"This woman is really annoying." Zhao Chengfeng swept an eye, eyebrow subconsciously twisted up, blunt summer Mu Xi Nunu mouth way: "take it, listen to her how to say."

Xia Muxi's eyebrows slightly frowned and picked up the phone. She was in a good mood to see Zhao Chengfeng safe and sound. At the moment of receiving Ouyang Mengmeng's phone call, she disappeared without a trace.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Xia Mu Xi takes a deep breath and asks coldly.

In the past, Xia Muxi endured again and again, but this time, Xia Muxi decided not to. Not only for Zhao Chengfeng, but also for himself. Some people blindly tolerate, he also think you bully, it's time to fight back, the old saying is not often said that the rabbit is anxious to bite?

"Oh, it's very angry." There was a quick sneer from Ouyang Mengmeng on the other side of the phone. "I didn't answer the phone for a long time. I thought you were afraid to run away."

"What's the matter? I don't have time to talk to you." Xia Muxi's voice is not loud, but it's very cold.

"It's nothing, just to make you move faster. There's still half an hour before the time I agreed with your man. If he loses, you two have to get out of Jiangzhou City, or I'll buy the tickets for you in advance, ha ha..." Ouyang Mengmeng laughed wildly and immediately hung up.


Looking at the phone being hung up, Xia Muxi's silver teeth cackled and rang. At a certain moment, she suddenly hated the rich second generation like Ouyang Mengmeng. It's not too much to say that she was rich.

Money is a good thing. You can't bully people with money. Why do you have to get out of this city without money? Did you buy the city? Or did you build it?

How arrogant!

"Don't be angry. What a big deal. Let's go." Zhao Chengfeng pulls the woman with a relaxed and calm face.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't need to know the meaning of Ouyang Mengmeng's call. He tossed about in the police station. Now it's after lunch. It's estimated that Ouyang Mengmeng has been waiting in the bank for a long time.

On the other hand, I also want to see Xia Muxi's jokes. I think I'm still trapped in the police station. To put it bluntly, Wang Fen's stubble is the result of Ouyang's insistence on finding trouble for Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi.

"Chief, are you in any trouble and need us to mediate?" Gao Yunlong, who was behind him, ran after him and asked.

Gao Yunlong is a soldier with ideals, and he also dreams that he will be like Zhao Chengfeng one day. Although the task this time is a little tricky, it will offend some people in Jiangzhou City, but as long as Zhao Chengfeng is involved, his future is limitless.


Zhao Chengfeng couldn't see Gao Yunlong's plan. He stood still and said, "the army is used to protect the country, not my personal. You don't have to worry about my affairs. Just finish the tasks I arranged."


Hearing this, Gao Yunlong was disappointed, but he stood at attention with a serious face.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded and turned out of the police station.

"What kind of wind? Oh, Chengfeng, what are you doing? Why do soldiers salute you? " While driving, Li Ruo peeps through the rearview mirror at Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi in the back seat.

If it was in the past, Li Ruo really didn't think that Zhao Chengfeng was brilliant. But now, Li Ruo completely subverts his first judgment. Where is Zhao Chengfeng's loser? Juebi is a dragon hidden in the marketplace.

The money to wear rags, this is called forced to pretend; It's low-key to have the ability to fight gangsters; But quietly became a head of the head of the mouth, it is absolutely forced to pass the day of people.

Although Li Ruo is not clear about some titles in the army, he also knows the weight of the word "chief". Take a look at our anti Japanese War TV dramas. Which of those chief is not a white haired ox? Look at Zhao Chengfeng. How old is he.

"Li Ruo, what a memory you have." Xia Muxi complained: "it's so hard to remember a person's name. Are you thinking about making money in your mind?"

Li Ruo was embarrassed and said, "cough, I'm sorry, brother Feng. I really don't have a good memory."

"It's OK. I'm used to it." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand indifferently.

"Brother Feng, what are you doing? How can they let you go? I heard that Huang Fei is Wang Fen's cousin. How can they let you go if you beat Wang Fen so badly?" Li Ruo had a series of questions in his mind, "by the way, how did you become the chief?"

Not only Li Ruo is curious, but also Xia Muxi looks at Zhao Chengfeng with a puzzled face. However, Xia Muxi does not ask, because Xia Muxi is an extremely intelligent woman.

If a man is willing to tell you, even if you don't ask, he will say it; If he doesn't want to talk, it's useless to ask. On the contrary, there will be estrangement between them.

"In fact, I didn't do anything. I just spent some time in the army and made some achievements, that's all." Zhao Chengfeng half true and half false reply, not believe Li Ruo, just some words too much, afraid to frighten her instead.

Li Ruo is just an ordinary person after all. Some things are involved too much and hurt more deeply.

"Bluff, how old are you? Even if you start to be a soldier from your mother's womb, you can only survive for 20 years. In 20 years, you are entitled to be honored as the 'chief' Sure enough, Li Ruo didn't believe it.

"Oh, liruo, what do you mean?" Summer wood Xi white Li if one eye, complain a way: "answer a question for you, you don't believe, what do you really want to do you?"

"It's not that I don't believe it. It's just incredible. Am I right?" Li Ruo retorted: "not a few years older than us, you will become the chief. Do you think it is possible? Look at those generals on TV. Which one is not bearded? How can there be such a young man? "

"Don't you allow Chengfeng to have the ability to be promoted out of the ordinary?" Xia Muxi pouts her little mouth and argues that if she doesn't defend her man, who will defend her?

"Well, you're so beautiful, you're right about everything!" Li Ruo repeatedly begged for mercy, but instead of arguing with Xia Muxi, he sighed: "ah, the old saying is right."

"What's that?" Xia Mu is puzzled.

Li Ruo said solemnly, "the water splashed by the married daughter."

"Dead girl, you dare to take advantage of me, you are so hateful." Summer wood Xi smell speech, anger is in a daze, if not Li Ruo is driving, really want to pinch her.

"But it's good to have a man who cares about you and can protect you. I'm relieved." Li Ruo continues to pretend to be deep.

Xia Muxi is very angry, but he has nothing to do with Li Ruo. Zhao Chengfeng sits behind him and laughs, leaving them to play.

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