
The doctor's face turned red, white and blue. It was so ugly that I didn't want it.

"It's good to have a check, so that you can rest assured." But ye Zhuqing is more considerate. He said, of course, ye Zhuqing is not only considerate of doctors, but also for Wang Genshen's health. After all, Wang Genshen is eighty-eight years old.

"Oh, all right."

The doctor did not dare to see Zhao Chengfeng's face any more. He followed the two nurses to get busy. In less than half an hour, he got the result. Only when he saw the result, the doctor was confused again.

The results show that Wang Genshen does not have much trouble, just need a good rest, more conditioning can be cured, is cured!

"Mr. Wang, congratulations. You're OK. You'll be OK after two days' rest." The doctor came to a conclusion, but his heart was full of doubts, which was too strange.

When Wang Genshen was still in the hospital, the doctor knew that Wang Genshen didn't have much time to go through. He came to take care of Wang's family after a long walk. He cooperated with the hospital to establish a good relationship with Wang's family, that's all.

But now Wang Genshen is OK!

"Really? Is my grandfather OK? " Ye Zhuqing is overjoyed by the speech and grabs a glance at the checklist. However, ye Zhuqing can't understand what is written on it.

"Yes, Mr. Wang is out of danger now. Take a good rest and eat more light food. After a few days' rest, you can go down to the ground." The doctor is busy, but subconsciously glanced at the next Zhao Chengfeng, looking forward to Zhao Chengfeng never blind comparison.

What if he doesn't agree with himself?

"Thank you, Dr. ho. Thank you." Wang Gen deeply expressed his thanks to the doctor.

However, the doctor is embarrassed smile, eyes intentionally or unintentionally fell on Zhao Chengfeng, heart said: "thank me, what can be used? Thank you or thank this guy. "

"How do you feel, grandfather? Is there anything else wrong? " Ye Zhuqing is still more cautious, "do you want Chengfeng to help you have a look, have a look?"

"Ah, young man, it was you who saved me. I didn't expect that you could be a doctor." Smell speech, Wang Genshen some accident, how to see all don't think Zhao Chengfeng like a doctor, look more a touch of surprise.

"I know a little bit about Qihuang." Zhao Chengfeng smiles modestly.

In fact, where does Zhao Chengfeng know about medicine? It's just that I have been with Huisheng for a long time. Huisheng talks about medical affairs, and I hear a lot of them.

Moreover, Zhao Chengfeng is a strong man in ancient martial arts. He knows nothing about medicine and pharmacology, but he can still feel people's vitality and pulse. At this moment, Wang Genshen's body is full of vitality. He doesn't look like a dying man.

"Reincarnation is really powerful. If you take a black pill, it can bring the dying back to life for ordinary people. It can't disgrace the name of" reincarnation. " Zhao Chengfeng secretly praised a sentence in his heart. He was also happy to have such a brother in his heart. In the future, people around him will not have to worry about what they have to worry about. A pill can cure all kinds of diseases.

"Thank you, young man." Wang Genshen said with a smile thanks, actually he sat up from the bed.

Zhao Chengfeng was a little bit surprised. However, what made Zhao Chengfeng even more surprised was that Wang Genshen didn't seem to express his gratitude from the bottom of his heart. The thanks even meant perfunctory.

"It's nothing. It's just a little help." Although I don't know why Wang Genshen is indifferent to himself, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care who you love. This time he came to Tiannan city for ye Zhuqing, not for your grandfather.

"Housekeeper Liu, please go down to have tea and have a rest. I have something to say to Xiao Qing. Dr. he, you should step down for the time being." Wang Genshen said suddenly.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't understand, but he doesn't bother to ask. He is going out to wait for ye Zhuqing, but he doesn't want to. At this time, Wang Bingquan and Wang Bingjun come upstairs, but Wang Donglai, Wang Bingquan's son, is missing.

"Dad, you finally wake up, but I'm worried." As soon as Wang Bingquan entered the door, he did not have time to stare at Zhao Chengfeng, so he rushed to the bedside and cried so much that he was heartbroken.

Wang Bingjun, who was not slow behind him, rushed to the other side of the bed and squeezed ye Zhuqing, "Dad, you're OK. That's great. It seems that my prayers these days are still effective."

"What? Are you two brothers separated? " Wang Genshen glanced at them faintly, and a touch of ridicule appeared in the corner of his mouth.

It's ironic, but Wang Genshen's heart aches. Wang Genshen never dreamed that he had raised such a pair of sons and wanted to divide up his family property. At least he would wait until Lao Tzu was out of breath. What's the point of making noise before he's out of breath?

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Wang Bingquan's face turned red and denied: "how can our two brothers fight for property? Besides, we don't have to fight. Aren't we all from Lao Wang's family? "

"It's just that there's no need to fight. Isn't it normal for a son to inherit his father's career?" Wang Bingjun also followed the way, in the heart is also depressed do not want.

Just after Zhao Chengfeng and ye Zhuqing went upstairs, Wang Bingquan and Wang Bingjun were going to leave. But when they think about it, it's not good to leave like this. What if the old man gave the legacy to ye Zhuqing before he died? Or what if ye Zhuqing changed his will without permission?

After thinking about it, they decided to stay. Unexpectedly, Zhao Chengfeng saved Wang Genshen!

Wang Genshen is OK, which means that Wang Bingjun and Wang Bingquan's plan has failed. If the old man is OK, will he still divide the family property? Although I was not happy, I came upstairs. At this time, I had to show my loyalty.

But the two brothers did not expect that the old man had heard all those words before. It was not embarrassing for a moment.

"Oh, did I hear you wrong? Who was shouting downstairs just now Wang Gen deeply sneered.

Ye Zhuqing is also helpless to shake her head. She doesn't have any emotion in her eyes. In ye Zhuqing's opinion, Wang Bingquan and Wang Bingjun's brothers are not as good as animals. Do animals have to face?

Relatives, in the face of money and interests, look like a big joke. It's not as true as the enemy. At least the enemy won't be double faced. If you look at Wang Bingquan and his brothers again, ye Zhuqing feels cold and humiliated!

Ye Zhuqing would rather not recognize such a relative!

"This..." Wang Bingquan was embarrassed and wanted to explain.

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