"I'll go, jealous women are terrible!"

Looking at the phone being hung up, Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head.

"Chengfeng, what are you doing?" At this time, Xia Muxi came running with a smile on her face.

"No, nothing. What's the matter? So happy to laugh. " Zhao Chengfeng quickly put the phone into his pocket for fear that Xia Muxi would be jealous and angry, which would be troublesome.

Xia Muxi didn't notice the difference of Zhao Chengfeng and said excitedly: "of course I'm happy, Chengfeng, do you know? Now all the shops on this side are owned by Li Ruo. She finally doesn't have to worry about the appearance. "

"Yes? That's really good news. " Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, but he didn't feel strange.

Most of it was Gao Yunlong who played a role and exerted a lot of pressure. Then Wang Fen let go and took the initiative to transfer the shop to Li ruo's name. Although it was a bit bullying, it was better than Wang Fen, who was not benevolent but rich.

"Yes, it's good news to celebrate." Xia Muxi said happily, "Li Ruo said that today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, we will provide free meals for three consecutive days. Let's go and help, or they will be very busy later."

"I'll go. It's crazy. Let's go. Let's help." Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised, but he decided to help.

"Didi... Didi..."

However, after Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi had just taken two steps, the phone in Zhao Chengfeng's pocket rang again.

"Muxi, why don't you get busy first? I'll answer the phone first." Zhao Chengfeng looks at the caller ID and signals Xia Muxi to go first.

Xia Muxi didn't think much about it and left bouncing away.

"Hello, Yan'er, what's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng answers the phone and keeps his voice down. He thinks that Tang Wei has just told Shangguan Yan'er that he is with Xia Muxi. Now Shangguan Yan'er calls to ask for help.

"Something happened to Hua Xiaobao!"

Who knows, Shangguan Yan'er is on the other end of the phone and says: "Hua Xiaobao was hurt in Baiyun Mountain."

"Well? How is that possible? "

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng's eyebrows suddenly twisted up, the complexion also becomes particularly dignified, flower Xiaobao was hurt? That's weird. You know, Hua Xiaobao's strength is no less than that of rosefinch. How can he be hurt?

"It's true

Shangguan Yan'er said in a deep voice: "three days ago, there was an avalanche in Baiyun Mountain. Hua Xiaobao asked me to go to Baiyun Mountain to have a look. He said that Baiyun Mountain is the entrance of the inner gate. As soon as I thought you were going to enter the inner gate, I asked Hua Xiaobao to go and have a look. Who knows, just a few minutes ago, I got the news that Hua Xiaobao was injured. What should I do?"

"So there are experts in Baiyun Mountain?" Zhao Chengfeng's brows are even tighter. Shangguan Yan'er doesn't know about the avalanche in Baiyun Mountain if she doesn't call. It seems like a natural disaster, but it's actually energy fluctuation.

For example, for human beings, the wind from an electric fan removes heat, but for ants, the wind from an electric fan is like a hurricane, which can blow them away.

Avalanche is also a natural disaster for ordinary people, but in Zhao Chengfeng's view, avalanche is energy fluctuation, which is most likely due to the release of super strong energy through the passage into the inner door. So Hua Xiaobao rushed to check it. He didn't know he was hurt.

"That's for sure. Hua Xiaobao just talked to me on the phone and said that he was from the inner door. Let's be careful." Shangguan Yan'er's voice is very dignified.

"The man of the inner door?"

Zhao Chengfeng frowned so tightly that his brow stretched out and asked, "what's the situation with Hua Xiaobao now? There's no life in danger, is there? "

"There is no danger of life for the time being." Shangguan Yan'er said: "before I call you, I have contacted panghu and Huisheng, and asked panghu to bring Hua Xiaobao back for treatment."


Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "I'll leave for Baiyun Mountain right away. You can call Pang Hu later and ask him not to act rashly or try to be brave when he gets to Baiyun Mountain. I'll talk about everything when I get there."

"OK, I'll contact Pang Hu. Chengfeng, you have to pay attention to safety. There are a lot of people in the inner door. " Shangguan Yan'er's tone is dignified and full of worry.

"Don't worry, you can't die!" Zhao Chengfeng light way, in the heart is a way: "even if the enemy is strong again, also must go, own brothers are bullied, do you want to be a turtle?"

"Don't die, can't you say something nice?" Shangguan Yan'er complains.

"Well, well, this trip will be safe and smooth." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

"Glib." Shangguan Yan'er doesn't have a good way, and immediately puts down the phone.

Zhao Chengfeng looks at the busy restaurant in the distance and Xia Muxi's slim figure. His heart suddenly surges with infinite guilt. Last night he said he would accompany the woman well, but he didn't expect to leave now.

"Muxi, I'm sorry. I, i... I'm leaving right now." Zhao Chengfeng finds Xia Muxi and tells him the truth.

Sure enough, the excitement and happiness on Xia Muxi's face disappeared in an instant. However, Xia Muxi still said: "Chengfeng, if you have something to do, you can go by yourself. Leave me alone. I'll be fine."

"Muxi, I'm sorry!"

Zhao Chengfeng apologized and said: "I want to accompany you all the time, but fate makes people. I have too many things to accompany you all the time, so..."

"Are you stupid? Do you need to say "I'm sorry" between you and me? " Xia Muxi interrupted Zhao Chengfeng and said, "as long as you have me in your heart, no matter where you are, no matter whether you accompany me or not, I will be very happy."

"I'll come back and see. You wait for me!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't say anything else. He just gave the woman a sweet and affectionate kiss and turned to leave.

At the moment when Zhao Chengfeng turns around, Xia Muxi's tears can no longer help falling down. Her heart seems to have been emptied. All her happiness disappears in an instant, but Xia Muxi doesn't cry.

"Chengfeng, you must pay attention to safety. I will always be here for you. No, I will always be here for you." Summer wood Xi in the heart secretly way, wiped the tears of canthus, until Zhao Chengfeng car left, this just turned back into the small restaurant.

Life is more than love, there are many things to do. In fact, the bitter miss is not a part of love? If there is no long yearning and expectation, how can there be sweetness when we get together?

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