"Mr. Ouyang, do you really want to announce the result? Either, or you'd better admit defeat. " When he Wenbing looked at Ouyang Zhentian, he really didn't want to read out the specific figures. It was too shocking. Just a series of zeros could make the number of people climax.

"Announce, die also want to let me die to understand!" Ouyang Zhentian grits his teeth.

He Wenbing shook his head slightly, picked up the paper and looked at it. Then he handed it to Ouyang Zhentian and said, "Mr. Ouyang, you'd better see for yourself."

Ouyang Zhentian Leng Leng, took a page of A4 paper, one side of Sima Zhengping also to gather together, even Ouyang Mengmeng is not reconciled to stand up, three pairs of eyes staring at the past.

"Ah, so many..." Sima Zhengping exclaimed.

"I lost..."

Ouyang Mengmeng sat on the ground, lost.

"We lost!"

Ouyang Zhentian gave the A4 paper to he Wenbing and said to Zhao Cheng, "from today on, you will never see my daughter again in Jiangzhou city. Not only that, my Ouyang family will leave Jiangzhou city in a month."

"Well." Zhao Chengfeng nodded noncommittally, took the black card and installed it. His eyes fell on Sima Zhengping and asked, "don't you want to clean me up and avenge your son? Let's talk about it. Let's use all the other tricks. Today is a good day. Let's settle all the grudges together. "

"You win, I lose!"

Sima Zhengping said with a black face: "from now on, our Sima family will not be enemies with you any more. From now on, where you are, our Sima family will retreat!"

Now Sima Zhengping has to admit, who let his previous bull force blow too much?

"That's about the same." Zhao Chengfeng nodded with satisfaction, stood up and said: "let's go, let's find a place to eat. After sitting for a long time, if we don't take snacks for me, we can't even pour a glass of water. What broken bank will go bankrupt sooner or later!"


When he Wenbing heard this, he suddenly turned pale. It is obvious that Zhao Chengfeng is not satisfied with himself. It is easy for him to attack Jiangzhou bank with his strength.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry, I..." he Wenbing apologized.

Just at this time, more money came out after going to the toilet for a long time.

"Mr. Zhao, is that you?" As soon as Qian duo came in, he saw Zhao Chengfeng. He didn't know anyone else. Even some government officials, Qian duo could turn a blind eye to him. After all, Qian duo's wealth has accumulated to an appalling level.

But Zhao Chengfeng is a must, because Zhao Chengfeng was not only the enemy of Qian duo, but also the Savior of Qian duo. Without Zhao Chengfeng, Qian duo would have gone bankrupt and been killed.

"Are you fat money?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little confused. After a careful review, he had a little impression.

Qian duo nodded and said, "yes, that's me. Qian Pang, Qian duo."

"You're a lot fatter than you used to be. You're living a good life." Zhao Chengfeng laughed and joked.

This Qian Pang is still very good. He is a cruel man. At that time, in order to help Qian Pang, Zhao Chengfeng asked for half of Qian Pang's property, but Qian Pang agreed.

Facts have proved that Qian pangzi is very capable. Taking advantage of the vigorous development of the real estate industry in China, he made a lot of money. When Chen Shuxian set up the foundation, Qian pangzi donated 100 million yuan directly. On this point, Qian pangzi is an entrepreneur with conscience.

"Mr. Zhao, what are you doing here? Now that we've met, you've got to treat me. I've got to treat you to dinner. " Money fat even busy way, pull Zhao Chengfeng don't let go.

In the eyes of Ouyang Mengmeng and others, this scene is more of a shock. Fools can see that Ouyang Zhentian and Sima Zhengping have a lot of money as guests. In front of Zhao Chengfeng, that's the existence of a younger brother.

This time, I totally lost my eye. Zhao Chengfeng's local loser is a dragon crossing the river. It's not that they are arrogant, but that they have arrogant capital.

"Oh, isn't there anyone who wants to compare with me for more money? I can't get rid of it, so I came here. " Zhao Chengfeng said lightly.

However, this sentence fell into Qian Duoduo's ears, and Qian Duoduo understood it all at once. Before his feelings, the "smelly boy" and "poor loser" of Ouyang Zhentian and other people said it was Zhao Chengfeng.

Qian duodang immediately turned back and said to Ouyang Zhentian and Sima Zheng: "Mr. Ouyang, Mr. Sima, the cooperation between our company and you has been cancelled. From now on, Qianlong group will not have any cooperation with you."


Ouyang Zhentian's face was as white as a piece of paper. His body was shaking. It seemed that he was more than ten years old. If the real estate industry has lost the support of Qianlong group, it will be doomed. Don't even think about it.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry, I didn't know the grudge between you before, so..." in front of Zhao Chengfeng, there was more money and no airs, but it was clean and neat, and he bowed his head to admit his mistake.

"Oh, no!"

Zhao Chengfeng lightly waved his hand and said with a smile: "those who don't know are innocent."

"How about asking Mr. Zhao to give me a chance to atone for my sins and let's have a meal together?" Qian duoshun said.

"Well, then." After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng answers.

Qian Duo is a reliable friend. Although he has offended Zhao Chengfeng in the past, he has a good attitude to admit his mistakes. What's more, Qianlong group has become bigger and bigger these years. What if there is a place in need in the future?

Most importantly, if Li is a native of Sichuan Province, with more money, it will be easier for him to enter business in the future. As for Xia Muxi, he doesn't need much money to help.

"Mr. Zhao, please!"

A few people left Jiangzhou bank, only Ouyang Zhentian and others left in the VIP room. Look at me, I see you, just like eggplant, without any spirit.

"Dad, do I really want to leave Jiangzhou city? I, I'm not reconciled. " Ouyang Mengmeng cried, and the two lines of clear tears fell silently, which was very touching.

Ouyang Zhentian shook his head and said nothing.

"Let's all go back. This time we've been completely ruined." Sima Zhengping is also a face of depression, heart wow cool wow cool, cry can not find a place.

"Didi... Didi..."

However, at this time, Sima Zhengping's mobile phone rang. Sima Zhengping looked at the caller ID and picked it up. After listening to only two sentences, his face turned black.

"What? How can people disappear? What's your hospital for? "

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