pretend to be something!

Yes, women wear underwear is not forced to pretend it? Zhao Chengfeng, an old man, can't pretend to be forced. At most, he can only pretend to be a bird. This can only be done by Wu Shuangshuang.

"You, you rascal!" Wu Shuangshuang was so angry that he began to tremble with his feet.

Frankly speaking, Wu Shuangshuang also belongs to the kind of woman who is protruding forward and backward. It's just that the sharp face is not so pleasant. Besides a little money, what else?

"I'm a hooligan? Hehe, what a joke. "

Zhao Chengfeng laughed and then said: "I didn't tease you, I didn't rape you, how can I bully you? Although your chest is very big, the exposed groove is very deep, but it's not silica gel. Don't you have any pressure in your heart? "

"You, you are silicone." Wu frost frost a listen to this words, complexion a stiff, tone also not so tough.

Wu Shuangshuang was shocked. How could it be? How could he know he had breast implants? Wu Shuangshuang didn't tell anyone about breast augmentation. Even Huang Xing didn't notice it every day. How did Zhao Chengfeng know?

It's impossible!

"Idiot, I'm an old man. Why do I need silicone breasts? Is your brain as big as huaxinmi? " Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head again, but he thinks about how to clean up Wu Shuangshuang.

If the relationship between these students and ye Zhuqing is very good and pure, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't mind helping everyone. After all, they may not be able to be classmates or friends together in the next life, but now it seems that these students are a hindrance. Some people do not give him a little color to see see, really think you bully like.

People respect me a foot, I also a foot.

This is the style of Zhao Chengfeng.


Wu Shuangshuang is so angry that he shivers. Unfortunately, he doesn't dare to give Zhao Chengfeng a theory. The key is that Wu Shuangshuang has no confidence. In the work of perfume lily, most of them are women, because they sell underwear, so the girls' breasts are generally larger, most of them are B cups, and Wu Shuangshuang's immediate boss Song Sisi is D cup.

When a woman has a career line, all kinds of self-confidence will come up. But Wu Shuangshuang has no self-confidence. After thinking about it, Wu Shuangshuang went to have breast augmentation surgery. Let alone, since she had breast augmentation surgery, Wu Shuangshuang obviously felt that others had paid more attention to her.

"Xing, are you a man? Didn't you hear him humiliate me? Go up and teach him a lesson. " Wu Shuangshuang has nothing to do with Zhao Chengfeng, so he can only encourage Huang Xing to attack Zhao Chengfeng.

But how can Huang Xing have the courage?


Huang Xing cleared his throat and covered up his embarrassment. He said: "frost, don't worry. Our boss will come soon. Don't worry. We will let him kneel down and beg for mercy later! How about giving you a bad breath? "

Huang Xingxin said, I want to have that ability, as for being kicked over? To rush up is to look for abuse! Huang Xing is not stupid. Fighting alone is not Zhao Chengfeng's opponent, so wait for the big army.

If one person can't do it, ten will do it together; Ten can't do it, one hundred, one thousand. There are not many other members of the Liu's trade union, so there are many people. What a tiring wheel fight!

"Hum." Wu Shuangshuang angrily glared at the latter, and was very upset.

Even if Zhao Chengfeng finally kneels down to beg for mercy, Wu Shuangshuang can only say that she has found the place. Originally, Wu Shuangshuang wanted to show off how powerful her boyfriend is in front of many students. She was beaten as soon as she appeared. Now she is washed by Zhao Chengfeng, and she does not dare to stand up for herself. It's really a coward.

"Oh, frost, don't be angry, I..." see the woman angry, Huang Xing face also can't hang up, just want to comfort two, the door came again, and this time is not one or two, but seven or eight people.

The first man is powerful and majestic, with fierce tattoos on his arms. At first glance, this group of people are not good stubbles.

"Brother long, you are here at last." Huang Xing glanced and showed a brilliant smile.

It's Liu Qinglong, the leader of Liu's trade union. To be frank, in the underground world of Beihai City, Liu Qinglong is just like the earth emperor. No one dares to provoke him!

"Well, why is there a strange smell here?"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Liu Qinglong's nose trembled and his brow immediately wrinkled. This smell is too bad.


Hao Jing squatted at the corner of the wall, buried his head, and did not speak when he was killed. He was only shivering, not cold, but disgraced. Hao Jing is very clear in her heart that her life may be over.

Let alone Haitian Hotel 30% of the shares are gone, it is estimated that Wang Chenglin will not want himself.

"Boss Liu, you are here." Huang Xing quickly came forward, "you see this fight for me, it's this son of a bitch, almost didn't kick me to death..."

Said, the yellow star pointed to opposite Zhao Chengfeng.

Liu Qinglong frowned and looked at the opposite side. As soon as he was ready to curse his mother, he was stunned.


Liu Qinglong's backhand is a big mouth for Huang Xing to draw in the past, this slap Liu Qinglong used a lot of strength, crisp and pleasant, extremely beautiful, this slap surprised almost everyone in the private room.

Did Liu Qinglong take the wrong medicine? How to beat my brother? Even Wang Chenglin was surprised. Seeing Liu Qinglong coming in person, Wang Chenglin intended to make peace. If Zhao Chengfeng had a problem with his Haitian Hotel, Wang Chenglin would not want to mix up in Beihai. What's more, it's better to get rid of the enemy than to get married. Why do you make the relationship so stiff?

In addition, Wang Chenglin also wants to ease his direct relationship with Zhao Chengfeng. Without Zhao Chengfeng's contacts, Wang Chenglin really doesn't know whether he can muddle along.

"Old, old, why are you hitting me? It's him who beat me... "After a long time, Huang Xing just came back, touched his hot face and looked at Liu Qinglong.

"It's you that I beat, damn it!"

Liu Qinglong burst drink repeatedly, gnashing his teeth and said: "not only beat you, but also I really want to kill you! Son of a bitch


Huang Xing's neck shrinks with fright. Although Huang Xing is known as the second leader in the Liu's trade union, Huang Xing's position in the Liu's trade union is not very high. To put it bluntly, Huang Xing is a leader in the management of the trade union.

However, Huang Xing doesn't understand why Liu Qinglong gave himself a big mouth. It's not scientific.

"Brother Zhao, why are you? Look at this... "Liu Qinglong directly ignored Huang Xing, strode to Zhao Chengfeng, stretched out his hand, and his face was filled with a warm smile.

Zhao Chengfeng holds out his hand, even if he doesn't give Liu Qinglong face, he has to give Liu Shiyun face.

"This is my woman. He said he would send my woman to the stage. What do you think of that?" Zhao Chengfeng points to ye Zhuqing, who is indifferent, and sits beside him, smoking.

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