"I must be looking for it, but I want to accompany you today." Zhao Chengfeng met the woman's eyes and said truthfully: "since I want you, I will be responsible for each of you. Each of you is my flesh and blood."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng embraces Liu Shiyun in his arms.

"You're the sweet one."

Liu Shiyun lies in Zhao Chengfeng's arms, but he holds the man tighter.

"You didn't kiss me. How do you know I'm sweet? Why don't we kiss one first? " Zhao Chengfeng laughs and his hand is dishonest. Although he can't do that, it's OK to kiss him and take advantage of him.

"Oh, Chengfeng, you're dead. Don't touch it..." Liu Shiyun exclaimed repeatedly, but he was caught by Zhao Chengfeng in the end

Zhao Chengfeng didn't do anything about the woman. After playing for a while, Zhao Chengfeng let the woman have a rest. He took off his coat and went into the kitchen to get busy.

For the sake of his baby, Zhao Chengfeng decided to show off his cooking skills today.

Ding Ding Dong has been busy in the kitchen for nearly an hour. When it's just getting dark, Zhao Chengfeng has already filled a whole table with food, mainly stew, two nutritious dishes and two cold dishes.

All kinds of color match, look quite appetite.

"Wow, Chengfeng, you, you still have this skill. You are so good." Liu Shiyun was sitting in the living room before, thinking that Zhao Chengfeng's food could not be swallowed, but now he was a little worried.

"Try it quickly. It's not delicious when it's cold." Zhao Chengfeng chuckled, handed the chopsticks to the woman, and gave the woman a bowl of pig's feet soup, said: "drink more soup, although it's a little greasy, but you don't worry about getting fat, now it's three months, the fetal nutrition intake is relatively large, so your nutrition must keep up."

"Well." Feeling the man's concern, the smile on the woman's face was even more intense. She tasted a small mouthful, and her eyes suddenly brightened, "Wow, have a good drink, Chengfeng, your cooking skill is so good, even more powerful than that of a chef in a big hotel. Where did you learn this skill? I thought you only knew how to fight and kill and pick up girls. "

"What are you talking about?"

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and scraped the bridge of a woman's nose. He said solemnly, "in addition to these, I will design underwear for your female compatriots. If I remember correctly, I designed the underwear you wear."

"You, you have a thick skin." Liu Shiyun blushed and was a little shy. At the same time, he was a little curious, so he asked, "when it comes to underwear design, I always want to ask you a question."

"Ask, I'm listening." Zhao Chengfeng side to the woman clip vegetables, side road.

Liu Shiyun put down his spoon and said, "why can you design underwear that women love so much? Did you use to specialize in this? "

"That's the question?"

"Well." Liu Shiyun nodded solemnly and said: "before, I had contact with many underwear designers and talked with many underwear models in private. They admire you very much and are very satisfied with your design. Especially those female models, they really like your underwear, and as a spectator, I also think they feel more beautiful and more confident when they put on your underwear. Why on earth is that? "

"It's not hard."

Zhao Chengfeng put down the chopsticks and said with a faint smile: "in fact, the truth is very simple, because I am a romantic man, I like beautiful women, so I know what women like, of course, I know what men like more about women."

"Can you be more specific?" Liu Shiyun's eyebrows frowned slightly, indicating that he was puzzled.

"Do you remember that I once asked Hu Lingling and he Bingting to watch adult movies with me?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Liu Shiyun's face turned red when he heard the speech, but he nodded.

"At the beginning, all of you thought that I was a sex wolf. I wanted to take advantage of the two girls. I even tried to rule them. In fact, it was not." "What I explained to you at that time was that they wanted to discover the charm and sexiness of women, but now I want to tell you that what I really want to achieve is to let them learn to be bold and open," Zhao explained

"Bold and open?" Liu Shiyun's brows tightened even more.

"Yes, bold and open!"

Zhao Chengfeng said seriously: "do you know why there are no famous fashion designers in China? Of course, there are many fashion designers, such as underwear designers, suit designers and so on

"I don't know." Liu Shiyun is also curious about this problem.

To put it bluntly, we Chinese are very smart. We can make any plane, rocket or cannon. Now even the aircraft carrier is launched, right? But why not have a decent designer?

Can't there be a talented designer among more than one billion people in China?

"It's because I'm conservative and can't let go." Zhao Chengfeng solemnly said: "besides Tang costume, do you think we have anything else we can do? Even if there are better clothing brands in China in recent years, they are also designers from other countries. They don't have their own characteristics or ideas. "

Thinking of what Jiangling said, saying that he Yongfei is ready to set foot in the clothing industry, Zhao Chengfeng plans to explain it well and pass on his ideas to he Yongfei through Liu Shiyun.

"You can recall that ten years ago, when we saw foreigners kissing and hugging very generously in TV dramas, we would all scold such words as hooligans and whores. But now, look at those little lovers in our country, let alone kissing and hugging in public, and some people even openly mess around. Of course, this kind of atmosphere is not good, but this kind of atmosphere is to imitate foreign countries."

"Our thoughts are still in place, but we yearn for the freedom of foreigners. This kind of freedom is not only reflected in dressing up, but also in life, even in personal privacy, such as one night stand. In fact, it is also a kind of yearning for freedom. "

"I don't understand. Is it related to design?" Liu Shiyun shook his head.

"Of course!"

Zhao Chengfeng said: "therefore, the theme of our design is freedom and openness! As long as we master these two points, the design will not be too bad. "

"Of course, you also need to know the people who buy the products you design." Zhao Chengfeng added: "for example, if you have a very sexy lace, you can only sell it to young women

"Nonsense, of course I know." Liu Shiyun rolled his eyes, but in his heart, he recalled Zhao Chengfeng's words and had a sense of sudden realization.

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