Jintari, the African continent, is as hot as ever. The sun is like a male dog in heat. It shows its wildest and roughest side. It's quite uncomfortable. Sweat slides down like tap water.

"Boss. Here you are

As usual, as soon as Zhao Chengfeng arrived in jintari City, ah long and others came out to meet him.

"Master, how are you." Pang Hu has a strong eye and a sweet mouth, which makes Shangguan Yan'er blush.

"Well, time is running out. Take me straight to the dungeon." It took almost one day on the road, but there were still two days left. In two days, I had to go to the omelet country thousands of miles away, and the time was very tight.

It's estimated that the Mafia's scum has been planned for a long time, and Zhao Chengfeng doesn't have much time to assign tasks.

"Master, I'll take you to the underground cell." Pang Hulian is busy.

"The same room?"

"Yes, it's the same room."

"Then you don't have to go." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it.

The more people go to interrogate such things, the worse the effect will be. Moreover, it is still female prisoners who are interrogated, which is more embarrassing when there are more people. Especially in the last trial, Alice took off her clothes without saying a word, which made Zhao Chengfeng drink a glass of 82's Sprite.

Foreign women are really too bold and unconstrained!

"You take Yan'er to have a rest first, and go directly to the war room later. I'll set out for omelet country in the evening." Zhao Chengfeng ordered two, then directly entered the basement prison.

In fact, the conditions of the basement prison in jintari are very good. Although the light is darker, it is dry and cool. This is also due to jintari's environment. The ground is much hotter than the underground.

"Alice the water wizard." Zhao Chengfeng went to the innermost prison, looked at Alice's back, and suddenly felt that the woman's figure was very good, but her character was too unrestrained.

Take off your clothes the first time you meet. Who can handle it?

"Mr. Zhao, do you believe me?" Alice's body trembled slightly at the sound, and she raised her head in an instant, with a look of excitement in her eyes.

Locked up in prison, although they did not embarrass themselves, lovely Liz likes freedom, yearns for freedom, the feeling of not seeing the sun is too hard, this just not long time, Alice haggard a lot, people also lose some, but the skin is still so white and smooth.

"You are very clever indeed. No wonder missisby will accept you as an apprentice." Zhao Chengfeng eyebrows slightly up, Leng Leng, what a smart woman.

At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng didn't let Alice go because he didn't believe her. Now I'm looking for her again. It's really purposeful.

"But I think you may think too much." Zhao Chengfeng hesitated and asked, "if I remember correctly, you should be a member of the royal family of the egg roll country. However, as far as I know, the royal family of the egg roll country changed its Dynasty five years ago. Now the king of the egg roll country is called Abu Sadu. I want to give you to the king of Abu Sadu. He will be very happy."

"..." Alice's face was full of joy. She was as white as paper for a moment, and she fell down as if she had been taken away.

Zhao Chengfeng lights up a cigarette and looks at Alice sitting on the ground faintly. A sneer rises from the corner of his mouth. You're a little bit younger.

"Come on, what do you want?" 'she murmured, her face gray. She didn't seem to have any spirit.

"Tell me first about the royal family of omelette. Or, introduce yourself. " Zhao Chengfeng takes a cigarette and finds a place to sit down.

"I used to be the princess of the omelet Kingdom, and I might be in control of the omelet kingdom in the future, but my cousin Abu Sadu knew that my father had no son, only my daughter. In order to take the king of the omelet Kingdom, he kidnapped me."

Alice fell into deep and painful memories.

It turns out that Alice was kidnapped by absurdo. Alice was smart and ran away by playing tricks, but she didn't want to just run away from the tiger's den. It was like the wolf's mouth. Alice was taken a fancy by missisby.

Young Alice's talent is amazing, because of the attribute problem, finally became a member of the Mafia, and mibibi is Alice's master. Alice also loved and hated missisby.

Missisby gives Alice strength, but takes away her freedom. But it also gave Alice a chance to avenge herself, because in omelet country, the Mafia is very powerful and dare not subvert the regime, but some policies of omelet country can still be achieved. That's one of the reasons why Alice doesn't want to leave the Mafia even though she hates MIBI and mafia.

Also, this is why Alice, after seeing the power of Zhao Chengfeng, did not hesitate to surrender directly. Because Alice wants revenge! It's a great thing for Alice to kill absurdo or missisby! Unfortunately, Zhao Chengfeng is not only super strong, but also too smart to be fooled by Alice.

"You're really a clever girl. You almost put me in." After listening to Alice's words, Zhao Chengfeng can't help but scold her. For Alice's experience, Zhao Chengfeng is very sorry, but this woman is really cruel. It's hard for ordinary people to be tolerant.

"No way, I just want to live, that's all!" Alice shook her head with a wry smile.

"Well, I'll give you a chance to live. Do you want it?" Zhao Chengfeng asked with great interest.

"What chance?"

Alice came to the spirit, but the excitement in her eyes was well hidden. Alice knew that the man in front of her was not easy to fool. He was not the kind of man with sperm in his head.

"Help me kill MIBI and destroy the whole Mafia. I think maybe I can help you become the king of omelette." Zhao Chengfeng put out his own conditions, which Alice could not refuse.

When he was on the plane, the kid sent a lot of information about the egg roll country. Among them, the information about Abu Sadu, the king of the egg roll country, and the Mafia are the most detailed. Originally, Zhao Chengfeng was not interested in Abu Sadu, but the name of Alice and the photos of Alice when she was a child appeared on it, which gave Zhao Chengfeng a boost!

If we can destroy the Mafia and make the omelette country and China friendly, isn't it a good thing?

"It seems that missisby has angered you. I'm very satisfied with your conditions, but omelette country is the home of Mafia. It may not be easy for you to kill him." Alice was very excited, but also worried.

If mississie is easy to kill, do you need to wait until now?

"It's too easy for me to do." Zhao Chengfeng turned his lips, some of them disapproved.

Isn't that the spiritual wizard? Brother Feng is in good spirits.

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