When Zhao Chengfeng got up with Jiangling, the whole family was impatient at the dinner table. In particular, Shangguan Yan'er and weidora throw their venomous eyes at Zhao Chengfeng.

Two people are not stupid, why sleep to sun three pole just get up? Isn't it because last night was too hard?

"Come on, have a meal. Oh, I'm starving." Zhao Chengfeng greets everyone. Like no one else, he takes a bowl to eat.

It was not easy for everyone to say anything more, but the atmosphere of the meal was a little strange.

After dinner, Zhao Chengfeng and Huisheng, Shangguan Yan'er, who went back to China in advance, were left in the room for the family to go to work and walk the birds. Fubo and Murong Shuang helped to take care of the children and Yuan Shanshan.

Not long after the child was born, the jet lag has not yet reversed. She often wakes up after a while's sleep, plays for a while, takes a dip, fills her stomach and continues to sleep. Therefore, Yuan Shanshan didn't sleep well all night. When it's half a day, we have to have a rest.

"Back to life, you're going to start a school in the future. I have to take you to meet someone. This guy also likes to stir up pills. His medical skills are still very good. If you have a chance in the future, you can communicate with each other." After a meal, a cigarette is better than a living immortal. Zhao Chengfeng takes a cigarette and rushes back to life.


Huisheng pondered for a while and said, "boss, I want to take out a sum of money from the kid. On the one hand, the school may use it. On the other hand, since I am in China, I also want to buy a house. Can't I live in your house every day?"

"What's wrong with that?" Zhao Chengfeng's voice suddenly raised a lot and said: "when you get to the capital, this is your home. Do you still need to buy a house outside? Are you being polite to me? "

In the end, Zhao Chengfeng is a little angry. Isn't that an outsider?

"Boss, don't you understand my temperament?" Huisheng said with a bitter smile: "I have no big pursuit in my life. When Qin Shihuang found the elixir of immortality, it's a pity that I didn't take it. I didn't live forever. As a doctor and a pharmacist, my dream may be a bit far away, even ridiculous, but I don't want to give up. You don't want me to fill your house with potions, do you

"This..." smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng a little hesitant.

"Boss, that's settled. I'm definitely going to live out."

Huisheng said with a smile: "boss, they all say that you are the head of the four heavenly kings in the capital. I'll leave it to you to find a house. I have no other requirements. Just be quiet."

"Huisheng, if you want to say that, I really have a place." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly flashed a place in his mind and said, "there used to be a manor in the capital called" Panjiayuan ". But later, because of some things, the old family turned it into Zhao Jiaban. What do you say about building a stage and promoting the Peking opera culture of China? You know, how can people understand Peking opera now? Occasionally someone goes to listen to it. It's also an old man in his sixties and seventies. It's a good place. I'll ask someone to pick it up for you, and you can move in. "

"That's good." Rebirth is full of answers.

"As for running a medical college, the big leaders have said that they will not let you pay for it. Of course, it's not convenient for you to return to the ordinary urban life now. There's a lot of money there, kid. Just spend it casually. Tell me if it's not enough." Zhao Chengfeng is never stingy with his brothers.

Money can't be compared with brothers who have lived and died for many years.

"Wait a minute!"

One side of Shangguan Yan'er, but suddenly frowned, interrupted: "Chengfeng, back to China, that day star village how to do? Pang Hu is the only one over there. "

"You don't have to worry about Tianxing stronghold." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said: "in a while, I'll transfer Pang Hu back. Let the company take photos of several people to guard. If we really have to worry about the safety of Tianxing village, we can set up a police station in Tianxing village. One is to guard against people's riots in Miaohe village, and the other is to protect everyone's safety. After all, there are all kinds of animals and birds in the 100000 mountains. "

On hearing this, Shangguan Yan'er frowned more tightly, and doubted: "why send the company to Tianxing village?"

"For profit, of course!"

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "although Tianxing village is old and backward, you should not forget the beautiful scenery of Tianxing village, with mountains, water and pleasant climate. It is definitely a good place for vacation."

"You're really in the eye of money." Shangguan Yan'er suddenly realized that she finally understood what Zhao Chengfeng was thinking. To put it bluntly, this guy regarded Tianxing village as his cornucopia.

"I'm not a person who loves money, but you know that you can't do without money." Zhao Chengfeng sighed: "if you want to raise so many people, you can't let everyone drink the wind from the west, can you? What's more, if we develop Tianxing village, even if we make money, it won't fall into my pocket. It's all owned by Tianxing village. "

"Well said!"

Shangguan Yan'er takes a look at Zhao Chengfeng. She can't help but feel funny, "because of the king Gu, now you are the leader of Tianxing stronghold. If money falls into Tianxing stronghold, isn't it yours?"

"Cough..." smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng also feel a little embarrassed, to say so, really can't refute.

"By the way, you've arranged for rebirth and Weiwei. What can I do?" Shangguan Yan'er suddenly looks at Zhao Chengfeng with some resentment. She is looking forward to it.

A couple of Bi people, but after all, they get together less and leave more, and finally get rid of all obstacles together, but there are too many women around him, Shangguan Yan'er's heart is more or less sour.

"Are you not going to find Lanxin?" Referring to Shangguan Lanxin, Zhao Chengfeng felt a pain in his heart, "I want to find her, but I think she will avoid me, but she will not avoid you."

"I will find her, I will!"

Shangguan Yan'er's eyes are full of firmness. If she can't find Shangguan Lanxin, even if Shangguan Yan'er is with Zhao Chengfeng day and night, she won't be happy. She always has a knot in her heart.

"Please do it." Zhao Chengfeng always feels that some of them owe Shangguan's two daughters. They pay too much for themselves, but they don't have much time to accompany them, and they can't even find them.

"It's my duty. What can you thank me for?" Shangguan Yan'er shakes her head, and then rushes back to life. She says two words and goes straight out of the old house of the Zhao family.

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