Inside, while Zhao Fangzhou and Shangguan Yan'er were pretending to be affectionate, the corridor outside gradually calmed down, but there was still a discordant voice screaming.

"Come out, come out for me. Do you want to hide when you hit someone?" Bai Jie has just been slapped by the blood monk. When the blood monk and Zhao Chengfeng enter the family waiting area of the emergency room, she can relax.

Not only do you feel that half of your face is hot, swollen and painful, but you look around and see that other media reporters and onlookers are all laughing with schadenfreude.

Bai Jie was immediately stimulated. She had been beaten by the slap, but when she was stimulated by these sneering eyes, her anger rose again.

A security guard came to dissuade him. But no one paid attention to her. She was OK. Someone came to persuade her. Bai Jie jumped three feet as if she had been trampled on.

"Go, why should I go? Those villains dare to beat my mother. Aren't you security guards? You don't care. Do you really think my mother is as easy to bully as those little reporters? I tell you it's not over! "

The security guard, who came to persuade her, was stunned. Unexpectedly, he just advised her not to make any noise in the corridor. As a result, he even set himself on fire.

As he was about to speak, the fat security captain next to him grabbed him and said with a sneer in a low voice: "what do you care about her? She is a big host and a star. Can we get into trouble? Let her scold. The two who scolded just now came out. She looks good! "

Other media reporters themselves are a little bit sad. While some people are gloating, they are also a little angry with Zhao Chengfeng and blood monk.

However, hearing that this woman would come here with a mouthful of "those ordinary little reporters", the sense of tragedy in these people's hearts dissipated in an instant.

"Let's go, let's go outside and wait in the hall. We don't want some people who are famous, popular and backstage!" A media reporter sneered.

Although there was no name, everyone could tell who he was talking about, and they all laughed, "yes, let's go. We can't ask the dean to say hello. What should we do if we don't go?"

Bai Jie saw that these people not only had no sympathy for her, but also fell down into the well. She was so angry that she only gritted her teeth. She wanted to quarrel with these people, but when she saw that there were so many people on the other side, she estimated that she could not quarrel.

Just now I ignored these people. I just jumped, crossed my waist and yelled at the door, "come out, asshole Zhao Chengfeng, what a piece of shit! The first villain in China is just a rotten man in the smelly street. If you are a man, get out for me!"

"Ha ha, these are suffocating to death!" A group of dawdling media reporters saw her die so slowly.

Someone insinuated: "white big mouth, what's the use of your name, they dare not come out, you can go in, anyway, these security guards certainly dare not stop you!"

As soon as the man spoke, people nearby could not help laughing. Some people really want Bai Jie not to die.

Just as he was talking, the door was suddenly pushed open, and the terrible bald man came out of it.

They stopped and looked at Bai Jie.

That means, "don't you let people come out? What do you do when they come out?"

White and clean look is also a stagnation.

Actually came out.

"Is the sound insulation effect of the hospital door not good, or was my voice too loud just now, he heard it?" Bai Jie was very fierce, but when she saw the bright bald head of the blood monk, especially the terrible look in his eyes, she couldn't help being flustered.

Subconsciously cover half of the red and swollen face, feel like more pain.

She didn't know that the blood monk didn't hear her clamor. She just heard someone outside making a noise, but she didn't hear what was making a noise. It had to be said that the sound insulation effect of the hospital door was very good.

Of course, he was driven out by Zhao Chengfeng.

As soon as she came out, she saw that the female reporter was staring at him, and her eyes seemed to grow a knife. The others all looked at the reporter and felt that the atmosphere seemed a little strange.

He didn't think much, just glanced at Bai Jie and gave a sneer.

"You, what do you want?" Bai Jie didn't know that the blood monk didn't plan to pay attention to her. Seeing that the blood monk sneered at her, she thought that the blood monk was going to start again, and quickly stepped back.

Then she saw the blood monk standing at the door after he came out. He didn't move at all. He immediately knew that he had misunderstood. He just looked in his eyes and scared him like this. Although she didn't look back, she could feel the irony in her back.

She finally realized the real meaning of the word "Ru Mu Zai Bei".

She was ashamed and angry. Looking at the blood monk's teeth creaking, she wanted to grab the bald clothes and slap her face two times. No, she slapped her face a hundred times. But she also knew that if she did, she would end up with a cup.

Even if he screams like that, the bald man will probably give himself two more.

Think about the pain of that slap just now, she instantly and wisely gave up this idea.

"Hum!" Bai Jie gave a cold hum. She couldn't stay here any longer. She turned around and walked out. She didn't even greet the photographer and the female assistant.

Around other media reporters and onlookers to see this, not from a burst of consternation.

"I'm leaving now. I was so noisy just now. As a result, people came out and ran away without saying anything. What's that?"

"What are you looking at? Get out of the way!" Bai Jie was already ashamed and angry. Seeing that these people were still looking at themselves like psychosis, she felt that she was going to collapse. She pushed away the people in front of her and rushed out stumbling.

Seeing this, the female assistant and the photographer quickly lowered her head, covered her face with her hands, and ran after her. She was so tired that she said, "if we offend anyone, we will lose this person."

"Is this woman ill? What's wrong?" Blood monk is also very muddled force, completely do not understand what that woman means.

Hearing his question, one of the young security guards wanted to explain with a smile, but the fat security team leader held him, winked, and then said with a smile to the blood monk, "maybe the brain is not working very well."

"Well, it is." The blood monk didn't care. He nodded.

"With you here, I don't think anyone dares to make noise. We'll go to other places to do our work." The security captain added.

"Well, get busy." The blood monk waved his hand. He knew that Zhao Chengfeng was grateful to these security guards for their loyalty just now, so he was more polite. Of course, he will not be expected to say anything too polite.

Of course, the fat captain didn't expect the master to say anything nice. After a few polite words, he took a group of subordinates away.

Until he passed the corner, the security guard couldn't help but ask, "Captain, I was going to tell the bald elder brother about the annoying female reporter. Why don't you tell me?"

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