"Well, I will stick to it!" This is the voice of Liucheng.

Soon, Liucheng was taken away.

"Are you used to being in a welfare home?" Zhao Chengfeng looked at the woman and asked softly.

"Well, good." Tian Xin'er nodded shyly. In front of Zhao Chengfeng, Tian Xin'er felt a little humble, even a little disgusted with her past self.

Before, because Zhao Chengfeng refused, Tian xiner heartbroken, played the missing. At that time Tian Xin'er felt aggrieved. Why didn't he like himself? If you don't like yourself, why tease yourself before?

Until later, after staying in the welfare home, Tian Xin'er realized how great the man who looked ugly, always with a bad smile, was.

For example, the welfare homes in front of us were all built by Zhao Chengfeng with money. Although some philanthropists also donated some money, compared with Zhao Chengfeng, it is not worth mentioning.

"Chengfeng, you're here. Why don't you call in advance? I'll meet you with Xin'er. " At this time, Chen Shuxian also came out.

Different from the dress of good women in the past, today's Chen Shuxian also keeps pace with the times, wearing a small suit and buttock skirt, which is extremely sexy but also full of intellectual beauty.

"What can I do for you? I'm not a child. By the way, since you are both here, let's go to the office. I have something to talk to you about. " After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng decides to tell the second daughter about Liucheng.

"Well, good."

The three enter the office together. Chen Shuxian closes the door, while Tian xiner pours a cup of hot tea for Zhao Chengfeng and brings an ashtray. The ashtray has never been used before, which is obviously prepared for Zhao Chengfeng.

"Chengfeng, why are you so free this time? I think of the welfare home." Chen Shuxian said with a smile.

"Of course I miss you, so I came." In private, there were only three people. Zhao Chengfeng's speech was a lot more casual. He laughed and lit a cigarette and smoked happily.

Chen Shuxian and Tian xiner are different from Jiangling. They are not so open. Their implicit beauty makes people excited.

"Poor mouth, isn't it?" Chen Shuxian gave the latter a white look, but her face was full of laughter.

As for Tian Xin'er, he buried his head in front of his chest.

"Come on, don't make any noise. Are you embarrassed if you don't see Xin'er?" Chen Shuxian said, "come on, what happened this time? In a moment, Xin'er will have a lesson. "

"Just now I brought a child named Liucheng, who is Shiyun's younger brother. You've seen him before, and you've been to our house. From the underworld family. " Zhao Chengfeng is no longer joking, seriously said: "this child was spoiled since childhood, not very obedient, independent ability is very poor, so I discussed with Shiyun, ready to leave him in the welfare home to temper, what do you think?"

"Training the children of rich families?" Tian Xin'er frowned.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "that's right!"

"Nowadays, many children in rich families are really shameful, ignorant, blindly comparing, without compassion, and don't know what unity is, so they don't know what filial piety and loyalty are." Mention this matter, Zhao Chengfeng brow tighter, then said: "so, we have to educate these children, no delay!"

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Shuxian interposed and asked, "is the Liucheng you are talking about the child who came to our hotel for a few days and then was picked up? His sister's beautiful, that one? "

"Yes, that's him. His original intention of coming to the welfare home this time is for Beibei. What do you like about Beibei..." Zhao Chengfeng said it again.

"Isn't that nonsense?" Chen Shuxian can't laugh or cry, and Tian xiner shakes her head. How can today's children be more bold than adults? At least, Tian Xin'er is not so brave.

"Isn't that nonsense?"

While smoking, Zhao Chengfeng said: "you say that such a big child knows how to fall in love, but he doesn't know etiquette, righteousness and shame. Isn't this the failure of education?"

"Yes, the children of Huaxia want to be open like the United States, but they have the ability to be independent. They also expect their parents to care for them as always. This is indeed a failure of education. Of course, it is also that parents do not set up a correct outlook on life for their children." Tian Xin'er shakes her head slightly, obviously complaining about the way of Chinese education.

Tian Xin'er also studied at that time, especially when she was in University. There was a rich girl next door. She was really beautiful, but she couldn't even cook. It's said that the girl was on a whim and prepared to make a bowl of noodles by herself. She put the noodles in cold water and cooked them. After half an hour, the noodles were gone, but there was a pot of paste.

This rich girl of the second generation is also a wonderful flower. Instead of looking for her own faults, she scolds her classmates who bought noodles for her and asks others if they bought fake noodles. Don't you say that's ridiculous?

Is it suitable for a college student who can't even make noodles?

For example, some students don't wash their clothes or mop the floor, and many college students are too far away from home to cry at night. When they ask him what's wrong, he says that he misses his mother. Are you not weaned?

You know, in the United States, many teenagers have already lived apart from their parents and have strong self survival ability! But if you look at the next generation of China, it's really worrying.

"That's what I'm talking about." Zhao Chengfeng pinched the cigarette end, changed a posture, and said: "we children in welfare homes don't have to worry. The older children take care of the younger ones. They know how to be grateful and share. They are more willing to take responsibility together. Even if they can't go to a good university in the future, they are social talents. What I'm worried about now is that in some other noble schools, some children are really small and have bad habits, and their parents don't know how to discipline them. If they enter the society in the future, they will become a burden to the society even if they don't make trouble for the society. "

After listening to Zhao Chengfeng's analysis, Chen Shuxian realized the seriousness of the problem and said, "do you have any good solutions? For the future of the children, as long as our welfare home can do it, we will do our best. "

"The way is very simple, that is to throw these children into welfare homes, let them grow up with these orphans, and know how to unite and respect them." Zhao Chengfeng expressed his own point of view.

"That's a good idea."

Tian Xin'er pondered carefully, nodded and said: "walking with suffering, although there are some miserable, it is not a kind of wealth. As long as we guide them well, these children will become useful talents in the society in the future. "

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