"President he, it's better to announce the result as soon as possible. Don't delay the busy people in front of us." Ouyang Mengmeng seizes the opportunity to satirize Zhao Chengfeng and his party. He hates the three people to the bone and can't wait to drive them away. He doesn't want to see them in his life.

He Wenbing nodded and said, "OK, I'll announce it. I won't read the odd. It's too time-consuming."

Zhao Chengfeng noncommittal smile, also lazy to pay attention to he Wenbing.

"Miss Ouyang has 150 million bank cards; There are 3.82 billion on Mr. Ouyang's card; Mr. Sima's card has a total of 3.23 billion yuan, which adds up to 7.2 billion yuan. Well, yes, it's 7.2 billion yuan. " He Wenbing pretended to confirm that he wanted to scare Zhao Chengfeng and let you know what a rich man is.

In fact, he Wenbing's method is very effective. Li Ruo and Xia Muxi are both stunned. They are 7.2 billion. How much money do they have to save?

"Ha ha, now I know I'm afraid. It's too late to admit defeat." Ouyang Mengmeng has a panoramic view of the expressions of Xia Muxi and Li Ruo, and his face is filled with the smile of the winner.

This time, Li Ruo and Xia Muxi are silent. They have to say that if they have no money, they are not tough.

"It's said that your chest is big and brainless, and your chest is not big. How can I feel that you talk like constipation? As for that Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes around and directly choked Ouyang Mengmeng.


Ouyang Mengmeng is almost mad. This guy's speech is too vulgar. Why does he say he has a small chest? He is a D cup, oh no, why does he say he has no brain? If you don't have a brain, how can you get into the best university in Jiangzhou?

"Don't you, my, chirping incessantly, will let people think you are a shrew, will let others think you have no tutor." Zhao Chengfeng once again took it back.

This time, not only Ouyang is not happy, but also Ouyang Zhentian is angry. He is paralyzed and has no tutor. Doesn't that mean that his Ouyang family has no family tradition?

"Don't go too far, smelly boy. How did my Ouyang family provoke you? Don't blame me for being rude to you Ouyang Zhentian looks angry and his brows stand up.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't think so. Instead, he asked, "have you ever been polite to the three of us?"

"You Ouyang Zhentian's nose is crooked, but he can't find any words to refute it.

"Brother Ouyang, what are you talking to him about? Is it necessary?"

At this time, Sima Zhengping stopped Ouyang Zhentian and advised him: "after a while, take out the bank card and have a look. Don't you know everything? If you rise to be the king and the loser is the bandit, the one who loses will leave Jiangzhou city. We'll be out of sight and out of mind in the future. "


Ouyang Mengmeng also nodded: "the winner is the king, the loser is the bandit, our time is also very precious, take out your bank card, if you dare not compare, please leave here immediately, leave Jiangzhou City, never appear in front of us."

"Well, whoever loses will get out of Jiangzhou city!"

Suddenly, as soon as Zhao Chengfeng's momentum rose, he took out a dark card from his pocket. It was hard to see anything on the card. Only when he looked carefully, could he find that there were two words "Yuntong" on the front of the card.

"Check it out. The code is six eights." Zhao Chengfeng throws it directly to he Wenbing.

He Wenbing took the bank card, touched it carefully and looked at it. The smile on his face suddenly solidified.

"Cut, really can pretend force!"

Ouyang glanced at the black card in he Wenbing's hand and said with a sneer, "I've never seen this kind of bank card before. It's very enlightening. However, can you be a little more reliable when you're forced? At least you can get a platinum card, even a general gold card."


Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head. He looks like he doesn't want to talk to Ouyang Mengmeng. He argues with a person who has no insight. In this way, he will appear vulgar.

"Yes, I've seen it for a long time today. The black bank card is very interesting." Ouyang Zhentian also began to laugh, with a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

"We are old guys. We don't know the fashion of young people. What if they want to be independent?" Sima Zhengping also laughed, heart said, let you kid pretend, pretend, now all show the fillings.

With the taunt of the three, the faces of Xia Muxi and Li Ruo became more ugly, because they had never seen a black bank card.

"Uncle he, you go to check it. We are still waiting." Ouyang Mengmeng can't wait to see Zhao Chengfeng's defeat, and urges him to do so.

However, he Wenbing didn't move. He just carefully examined the black card in his hand, and his expression became more dignified.

"President he, go quickly. We are still in a hurry." Sima Zhengping also followed the urging way, the heart said when, also grinding chirp, why ah, this is?

"Yes, Lao he, it doesn't matter to delay our own time, but they are busy people, I'm afraid they don't have time to chat with us." Ouyang Zhentian also followed suit, but his strength disappeared.

Finally out of a vicious ah!

"Are you sure you want to inquire?" However, he Wenbing did not immediately go to inquire. Instead, he looked at Ouyang Zhentian three people with a dignified look. When his eyes fell on Zhao Chengfeng, he had deep fear and panic.


Without waiting for Ouyang Zhentian and Sima Zhengping to speak, Ouyang Mengmeng said, "if you don't inquire, how can you make him lose?"

"Yes, we have to find out, or where should we put our Ouyang family's face?" Ouyang Zhentian also followed the way, did not find he Wenbing look strange, chest at this moment was completely filled with anger.

Ouyang Zhentian just want to make Zhao Chengfeng three face down!

"What do you mean, Xiao He?" Sima Zhengping is aware of something wrong, subconsciously asked.

He Wenbing looked at Zhao Chengfeng and took a deep breath: "this is really a bank card..."

"Is this a bank card? Uncle he, you didn't take the wrong medicine. How can this be a bank card? " Ouyang was puzzled and even a little angry. He felt that he Wenbing was not very reliable at the critical moment.

"The bank card is just the bank card. Just take it and check it. Where can I get so much nonsense?" Not only Ouyang is not happy, but also Ouyang Zhentian is angry.

However, he Wenbing still didn't move and asked: "Mr. Ouyang, this is the black card of express. It's definitely not an ordinary bank card. Are you sure you want to inquire?"

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