faint smile, Zhao Chengfeng lights a cigarette and sits on the sofa. He takes a sip from his tea cup. As he is about to talk to Chen Shuxian about Tian xiner, Chen Shuxian comes over.

Although Chen Shuxian has always been very kind and simple, he is not stupid. In particular, he observes everything about Zhao Chengfeng very carefully and seriously. A lot of things were exposed in their conversation tonight.

If you are just an ordinary friend, in this case, you should feel the fate and speak freely?

Zhao Chengfeng is very natural, but Tian xiner is too abnormal.

At the beginning, Tian Xin'er didn't say much when she came to the welfare home. There was always a light sadness between her eyebrows. She asked her what she didn't say. Later slowly changed, Tian Xin'er is also a lively girl.

However, after Zhao Chengfeng appeared this evening, Tian xiner suddenly became a different person, silent and strange.

To say that there is no story in it, Chen Shuxian will not believe it even if she is killed.

"Tell me, how are you going with Xin'er? Have you had a good time? " Chen Shuxian stares at the man and says with a faint smile.

In the past, Chen Shuxian would certainly be jealous, but now Chen Shuxian is not jealous. On the contrary, he thinks that men are very attractive. It seems that none of the women around him is not beautiful.

Besides, men are really attractive. Otherwise, how could he have followed him? Chen Shuxian doesn't know whether he is a junior or a senior. However, Chen Shuxian is very down-to-earth with the man. Even if he doesn't show up for several months and doesn't make a phone call to himself, Chen Shuxian feels nothing.


Zhao Chengfeng was slightly stunned and immediately sighed: "it's a long story."

"It's a long story. It's a long night. Now there's no one else." Chen Shuxian added hot water to the man and said.

"A few months ago, I suffered a serious injury. I stayed in the hospital for a few days. When I was idle, I fell in love with the live broadcast platform. Tian Xin'er is a very special female anchor. Her voice is ethereal and she is very enlightening..."

"What? You were hurt. Why don't I know? Where did you hurt? Let me see! "

After hearing that Zhao Chengfeng was injured, Chen Shuxian couldn't control what happened to Zhao Chengfeng and Tian xiner. He became anxious.


Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said with a relieved smile: "I'm all cured now, and the physical injuries at that time were nothing to me. It's more about the heart. "

With that, Zhao Chengfeng tells Shangguan Yan'er and the story of breaking the sky from beginning to end.

To be sure, Chen Shuxian is not a member of that circle, but she is her own woman and she is entitled to know everything about herself.

"Chengfeng, have you been tortured these months?" At last, Chen Shuxian's eyes turned red and her tears fell down.

At this moment, Chen Shuxian finally knows what his man does. He is a hero, not only his own hero, but also a national hero. No wonder he has so much money.

However, Chen Shuxian is more distressed that when he does not know, the man actually suffered so much damage.

"Oh, why are you crying?"

Zhao Chengfeng hugged the woman and said, "I'm not OK now."

"But why don't you tell me, when you are in the most painful and dangerous time, why don't you tell me, why don't you let me accompany you?" The more she cried, the more sad she was.

"I'm afraid of you, aren't I?"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly some regret, regret all things told Chen Shuxian, after all, Chen Shuxian did not touch the space of things“ Don't cry, it's not good to cry again. What's more, look at me. Is it hard to be in front of you now? If you don't believe it, I'll let you scream in a moment. Do you believe it? "

"You, you are necrotic..." Chen Shuxian broke tears into a smile, and her face turned red.

It's too bad. When is the time, still thinking about that bit of broken things?

"Men are not bad, women don't love them." Zhao Cheng's style and beauty fans smile and take advantage of women.

Chen Shuxian white the latter one eye, smile not to smile way: "so, Xin son also like you this bad man?"


Referring to Tian Xin'er, Zhao Chengfeng sighed and explained: "because I saved her life several times in a row, I don't know whether I was moved or did like me. She confessed to me. I refused, and I refused very simply. In this way, Tian Xin'er took the initiative to leave. No matter what way I used, I couldn't get in touch. "

"As you know, Tian Xin'er is a beautiful woman. She is kind and simple. I'm afraid she will be cheated. So I've been worried about her recently. It's also a secret search, but there's no clue. I'm really surprised to see her here tonight. "

Chen Shuxian listened very carefully and waited for the man to finish before he said, "then why do you want to refuse her? You don't like her? "

"It's not that I don't like it."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and sighed bitterly: "I dare not provoke you. At that time, I was going to fight a decisive battle with others. You said that if I gave her hope, but in the end she got despair, wouldn't I become a sinner? "

"You are great, but your greatness actually hurt her."

Chen Shuxian zhengse way: "many times, people are actually contradictory, in order to love, have to leave, have to leave ruthlessly. But in fact, after the real leave, both of them are painful. It's better to be together, not for tomorrow, just for now. Now happy even if only for a moment, at least once had. But once you leave, it's permanent regret, even permanent pain. "

"Just like what you said, if Tian Xin'er was hurt by others after she left, you and she would suffer, and then it would be irreparable."


Zhao Chengfeng nodded heavily and said, "this time I just want to have a good talk with her. As long as she is willing, I'll be with her. I'm afraid you won't be happy."

"What's wrong with me? As long as you are happy. " Chen Shuxian gently smiles and plunges into a man's arms like a tame cat

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