The voice is rich, and there is a wave of arrogance in it.

"Xing, you are here."

Hearing this voice, Wu Shuangshuang is more courageous. Isn't it his boyfriend?

Huang Xing, the second leader of the Liu family's trade union, has made a name with a pair of iron fists, and is highly valued by the Liu family's boss. Now it's all covered by Huang Xing.

"Look at my face. What's it like? Wuwuwu, it's killing me. " Wu Shuangshuang performed very well. When she said she was crying, her tears came down.

In fact, the fingerprints on Wu Shuangshuang's face are very obvious and red.


Huang Xing looked, eyebrows suddenly twisted up, angry roar: "who, who hit my woman? Stand up for me

Huang Xing is really a fierce man on the road. With this anger and a roar, he felt that the whole room was shaking, as if he had been disturbed by the thunder.

"What's the matter with me?" Ye Zhuqing stood up and looked at the big yellow star. He didn't care at all.

Wu Shuangshuang's men are underworld. His husband is more underworld than underworld.

"Damn... Oh, this girl is not bad." Huang Xing was going to swear, but at a glance, he found that ye Zhuqing was a beautiful woman. She didn't use powder and Dai, but she looked like a beautiful woman. Her figure and face were all one in a million. She suddenly showed an evil smile on her face, "Oh, this little girl is pretty, tut Tut, this chest, this butt..."

Ye Zhuqing was not angry, but sneered. Ye Zhuqing knows his man very well. He won't let himself suffer losses, let alone allow others to insult his woman.

Zhao Chengfeng can be lecherous, can be romantic, but will never let others bully their own women, women, is his scale, touch is dead!

"A Xing, what do you say? Have you taken a fancy to her How do you know, this time it's not Zhao Chengfeng's turn to start. Wu Shuangshuang is jealous.

In addition to learning better than ye Zhuqing in high school, Wu Shuangshuang is no match for ye Zhuqing in terms of family background, appearance, even singing and dancing. Women's jealousy is very terrible. Wu Shuangshuang has hated it for more than ten years. At the moment, his boyfriend has a crush on ye Zhuqing. How can Wu Shuangshuang not be angry?

"Frost, what do you think? How can I take a fancy to her? "

Huang Xing quickly denied that although Huang Xing is the second leader of Liu's trade union, Huang Xing should not be afraid of women. However, because Huang Xing has little money, Wu Shuangshuang has made a lot of money over the years, which has been wasted by Huang Xing.

As the saying goes: "eat soft mouth, short hands." Huang Xing is afraid of Wu Shuangshuang.

"I mean, this girl is beautiful. Just a moment, let my brothers clean her up, and then send her to be a stage lady. I want her to..."


However, before Huang Xing finished his sentence, suddenly the dark shadow flashed in front of him. Before he even felt the pain, he flew out heavily, hit the wall and fell on the ground.


Yellow star a mouth, a mouthful of blood spurted out, complexion suddenly pale a few minutes.


All the people at the scene took a cold breath and looked at Zhao Chengfeng in an incredible way. Yes, many people just saw Zhao Chengfeng, the ugly Zhao Chengfeng.

Especially when Wang Chenglin saw this scene, he almost didn't cry. Fortunately, he didn't offend Zhao Chengfeng. Otherwise, he would have fallen to the ground.

"Here, here, who is he?" At this moment, Hao Jing has almost vomited. Looking at Zhao Chengfeng in front of her, Hao Jing doesn't know what to say. Maybe she can't say anything.

When Huang Xing appears, Hao Jing is still holding a bit of fantasy, hoping that Wu Shuangshuang's underworld husband can save a little face for himself. Anyway, her boyfriend is unreliable.

Until now, Hao Jing did not understand why Wang Chenglin would call Zhao Chengfeng "Mr. Zhao", and he looked frightened. In fact, Hao Jing is not a person with ability. After studying in a third rate University, by showing off her coquettishness, she caught up with Wang Chenglin and successfully climbed into Wang Chenglin's bed. In return, Wang Chenglin gave Hao Jing a 30% stake in Haitian Hotel.

The 30% share is enough for Hao Jing to squander.

However, the 30% shares come and go faster.

"Smelly boy, you, you dare to hit our star brother."

"Believe it or not, we'll send someone to kill you?"

Huang Xing's two followers clamored, but it was obvious that the thunder and rain were small, and they didn't dare to step forward, because they thought they were not Zhao Chengfeng's opponents. They just made a terrible move. They were afraid to think about it.

"Yes, it's called."

Zhao Chengfeng is not angry but laughs, sneers again and again, "today, if you don't ask someone to come and kill me, you are all bastards. You are all the masters who have no asshole."

"A Xing, are you OK, a Xing?" It took Wu Shuangshuang a long time to recover. He picked up Huang Xing and thought, is the strength of moving bricks so strong now?

But Wu Shuangshuang doesn't dare to say this. Now Wu Shuangshuang has a psychological shadow in the face of Ye Zhuqing and Zhao Chengfeng. Ye Zhuqing beat himself up and his boyfriend was beaten by Zhao Chengfeng.

Nima, it's oppressed everywhere. It's so depressing!

"Boy, you have seed. You are too seed. No one dares to call me in the whole Beihai city. Good. You wait. I'll call my boss right now." Huang Xing stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and dialed his boss.

"Hello, boss, I've been beaten. I'm in Haitian Hotel. You can bring people here. This guy is so arrogant that he doesn't pay attention to our Liu's Union at all..." Huang Xing said to the phone and then hung up.

However, Zhao Chengfeng did not seem to hear anything. He sat down and lit a cigarette. What happened to Liu's Union? ha-ha.

"Boy, now you have to kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe I can give you a happy way to die." Huang Xingchong, Zhao Chengfeng sneered, as if looking at a dead man.

Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyebrows and asked, "how? It doesn't hurt, does it? Do you want me to give you another kick? "


Huang Xing is impatient, but he moves back subconsciously. Although Zhao Chengfeng is arrogant, he is really a fierce character. This kick almost broke Huang Xing's bone.

Fierce man, absolutely fierce man!

"Shut up if you don't have that ability!"

Zhao Chengfeng white the latter one eye, the corner of the mouth calls up a touch of sarcasm.

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