"Big brother, did you take the wrong medicine..." Huang Wenhao was very puzzled. His big brother suddenly looked at Zhao Chengfeng with adoration, just like the little fan sister who was sick. He almost knelt down to Zhao Chengfeng.

It's not right. It's his enemy. He beat himself and his big brother.

"Shut up

Huang Wenbing looked back at his younger brother and scolded, "if you don't have anything, just stay aside. You don't have to worry about my affairs!"

"Big brother, you..." Huang Wenhao was shocked by the roar. It was the first time he roared at himself when he was growing up. How could Huang Wenhao not be shocked?

"Shut up

Huang Wenbing once again scolded: "I tell you, your fight today is not unjust at all. Do you know who the man in front of you is? He is the first soldier king of China. He has made great contributions to our country. Even if the leaders meet him in person, he will be a soldier. Don't say to hit you, even if it's a shot to you, it should be

"Ah, brother, Bing, Bing Wang, aren't you also Bing Wang?" Huang Wenhao was startled, and the cold sweat came up behind him. Unexpectedly, Zhao Chengfeng was also the king of soldiers.


Huang Wenbing glanced at the latter and said, "I'm just the king of our military region, but he's the model in the eyes of all our soldiers and the God of our army. Do you understand?"


This time, not only Huang Wenhao took a cold breath, but also Wang Donglai and Wang Genshen were surprised. Their eyes were staring at Zhao Chengfeng like a bell, and their faces were full of disbelief.

God, Zhao Chengfeng is such an ox man. He can't see it at all.

I knew that Zhao Chengfeng was so powerful that I shouldn't have done it so well. Did you know that Zhao Chengfeng was so powerful that you had to marry your granddaughter to the Huang family? And it's not flattering!

"It's a big loss!"

Wang Genshen's heart is dripping with blood, and his regret is incomparable.

Where is Zhao Chengfeng, where is woodlouse, and where is it kept by Ye Zhuqing, where will he take a look at the silver that he gives to himself, we must know that others are the hero of the country, and even a worthy hero of the Yellow army.

"It's over. I'll be dead this time!" Wang Donglai staggers back two steps. He doesn't dare to see ye Zhuqing and Zhao Chengfeng at all. His heart seems to fall into the ice cellar. It's cool.

Wang Donglai never dreamed that his cousin, who has never met before, not only has super ability to open a securities investment company, but also her men are so bullish. Now I want to come here. What I did before is just a clown.

This time it's iron.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhao!"

Huang Wenbing bowed his head directly to Zhao Chengfeng, "my younger brother's lax discipline has collided with you and your friends. I apologize for him. I hope you will ignore the villains and give him a chance to reform!"

"My God

Huang Wenbing's words just came out, and everyone was surprised again. Huang Wenhao, in particular, never dreamed that his eldest brother was so powerful that he had to bow his head to Zhao Chengfeng to admit his mistake. What's the way of this man?

"Even the Huang family have to apologize to him?" Wang Genshen's hand was shaking. He hated Wang Donglai at this time. If it wasn't for Wang Donglai's bewitching, would he let ye Zhuqing and Huang Wenhao go on a blind date?

I'm sorry!

"This... This..." manager Liu of Qingjiang hotel was also silly. He didn't see that a poor loser with five yuan and a bag of world show made Huang Wenbing apologize in public!

This is a fierce man!

Different from people's shock, ye Zhuqing and Jiangling are more proud at the moment, especially ye Zhuqing. When they look at Wang Genshen and Wang Donglai, their eyes seem to say - this is the man ye Zhuqing chose. Do you regret it now? Are you shaking?

"Wait a minute!"

Zhao Chengfeng frowned and asked Huang Wenbing, "do you know me? I don't think I've seen you before

"Mr. Zhao, of course you haven't met me, but it doesn't mean we don't know your story." Huang Wenbing saw that Zhao Chengfeng's anger seemed to decrease a little, and he was also relieved.

Huang Wenbing had never seen Zhao Chengfeng before, but in the barracks, almost every soldier can recite his story. Some soldiers may not be familiar with all weapons, but they can recite his story backwards.

At West Point, the work done on the African continent is enough to stir the world. Originally, these stories of Zhao Chengfeng could not be spread, but in order to inspire the soldiers, the leaders above spread them in the army, which can be regarded as an honor to Zhao Chengfeng. Of course, it is only spread in the military.

"A lot of us know about you, and our coach came back to tell us about you after he took part in the military region contest last year." Huang Wenbing explained.

"Oh, so it is!"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly realized that, in this way, it was easy to explain. Many people have seen Zhao Chengfeng in the Dabi of the military region, and it's normal to know that he is powerful.

"Well, that's it."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said to Huang Wenbing, "take care of your brother. Don't be too presumptuous. If you do this again next time, it may not be so easy."

Zhao Chengfeng originally wanted to teach Huang Wenhao a lesson. However, Huang Wenbing gave himself face in this way. He saluted and apologized. If he didn't smile, he had to forgive others. Zhao Chengfeng also believes that after he goes back, Huang Wenbing will definitely tell Huang Wenhao about his own affairs. Will Huang Wenhao have the courage to challenge himself then?

Unless he's really tired of living.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Zhao. But, Mr. Zhao, can you give me a chance to treat you to a meal, and I'll make an apology to you." Huang Wenbing said.

"To eat?"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "it's not necessary to eat, and I'm full. I want to go back and have a rest. You should withdraw early. "

"But..." Huang Wenbing was not very willing.

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and left with the two women. After two steps, he turned around and said, "another point is that the army belongs to the country and the people, not to your Huang family. If I want to see you arrogant and domineering in your military uniform in the future, don't blame my men for being merciless."


Huang Wenbing both legs together, rushed to Zhao Cheng and said, "next time, I will take off my uniform."

"Can you not take it off on your own initiative?" Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the latter, turned his head and left the restaurant. A man and three women went directly to the top floor suite of the hotel. There was no plane in the evening. The three decided to set out early tomorrow morning. There was no need to rush in the evening.

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