"It's also a wonderful flower in full bloom."

Looking at the smooth start of Land Rover and disappearing into the street, Zhao Chengfeng vomited a long breath. Li Ruo is pretty good. At least she doesn't step on the accelerator so hard. She controls the speed very well. She can clearly distinguish the accelerator from the brake. It's hard for female drivers.

"You are..."

However, just after cleaning the restaurant, Zhao Chengfeng prepared some scallion and garlic for the kitchen. When he lit a cigarette to have a rest, a little fat man appeared at the door.

It's not tall. It's only 1.65 meters tall, but it's a huge tonnage. It's estimated conservatively that it's 1.78 kilograms, and the chubby one looks very happy.

"Who are you? Why are you here, Sister Li? " The little fat man looked at Zhao Chengfeng with a confused face. His eyes were a little alert. He thought that Zhao Chengfeng was the thief who came out.

Students don't look like students. They look a little suspicious.

"Didn't Li Ruo tell you?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised and said, "I'm her friend. I'm here to watch the door for her. By the way, you're the chef xiaopang. Li Ruo told me about you. You should have arrived at this point."

"Oh, I was helping to watch the shop." Xiao Pang clapped his head and said with an apologetic smile: "I'm really sorry. When Sister Li called me, I was in class. I answered casually and didn't care, so I forgot."

"Are you still in class? Isn't it a special chef? " Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was a bit surprised.

"A special chef?"

Xiao Pang shook his head, took the cigarette from Zhao Chengfeng, but he didn't dislike it. He lit it up and took a puff. He said slowly, "I'm not a special cook. I'm a student. I'm just a part-time job."

"More than 50% of the vendors in this street are students, and 100% of the waiters in the stores are students." Xiao Pang then said: "the school is not strict in this aspect. As long as you are willing to work and study, do some part-time jobs, the school agrees. As long as the exam results are not particularly poor, the students will graduate smoothly."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng straight nod, agree.

The examination results are a bunch of meaningless figures. We have to say that the education in China is relatively rigid. In terms of examination ability, the students in China are absolutely the world's "what do you say?" Zhao Chengfeng is puzzled.


The little fat man sighed: "my family is poor. After I finished my freshman year, I have no money to pay for my tuition. Sister Li understood my situation and paid all my tuition for one year without saying a word. She packed all my lunch and dinner every day. Not only that, she also gave me 1000 yuan of pocket money every month. Sister Li is my benefactor. "

"I see." Zhao Chengfeng can't help but feel moved. He always thinks that the country is developing well. But Huaxia is too big. There are always some remote mountainous areas with no economic source.

"Since Li Ruo has offered you an opportunity, you should go to school well and try to graduate early. After graduation, be filial to your family. It's not easy for them to raise you. " Zhao Chengfeng comforted, but he thought about how to give some help to poor college students.

The situation of little fat man is absolutely not a few. There must be some people who are poorer than him. He was lucky. He met Li Ruo, but not everyone was so lucky. Were they forced to give up their studies?

As I said before, academic performance is useless, but in real job hunting, the first thing people want to ask is what major and education you have. Other interviewers are all key undergraduates. Do you want to interview as a technical secondary school student? This kind of inferiority comes from the bottom of my heart.


The little fat man nodded, took a puff of his cigarette and said, "thanks to elder sister Li, I've saved some money now. Later, I'm going to return part of the money to elder sister Li first. I'll call back all the rest to my family."

"Oh, by the way, what's your major? Isn't it the waiter that Sister Li just recruited? " The little fat man suddenly asked, still very curious about Zhao Chengfeng.

The little fat man didn't mean to look down on Zhao Chengfeng, but when he looked at Zhao Chengfeng's clothes and the cigarettes he smoked, he knew that life was not easy either, so he asked.


Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a smile and said, "I'm not a waiter. I'm just Li ruo's friend. Li Ruo and Muxi have gone out to play, so I'll help take care of them here. I'll start business for you later."

"School flowers are back?" On hearing this, the little fat man slapped himself again, "Hey, look at my memory, those guys in the dormitory were crazy last night, saying that our school flower has come back, not only the school flower has come back, but also the school flower has brought a boyfriend, and she also kisses her boyfriend in public downstairs. Ah, I don't know which guy is so lucky. It's a pity that he took our school flowers away! "


Zhao Chengfeng coughed unnaturally for two times, and said, "I can't say that. How can I call him Guai run away? They are in love. You love what I want to do. "

"What do you want?"

The little fat man said with a black face: "I've heard from my classmates in the dormitory that Xia Muxi's boyfriend is extremely ugly. How can it be that you love me?"

"I'm so ugly

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng turned green and asked, "am I that ugly?"

"You are not ugly... Ah, you, you, you are Xia Muxi's boyfriend?" The little fat man suddenly came back to himself and stared at Zhao Chengfeng strangely. He faltered and said, "you, are you her boyfriend?"

"Don't I look like her boyfriend?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again. He touched his face by the way. He was not depressed. Grandma, brother Feng was so handsome that he said I was extremely ugly. These guys really have no eyes.

The little fat man shook his head and said sincerely, "it's not like that."

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