"Rent increase? Do you think I'm two dollars short? " Smell speech, Wang Fen sneer unceasingly, on the face takes one to put on does not approve of sarcasm smile.

Wang Fen is the first relocated household in the first people's University of Jiangzhou city. He has not only shops, but also more than ten houses. He also has two hotels in the next street. He doesn't have to do anything every year. At least he has a net income of more than two million yuan!

What's the annual rent of a small restaurant? Does Wang Fen care? I don't care at all.

"Then why do you want me to move? Even if you want me to move, you have to give me a reason." Li Ruo angrily clenched his fist and felt very depressed.

As a student, Li Ruo is very successful. At least he has good academic performance and makes a lot of money. But this feeling of being bullied is really uncomfortable. What did he do wrong?

"Why? I'll tell you why now. "

Swagger before others, Ouyang was as like as two peas in the past. He followed several of his attendee, and he was very aggressive.

"Ouyang Mengmeng, is that you?" In an instant, Li Ruo thought of a lot.

Li Ruo is not an idiot, just a little brain rotation, you can think of - Ouyang Mengmeng is in revenge, not only in revenge himself, but also in revenge Xia Muxi and Zhao Chengfeng!

When we first met, Li Ruo never expected that Zhao Chengfeng was so powerful that Sima shangyun was not his opponent in basketball; Taekwondo is still not Zhao Chengfeng's opponent.

According to witnesses at the scene, Zhao Chengfeng immediately said to his boss that it was pure rolling, according to the rhythm of friction on the ground. Let Sima shangyun even lost his life, and it is said that Zhao Chengfeng has a good relationship with the founder of Taekwondo.

Ouyang Mengmeng likes Sima shangyun so much that he obviously comes to find a place for Sima shangyun. With Ouyang Mengmeng's ability, it is not difficult for Wang Fen to break the contract.

"Yes, it's me. What's the matter? Are you upset? " Ouyang Mengmeng snorted coldly. Looking at Li ruo's anger, the irony on Ouyang Mengmeng's face became more intense.

Ouyang Mengmeng knows very well that there is no problem that money can't solve in this world. If there is, it is not enough money. Isn't that what Wang Fen is like?


Li Ruo gnashes her teeth in hatred, but she has nothing to do with Ouyang Mengmeng. Xia Muxi has Zhao Chengfeng, but Li Ruo doesn't, and Li Ruo doesn't want to trouble Zhao Chengfeng.

"I can't hear you." Ouyang Mengmeng was not angry at all. His smile was more brilliant. Instead, he said, "you'd better move it quickly. Don't let people smash the pots and pans for a while. How inappropriate that is."


Li Ruo was so angry that he wanted to slap the latter to death. He was too shameless. Typical bullying, relying on a little money will be lawless, really shameful!

"What are you doing? Don't talk so much nonsense. Move quickly. If you don't move, will you believe me to smash all the things in your shop? " Wang Fen sneered at this time. In front of Miss Ouyang, she naturally wanted to show it.

Wang Fen is very clear in his heart. If it wasn't for Ouyang's help, how could he get so much money for demolition?

"Why don't you try one?"

Just when Li Ruo was helpless, a man and a woman came to the crowd. The man's voice was very familiar, which made Ouyang's teeth itch.

Yes, it's Zhao Chengfeng!

Zhao Chengfeng pushes away the crowd and walks in. He takes a glance at Ouyang Mengmeng. His eyes are suddenly cold. For Ouyang Mengmeng, Zhao Chengfeng seems to have no patience. It's true that Ouyang Mengmeng has a good skin bag and a good family background.

But this man's mind is not very good, even a little vicious. As the saying goes, "injustice has its head, debt has its owner." you can hate me, Zhao Chengfeng, or even deal with me. It doesn't matter. But what do you implicate in Li? They do a good job in business, but they can't compare with you Ouyang family. Isn't that a clear bullying?

Zhao Chengfeng in this life is the most despised bullying, but who want to bully, Zhao Chengfeng will never agree.

"Who are you? Why do you... "Wang Fen saw someone refuting him, and immediately frowned, and put his hands on his waist. He looked like he was going to fight with Zhao Chengfeng.

"Chen Shaolong, what are you doing? Throw her into the puddle Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to fight with a woman, so he shouts at Chen Shaolong.

On hearing this, Chen Shaolong was startled and hesitated: "this..."

"If something goes wrong, I'll take it!" Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care. His face is gloomy and frightening.

At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng didn't plan to compete with several students. He didn't think it was necessary, as long as Xia Muxi had a good time in school. However, now it seems that he can't do without rough work. Some people like to bully the soft and fear the hard. If they have some ability, they will forget themselves.

"Yes When Chen Shaolong heard this, he was still in a daze? A wave, two or three brothers start together, lift up Wang Fen to throw in the canal beside.

"What are you doing? You... "


However, before Wang Fen finished his sentence, he had already fallen into the canal. The canal was not deep, and it was only one meter deep. After the splash, Wang Fen struggled twice and stood up.

"You, you, I want to call the police, I want to call the police!" Wang Fen angrily felt out the phone, but the phone has been scrapped.

"Again, I'll let you stay in it all your life. Do you believe it?" Chen Shaolong roars fiercely. With Zhao Chengfeng's support, Chen Shaolong's courage is stronger.

Before, a younger brother said that Li ruo's small restaurant was in trouble, so Chen Shaolong brought people to the restaurant. He didn't know that when he came to the scene, he couldn't help. Wang Fen really had a small background. There was something to do with the Bureau. He really wanted to get in and stay for a few days. What a bad luck.

Therefore, Chen Shaolong has been watching, and has no intention of starting.

However, with Zhao Chengfeng's words, everything is different.

"The next time someone comes here to act wild, just throw it in!" Zhao Chengfeng hums coldly that he is not particularly satisfied with Chen Shaolong's performance.

What a waste! What's more, people who call themselves underworld really lose the face of underworld. Do underworld people have such cowardice?

"Yes." Chen Shaolong answered and stood aside, not daring to make a sound.

Zhao Chengfeng ignored Wang Fen and Chen Shaolong. He just stared at Ouyang Mengmeng coldly and said, "come on, how do you want to play this time? I'll play with you! "

"I'm not interested in playing with you." Ouyang Mengmeng is also scared by Zhao Chengfeng's ruthlessness. It's a bit crazy for such a big man to say that he will throw it away“ I'm here just for a gamble, a gamble you haven't finished with Sima shangyun. "

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