"I miss you too."

Zhao Chengfeng said, taking advantage of the side of Tian Xin'er into his arms.

"Brother Feng, this is the office, don't..." Tian Xin'er is a little nervous, but he doesn't push away Zhao Chengfeng. He's been missing men for a long time. How can Tian Xin'er push away?

"Don't talk, just lean in my arms so quietly." Zhao Chengfeng holds the woman tightly and feels her temperature. He is very satisfied.

Zhao Chengfeng is not a person who has a brain full of sperm, nor is he a person who has to take off his pants when he sees a beautiful woman. Sometimes, holding his heart like this is more satisfying than slapping. For example, now.

"Xin'er, don't run around in the future." Zhao Chengfeng held the woman and said in a soft voice: "you don't know how worried I was about you when I learned that you left without saying goodbye to play missing. But I searched Beihai city all over, contacted your past colleagues and even contacted your fans on the live broadcast platform, but I didn't hear from you. You scared me to death, you know?"

"Sorry, brother Feng, I..." Tian Xin'er was moved, but more remorse.

"Don't say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for you."

Zhao Chengfeng gently covered the woman's mouth, and then said: "I don't like you. I really like you. I like you from the bottom of my heart. However, I have to keep a distance from you and be cruel to you, because I am a playful man. And at that time, I was bitten by the evil spirit. Even I don't know whether I can see the sun tomorrow, How dare I want you? "

"Although I want you now, I feel like a real jerk, because my love is divided by many women, which is unfair to you. I should die..."

"Brother Feng, don't say that."

Tian Xin'er raised her head and looked at Zhao Chengfeng with watery eyes. She said in a soft voice, "I do. No matter how many women you have, I do."

"But it's not fair to you, you really..."


Don't wait for Zhao Chengfeng to finish, Tian Xin'er don't know where the courage, hook Zhao Chengfeng's neck, red lips active stick up.

The lips are as sweet as jade

"Dong Dong... Dong Dong..."

However, when they forget to kiss each other, the door of the office rings quickly, which makes Tian xiner release Zhao Chengfeng.

"Who is it?"

Don't mention how depressed Zhao Chengfeng is. When he just kisses, he has already caught Tian xiner's full chest. The feeling is... Tut Tut, it's a pity that he was interrupted.

Can we not be depressed?

"Godfather, you are in it. Open the door quickly. I'm Beibei!" Outside the door came Beibei's voice, "open the door quickly, hurry up, Bang Bang..."

With that, Beibei knocked on the door twice again. To be exact, it was a kick!

"Ah, this dead girl!"

Zhao Chengfeng gritted his teeth, and Chong Tian Xin'er winked and went to open the door.

"Why did it take so long to open the door?" Beibei came in and swept around, "godfather, you are in there with Mr. Tian, eh..."

There was no explanation, but Beibei's expression was very strange.

"What do you think, dead girl? Xin'er and I are discussing that the school will accept a group of rich second generation students. By the way, what are you doing here? " Zhao Chengfeng quickly digs off the topic. Beibei is more difficult to deal with than Liucheng.

"You're just asking me, huh!"

Beibei put her hands on her waist and said, "why did you bring Liucheng to the welfare home? This smelly boy is very annoying. He likes me and even kisses me when he meets. I'm so angry. "

With that, Beibei sat on one side angrily and said, "I don't care so much, godfather, you have to drive him away for me. I don't want to see him. I'm bored to death!"

"No way!"

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "I brought Liucheng here specially, and he is the first rich second generation student who came to our welfare home to study. He will stay here for at least one year!"

"What? A year? " Beibei didn't understand, "why? Let him live for nothing? "

"Certainly not!"

Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes and said, "Beibei, there will be a lot of rich second generation like Liucheng in the future. Do you really want to drive them away? I can tell you that these guys are all stupid people with lots of money. Look... "

"Are they really the rich second generation?" Beibei understood and her eyes lit up for a few minutes.

"It must be!"

Zhao Chengfeng said: "without certain property, can we let them come to our school to study?"

"Then leave them." Beibei made the decision immediately.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "are you not afraid of Liucheng bothering you?"


Smell speech, Beibei a face disdain, way: "old Niang want to deal with him, minute can handle of affair son.". Don't worry, no matter how rich his family is, no matter how prickly he is, I can make him obedient! "

"I'm very optimistic about you." Zhao Chengfeng gives Beibei a thumbs up and worries about Liucheng.

Beibei, this girl is very damaged. There are many ways to make fun of people, which can make people torture and crazy. At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng was badly hurt by this girl. With Liucheng's intelligence, he was forced to play badly.

"OK, I'll take care of Liucheng first. Godfather, you must think of me in the future." Beibei became interested, turned around and left the office.

Tian Xin'er was worried and frowned: "is that ok? Beibei is a little naughty. "

Tian xiner has been in touch with Beibei. This girl is more avant-garde than adults. Although she likes to take advantage of others, Beibei is a good child on the whole. She knows how to share and unite.

Although Beibei is young in the welfare home, she is definitely the king of children. Teenagers listen to her. As soon as Beibei gives orders, Liucheng will be absolutely miserable.

"Naughty is the best."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "these two generations of students who cut in classes and become rich all have one common characteristic, that is, they are arrogant and self-centered. When they arrive at the welfare home, they will understand a truth first."

"What's the point?" Tian Xin'er doesn't understand, "is it the truth that there are people outside and there is heaven outside?"


Zhao Chengfeng said seriously: "let them understand that money doesn't necessarily make the devil push the mill."

"It makes sense." Tian xiner suddenly realized that he admired Zhao Chengfeng more in his heart. He finally saw the root of the problem and came up with a solution.

And this is the most attractive place for men!

"Ding Ling..." when the bell rings, Tian Xin'er stands up and says, "brother Feng, I'm going to class. If you don't sit in the office for a while, sister Shuxian should be back soon."

"All right, go ahead. You don't have to worry about me." Zhao Chengfeng light smile way, don't care.

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