Chen Shuxian is right. Some things will be regretted for not doing them; I don't know if I will be happy in the future, but at least I won't leave regret for myself.

Just like now, because of worry, Zhao Chengfeng refused Tian xiner at first. During the period when Tian xiner disappeared, Zhao Chengfeng was afraid that something might happen to the woman; But now that I've made a decision, I don't worry so much.

She is her own woman, but it's over to be nice to her. Where is so much confusion?

"Don't, brother Feng, I..." Tian Xin'er was a little shy. Before she recovered her mind, she was kissed by a man and hugged. Is it that she is developing a little too fast?


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng a frown, way: "how? Don't like me holding you? Or are you not willing to talk to me? "

"No, it's not." Tian Xin'er's face turned a little more red as soon as she spoke. Was she too shy? Why take the initiative?

"No, that's right." Zhao Chengfeng muttered: "don't be embarrassed. Now we just have a hug and a kiss. Sooner or later, we have to go to bed. You say you are embarrassed. What should we do in the future?"


On hearing this, Tian Xin'er blushed a little more, like a ripe tomato, burning with shame. If you can, Tian Xin'er really wants to find a crack in the ground.

Men are really bold and unrestrained enough. It's just enough to refuse themselves before. Now they have just agreed. They take the initiative not to. They are almost not in the office.

"By the way, xiner, there's something I want to tell you." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke, put out the cigarette end, pulled the woman's body, and said solemnly, "this matter is very important."

Tian Xin'er was startled by Zhao Chengfeng's sudden seriousness. She nodded solemnly and said, "what's the matter? You said

"Actually... Bo!"

Taking advantage of Tian Xin'er's inattention, Zhao Chengfeng kisses Tian Xin'er's sexy lips instead of his forehead or cheek.


Tian Xin'er pushed Zhao Chengfeng away. He was so shy that he blushed to his ears and neck. He said: "brother Feng, you are necrotic. You take advantage of me. You cheat me."

"I didn't cheat you. Where did I cheat you?"

Zhao Chengfeng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I really had something very important to tell you just now, but when I gazed at you, maybe it was because you were so beautiful, so my mind was blank. I forgot what I wanted to say in a moment. I can't blame you for that. You can only blame you. Who made you look so beautiful makes me feel dizzy. "


Tian Xin'er is so angry that her teeth itch, which can be blamed on her. It's really shameless. Beibei is right. This guy has no advantage, but he is very cheeky.

"Well, I'm ignoring you. You're dead." Tian Xin'er hummed angrily and pretended to ignore Zhao Chengfeng.

Although Tian Xin'er is very angry on the surface, he is very happy in his heart. The man kisses himself. The man confesses to himself. Is there anything more exciting than this?

"You can't ignore me. If you ignore me, won't it take up my stool? No, you have to pay attention to me. " Zhao Chengfeng pulled the woman's body and said, "I just kissed you. You have to kiss me too. That's fair!"


Tian Xin'er was so angry that she blushed and argued, "how can I take advantage of you? You took advantage of me, OK? It was my first kiss. You took it away. Hum

"Cut, as if you are the first kiss, am I not the first kiss?" Zhao Chengfeng disagrees.

"Are you the first kiss?"

Smell speech, Tian Xin son a face don't believe, low voice murmur way: "all with person Shu Xian elder sister that what, how can you be the first kiss?"? Don't blush to say that, hum

"I'm not happy if you say that." Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid of being exposed, seriously said: "my first kiss yesterday is really gone, dedicated to you Shuxian sister, but my first kiss today is taken away by you."

"You Tian Xin'er's teeth itch with hatred. He has an impulse to strangle Zhao Chengfeng. It's shameless.

Isn't there only one first kiss? Can listen to Zhao Chengfeng words in this meaning, the first kiss every day, according to so say, he has a first night every day? What a jerk!

"Don't worry about me. Hurry up." Zhao Chengfeng poked his mouth, said: "just my first kiss is gone, now you have to take the initiative to give me a kiss, otherwise, I will not go!"

With that, Zhao Chengfeng sat down on the woman's desk, playing a rogue like a child.

"You, you..." Tian Xin'er's flowers tremble, but there's no way to take Zhao Chengfeng.

Tian xiner also knows that Zhao Chengfeng is playing a rascal, but this rascal's way is very bad, but it is very effective.

"Good! I kiss you Finally, Tian Xin'er gritted her teeth and stamped her foot. I thought, sooner or later, it's all his people. What's a kiss? Maybe every day in the future.

"Well, that's good."

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng's face was full of joy and joy.

"Close your eyes." Tian xiner is really embarrassed. This is the first time in her life that she has taken the initiative to kiss a man. Especially when she sees Zhao Chengfeng's lustful smile, she is really embarrassed.

"OK, close it. Come on."

Zhao Chengfeng is very cooperative. Knowing that Tian xiner is shy and undeveloped, she needs to come step by step. It's too fierce for women to resist. It's like the first time they met on a plane.

At that time, Zhao Chengfeng was a little too anxious. He opened his mouth and said, "I want to support you. Let's open a house.". Tian Xin'er was stunned at that time.


Tian Xin'er keeps her word. At the moment when Zhao Chengfeng closes her eyes, she kisses her red lips.

However, Zhao Chengfeng opened his eyes in this instant. At the same time, he put his hands around the woman's waist and kiss her mouth to mouth. He was stunned and didn't let go.

"Oh, Wuwu..."

Tian Xin'er's eyes are widened and she wants to break away. But at the moment of making a sound, Zhao Chengfeng's tongue actually goes into her mouth. At that moment, Tian Xin'er's delicate body trembles, as if the current is surging into her whole body. The whole person is numb and has no strength to resist.

"Baji, Baji..."

Seeing that women don't resist, Zhao Chengfeng's courage is even greater. He is not only moving in his mouth, but also in his hands. It's a pleasure to be up and down

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