In the welfare home, Tian xiner found the value of life. Not because Tian Xin'er is a junior, she is not qualified to talk about the value of life. On the contrary, Tian Xin'er is a great mess!

"Well, I'll arrange for someone to come as soon as possible. What else can I do for the welfare home? For example, children's food and clothing, as well as medical treatment and so on Ye Zhuqing asked again.

Ye Zhuqing is very attentive to this problem. To do charity, we must do it well. Otherwise, ye Zhuqing would rather not do it. Charity is not to take a little money out, even if it is charity, the most important thing is the heart.

"There is nothing wrong with medical treatment. However, I had a new idea a few days ago. However, it may be more difficult to implement it." Chen Shuxian twisted his brows and said, with a few tears on his face.

"What's the matter? Let's hear it. "

Ye Zhuqing laughed and joked: "our sisters are united, and their benefits will break gold. It's really something we can't do. Isn't there anyone else to tell us? What are you afraid of? "

"I just don't want Chengfeng to know." Chen Shuxian shook his head and said: "Chengfeng may be a bit romantic. Every time we see him, we feel that he is just like nobody, but he has too much pain and pressure in his heart, so I don't want him to be too tired. Come and see us when you have time. I don't expect him to accompany me all the time, and I don't want him to wipe our ass at any time! "

After listening to ye Zhuqing, she felt a lot. Chen Shuxian's love for Zhao Chengfeng is too deep and great. She is just unreserved and unreserved.

"Well, let's do these things by ourselves. Let's talk about it first." Ye Zhuqing is also a Taoist.

Ye Zhuqing thinks that he has some ability. Now the company is on the right track, with more than 2 million yuan of income every day, which is net income. That's a lot of money.

What's more, can't ye Zhuqing develop a second career?

"The last time I went to the countryside for an inspection, there are many widows and orphans. There are three or five widows and orphans in almost every village. There is no one to support them. At the age of 70 or 80, they still have to work in the fields. If they don't cook, they will have nothing to eat. If they can do it, they may not be able to fill their stomachs." Thinking of the last inspection, Chen Shuxian looked very sad, and then said: "clothing, food, housing and transportation is a problem, and medical treatment is also a big problem. As far as I know, in rural areas, almost people in their 40s and 50s have different degrees of rheumatism, as well as other diseases. Where do they get the money to treat them? So, I want to build a nursing home, which does not charge any fees, so that the rest of the life of the elderly is not so bleak. "

"Nursing home?"

Hearing this, ye Zhuqing frowned and murmured, "it's going to cost a lot of money, because these old people are old after all. Some old people don't even have the ability to take care of themselves. They just need a lot of nursing workers. In addition, medical treatment is also a big business. There is no depth. "

"So I said, it's very difficult to do, but looking at the old people's bleak evening, I don't do anything and feel sorry for them." Chen Shuxian sighed bitterly, "every one of us will be old, and these old people had too many hard days in those years. Shouldn't they have a good death?"

"Then do it!"

Ye Zhuqing gritted her teeth and said, "isn't it money? Let's work hard to earn money. In addition, I believe our government will also give us some help, at least in terms of medical treatment and land, it will give us great concessions. We can't recruit more nurses! "

"Don't we really have to discuss with Chengfeng?" Tian Xin'er is said to be a little excited. Doing good is Tian Xin'er's dream.

This is Tian Xin'er's own experience. Tian Xin'er, who was also an orphan in those years, would not have a good day today if he had not been helped by a kind-hearted person? you share rose get fun.

And charity work is also Tian Xin'er's lifelong work!

"I'm not particularly worried about the care workers." Chen Shuxian analyzed: "our welfare home now has seven or eight hundred children, of whom 30 or 40 are over the age of 15. These children can help take care of the elderly. If they have less courses or staggered classes, our teachers will work harder and have no problems."

"That's a good idea!"

Ye Zhuqing reminded: "however, I suggest that when taking in the elderly, we should have a detailed understanding of the family conditions of the elderly. If some elderly people have children, and their children are able to support them, but do not support them, then we, as legal care workers for the elderly, ask these children to pay a certain fee."

"Of course, some children who are too far away to take care of can also be sent to welfare homes. Of course, the fees should not be cheap. We should make these children feel the pressure. It's not easy for them to be raised by their parents. Give them some punishment

"I agree with that!"

Tian Xin'er raised her hand and said, "I've met this kind of situation. It's clear that children are capable. They just don't support the elderly. We should be the legal guardians of these elderly people and protect them."

"Well, since you all agree with this plan, let's split up. I'll go to the government. Xiaoqing is in charge of recruiting people and preparing to build a house. The nursing home is built next to the welfare home, so that we can take care of it easily." Chen Shuxian, as the eldest sister, began to give orders, "Xin'er is still responsible for the psychological counseling of school children, these days you are involved first."

"Well, let's act separately. Don't tell the trend for the time being." Ye Zhuqing nodded. After the matter was settled, ye Zhuqing did not stop and left the welfare home.

Chen Shuxian instructs Tian xiner a few words, and then he leaves the welfare home to fight for one day to finish the government's work. No matter what, with the support of the government, Chen Shuxian has the bottom of his heart.

These lonely old people from rural areas may not have made a great contribution to the retired old people in the city, but they are also the witness of the history of China. As long as they are Chinese, they should get help and enjoy their old age!

"Well, I've got all the welfare homes of this size." Tian Xin'er shook his head and went on working again.

At the beginning, we only planned to make good use of welfare homes. Now that we have got the "metamorphosis record", what kind of nursing homes are we going to instigate? Is there a disabled people's help association in the future?

"No matter, as long as we do good deeds, Tian xiner will work hard and come on!"

Tian Xin'er, waving a little pink fist, cheers himself on and continues to fight like a little fighter.

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