
Ouyang Hu had a red face and felt humiliated.

"Go to hell!"

In a rage, Ouyang Hu raises his foot and kicks Zhao Chengfeng's head. If he does, he will be seriously injured.


However, Zhao Chengfeng's head and neck were slightly deviated. He strode forward, and his shoulder went up.


Ouyang Hu only felt a strong attack, the whole person completely out of his control, straight out, hit the stone table heavily, the stone table fell apart.

"Ah? This, so powerful? " Ouyang Zhentian's eyes were staring straight, and he almost didn't pee.


Ouyang long was shocked and indignant. He rushed to Zhao Chengfeng in an instant. It was obvious that Ouyang Long's strength was stronger. The moment he raised his hand, his strength was gone.


Ouyang Long's fists are not powerful and can't be heard, but his power and speed are doubled.

"That's interesting!"

Zhao Chengfeng showed a smile and met him with one hand.


The two fists collided together, making a huge sound like a sonic boom, which made people's eardrums ache.

"Kick, kick, kick!"

Ouyang Long's face suddenly turned white, and he retreated for more than ten steps. He just stopped and forced the blood in his body. He was shocked and looked at Zhao Chengfeng in front of him. "You, are you a strong man in the later stage of Lingwu realm?"

"In the later stage of Lingwu realm, the strong is a fart!" Zhao Chengfeng looked disdainful, clapped his hands and lit a cigarette.


Smell speech, Ouyang long almost no gas to vomit blood, paralyzed, Lingwu realm late strong all count as a fart, that oneself Lingwu mirror mid-term strength, not even count as a fart?

But how could the secular world have such a powerful enemy? Ouyang long couldn't figure it out.

"Who are you? Why is it so powerful? " Ouyang Hu stands up and stares at Zhao Chengfeng in front of him, pale.

Ouyang Hu was not seriously injured, but he was more shocked and a little embarrassed. Before, Ouyang Hu patted his chest and promised that he would destroy Zhao Chengfeng. Now it seems that he is boasting again.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that you offended me." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette, pointed to Ouyang tiger and said, "I took your God killer before. It's my fault. But you shouldn't kidnap my woman. If you hand over my woman now, maybe I can let bygones be bygones. "

Zhao Chengfeng didn't plan to kill Ouyang Hu's two brothers. In fact, he was a little sorry for Ouyang Hu at that time, because at that time, Zhao Chengfeng needed heaven's help so much that he could only be a robber.

"No, I'll hand it in. I'll hand it in." Ouyang earthquake on one side has long been frightened.

Before, Ouyang Zhentian imagined that Zhao Chengfeng was killed alive, but the painting style changed too fast. Zhao Chengfeng was not beaten, but his two nephews, who were proud of himself, were beaten into idiots, so to speak, they had no power to fight back.

"What are you doing? Waiting for me to tear down your Xishan villa? " Zhao Chengfeng's eyes glared, and his fierce face was exposed.

Zhao Chengfeng's hatred for Ouyang Zhentian is far greater than that of the two brothers.

"Yes, don't be angry. I'll release people right away, right away!" Ouyang Zhentian has no temper and runs directly to the basement. Now Ouyang Zhentian doesn't ask for revenge. He just hopes to survive.

"You're smart!" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng's facial expression this just slightly good-looking some.

"You're not from the inside?" Ouyang long was also very depressed and had a feeling of being beaten in the face.

Ouyang long thought he was very good before, although he was not a master in the inner door, he had a little talent at most. By chance, he came back to the secular world. He thought that he could walk horizontally in the secular world with his brothers' skills. But he didn't know that he was kicked to the iron plate in two days. Two brothers in front of Zhao Chengfeng, there is no fighting back!

Zhao Chengfeng is even better than Wang Jian.

"You're right. I'm not from the inside." Zhao Chengfeng nodded his head. He was overjoyed.

I've always wanted to find out about the inner door, but I didn't expect to have a clue so soon.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Ouyang Hu roared: "besides the inner door, how can there be such a powerful master? You must be from the inside

"Ignorant." Zhao Chengfeng frowned and said, "can't there be a master in the secular world? It's just that you didn't meet it. You didn't see it! "

"You Smell speech, Ouyang tiger angry face red neck thick.

"What? I'm not convinced. How about two more moves? " Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyebrows.

Ouyang tiger suddenly lost his temper, gritted his teeth: "you win, it's your turn to win! It's bad luck for Ouyang tiger to fall into your hands, but if I don't die today, I will fight with you in the future! "

"Little tiger, you..." Ouyang long was very anxious when he heard the words. Didn't he deliberately enrage Zhao Chengfeng in front of him?

"You are welcome at any time, but I hope you can challenge me openly. If you kidnap my woman again, I will kill you!" Zhao Chengfeng's body is upright and domineering.

"Hum, don't be too proud. I'll beat you one day!" Ouyang tiger biting his teeth, one side of Ouyang long this just a little relieved.

"It's a trend!"

However, at this time, Xia Muxi ran out and looked at Zhao Chengfeng from a distance, tears streaming from the corner of her eyes.

"What's the matter with your face?" Zhao Chengfeng's eyes are sharp, and his breath suddenly drops to the freezing point, because there is a five finger mark on Xia Muxi's cheek!

How can Zhao Chengfeng endure the slap on his own woman?

"Ouyang Zhentian, you want to die!"

Zhao Chengfeng's face suddenly sank, and he made a mistake at his feet. Like a strong wind, he rushed to Ouyang Zhentian.

"No, it's none of my business..."


Zhao Chengfeng won't listen to Ouyang Zhentian's nonsense. He kicked it in the past.


Ouyang Zhentian glided in the air, hit the wall, and immediately fell to the ground.

"Poof..." a mouthful of blood gushed out, Ouyang Zhentian's brain neck deviated and fainted.

"Second uncle!"

"Second uncle!"


For a moment, the brothers Ouyang long and Ouyang Hu, as well as Ouyang Mengmeng, who just came out, rushed to Ouyang Zhentian, who was lying in a pool of blood, crying.

"Chengfeng, you..." summer wood Xi also ate a surprised, good Ouyang Zhentian instant burp fart, in the heart a little surprised.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I've made you suffer!" Zhao Chengfeng is very remorseful. He thought that no one could hurt his own woman because of his presence. He didn't know that Ouyang Zhentian was not obedient and let his own woman get a slap in the face!

Uncle can bear, aunt can't!

"Zhao Chengfeng, you murderer, you return my father!" Ouyang Mengmeng cries and pours on Zhao Chengfeng.

"Come if you want to die!" Zhao Chengfeng's cold eyes, like a sharp sword, shot at Ouyang Mengmeng.

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