"Well, well said!"

Instead of anger, Zhao Chengfeng laughed and said, "if you have money, you can beat, bully and kill people at will. You said that, right?"

"Yes, I said it. What do you want to do?" Zhu Dawang said, "why don't I slap you and give you another 100 yuan to buy a good pack of cigarettes?"


Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "then I want to ask you how much it costs to beat you and how much it costs to kill you? How much do you think is the right price

"Hit me? Ha ha ha, you really want to kill me, stinky loser. Are you not sick? " Hearing the speech, Zhu Dawang was not angry at all. On the contrary, he had a crazy smile on his face.

Yes, Zhu Dawang thinks he has heard the best joke in the world.



"It's mostly a psycho!"

When Zhao Chengfeng's voice fell, not only Zhu Dawang laughed, but also the people around him began to laugh, ridiculing Zhao Chengfeng one after another, thinking that Zhao Chengfeng was mentally ill.

"I'm in Beihai welfare home. Send me some cash." Zhao Chengfeng didn't say much. He just called Wang Chenglin.

Wang Chenglin is directly in charge of Yida department store. There must be a lot of cash.

"Mr. Zhao, how much cash do you want?" Wang Chenglin received Zhao Chengfeng's call, some flattered, listen to Zhao Chengfeng's tone, heart also followed to mention the throat.

Wang Chenglin is also a black-and-white man. He has seen the power of Zhao Chengfeng for a long time. Zhao Chengfeng's words are all about this. He must have encountered some trouble.

"Take as much cash as you have. If you don't have any, go to the bank immediately. I'll give you 20 minutes." Zhao Chengfeng said.

"Mr. Zhao, are you in any trouble?" Wang Chenglin asked boldly.

"Take the money!"

Zhao Chengfeng was a little impatient, and his tone became heavier.

"All right, all right, I'm going. I'm going." Wang Chenglin shivered and went to work.

Zhao Chengfeng black face hung up the phone, subconsciously pinched his fist, because of anger, because of guilt, more because of hate!

"Hey, loser, let someone send me money. You just want to beat me, or let's have a good time." Zhu Dawang's eyes aimed at Chen Shuxian behind Zhao Chengfeng, showing his salivating eyes.

This is a beautiful woman. It's a pity to hang up with this poor man.

"I don't have time to play with you. In twenty minutes, I'll pay for your dog's life!" How does Zhao Chengfeng not know Zhu Dawang's mind? He has already sentenced the latter to death.

A scholar prefers death to humiliation!

It doesn't matter that Zhao Chengfeng would rather suffer a little humiliation, but he won't let people insult his woman, absolutely not!

"Ha ha ha, buy my life, buy my life, do you hear me? I'm laughing to death. You want to buy my life, poor man. Don't brag, OK? " Zhu Dawang laughed wildly, and his face trembled as if he was about to fall to the ground.

Zhu Dawang is too fat. He's a real fat pig. Beibei's description is very appropriate.

"Mr. Zhu, it's very kind of you to say nothing to him. Let's go up together and abolish ya'er directly." Said the man behind Zhu Dawang.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhu, don't be polite to him!"

"Kill him, damn it!"

However, with a wave of his hand, Zhu Dawang interrupted the dogleg behind him. His face sank. He stared at Zhao Cheng and said, "Stinky boy, do you want to buy my life? Well, as long as you take out 10 million, I'm free to bully you today! But if you can't get 10 million, I'll buy your life with 10 million! "

"Well, I don't care." Zhao Chengfeng shrugged lightly.

"Chengfeng, don't..." Chen Shuxian pulled a man and shook his head slightly.

Chen Shuxian knows that men have money, but she doesn't want men to spend money on such things. It's not good for men. The children behind her will have a greater impact on them.

Of course, what's more, Chen Shuxian doesn't think it's necessary for Zhao Chengfeng to talk nonsense with these scum. Just call the police directly. Anyway, there is a contract in hand. Go through the legal procedure directly.

"Shuxian, don't worry about it. I know it in my heart. Today I will get justice for you!" Zhao Chengfeng patted the woman's hand, looking at the woman's red and swollen face, Zhao Chengfeng's anger rose again.

If it's not for fear that the bloody scenes will bring bad effects on the children, Zhao Chengfeng really wants to kill Zhu Dawang. It's not a thing to crush him. How can he get rid of such a beautiful face?

"Mr. Zhu, you are losing money. Is his life worth ten million?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhu, I think it's only one or two hundred yuan. You're too generous."

"Shut up

Chen Shuxian roared: "is Cheng Feng's life worth money? What does it have to do with you? A group of scum, do you have no parents and children in your family? One day, your children will be bullied by this kind of rich and heartless bastard! "

"Damn it, smelly girl, your mouth stinks."

"Damn, I really want to slap you to death!"

Chen Shuxian's sudden outburst angered Zhu Dawang's running dogs. However, although several running dogs clamored fiercely, they didn't plan to start. After all, the boss didn't speak.

"Shuxian, don't be angry."

Zhao Chengfeng comforted: "aren't they just some mad dogs? After a while, people will just take it away. There's no need to be angry with them. "

Zhao Chengfeng understands that women don't have the heart to humiliate themselves, but Zhao doesn't care. Why fight with some dying wild dogs?

"I can't stand it. They say you're worth 100 yuan. I don't..." Chen Shuxian said stubbornly.

"Who says my man is worth only a hundred dollars?"

However, before Chen Shuxian finished his sentence, a team of people appeared again behind Zhu Dawang. There were only seven or eight of them, and it was strange that everyone was pushing two huge suitcases, which seemed a little hard. The most surprising thing is that the leader is a woman.

To be exact, she is an extremely beautiful, sexy and powerful woman. A windbreaker, stepping on a pair of red hate sky high, Clack came, raise your head, momentum extraordinary!

"I'm a good woman again?" Zhu Dawang glanced back and couldn't help swallowing. His eyes almost glared out. The visitor was so beautiful.

"Jiangling, why are you here?" Seeing the visitor, Zhao Chengfeng frowned and felt strange.

According to the calculation of time, at this time, women should talk about cooperation with Zheng Lingyan on Hong Kong Island. How can they be here? Is the woman next to Wang Chenglin on the phone?

"Who says my man is worth 100 yuan, stand up for me!" Jiangling didn't respond, just looked around coldly.

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