Just as Zhao Chengfeng was talking, he saw that song Ke suddenly stepped into the challenge arena. Everyone was stunned. He didn't know what he was going to do when no one challenged him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this challenge is caused by the suspicion of a video of song on the Internet. Song's original intention is to show that song did not commit fraud through this challenge."

"But I don't want to challenge today. Up to now, no one dares to step on the stage except a shrewd. Don't you even have one who is better than a shrewd?"

People smell speech a Leng, immediately react to come over.

Feeling this goods is not willing to be lonely, this is forced to come on stage to show a wave.

"But now, because of the war just now, he praised the martial arts of the ancient martial arts family to heaven, but he said, isn't this equal to beating the family in the face?" Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

IMP and others can't help laughing, "this is the typical mud can't support the wall."

Sure enough, hearing song Ke's words, a group of aristocratic senior officials in the VIP banquet could not help frowning, while the elite of the inner door could not help shaking their heads and smiling.

On the other hand, Ouyang Qing's expression was slightly proud, but she couldn't help but froze. Although that guy was a shrew just now, it's right, but I don't want you to say that, OK?

However, song Ke's words also achieved the expected effect.

A lot of people in the crowd fell from their faces, including the black man.

Although song Ke's words are suspected of beating his own face, they are really looked down upon. For a warrior, how can he endure such humiliation.

Although several people originally wanted to see if there were other experts to try their hand, song Ke's words made them have no way back.

The black skin man was about to walk up when he heard someone in the crowd say, "I'll come!"

Then, the crowd separated, and a big man in the crowd jumped into the challenge arena.

Black skin male one Leng, stopped a footstep again.

All of a sudden, someone nearby said with a smile: "good man, really good man, you can go up as soon as you see. If you don't want some long black people, you can rely on one mouth and speak very well, ah..."

As soon as the black skin man heard this, his face became blacker. When he turned to see the speaker, the black skin man turned black into charcoal.

It turned out that it was Zhao Chengfeng who was not talking to others.

Black skin male heart that spirit, secretly way: "this bastard, didn't see I already prepared to go up?"? And what do you mean by some black ones, do you dare to hurt your mouth a little bit? "

However, he can't say that he was only a step slow when he wanted to go up. If he said that, Zhao Chengfeng would surely say, "Oh, why didn't they slow down? You are the only one. You're not good at speed, or you're acting on purpose. "

He immediately turned his eyes and said, "hum, I don't need you to say if I have a strong mouth. But you didn't mean to fight twelve. Why didn't you go up?"

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "I, I'm not a master. I just boast casually. Are you boasting too?"

"..." the black man didn't expect that there were so shameless people in the world. He even had two mouths open, and he was not shy to admit that he was "bragging".

You are so shameless, do your family know?

But when Zhao Chengfeng said that, he had no words to refute. Did he say that he was bragging or that he would go up later.

In that case, Zhao Chengfeng would surely say, "why wait a moment?"

How can he say that he wants others to go up and explore the truth? If he really said that, you don't need to know that Zhao Chengfeng will definitely satirize him as a dog.

"Hum!" After a long time of suffocation, the black man found that he had no idea about this shameless guy, so he immediately had to do the same thing again, with a cold hum, parting his head and pretending to be arrogant.

But he could not hide his grievances.

Zhao Chengfeng's heart steals music secretly, the heart says, "see you still take next stubble!"

Next to Shangguan Yan'er and others, Zhao Chengfeng this kind of bared teeth must report, and die shameless greasy bad, a burst of helpless smile.

Everyone present can receive the poison of this guy's move in varying degrees.

As soon as the black man turned his head and saw the man walking on the challenge arena, his face changed slightly. He could not help but shout softly: "is it him?"

As soon as his voice fell, someone next to him asked, "do you know him?"

Don't look back. He knows that the person who asked is Zhao Chengfeng.

This guy is really shameless. He has just hurt himself, but in a twinkling he comes to talk to him again.

"Hum ~!"

I won't tell you.

"Cut, also play small temper, really mean." Zhao Chengfeng see this guy that proud smile appearance, in the heart more funny.

Looking up at the challenge arena, he was also stunned. He saw that the person on the stage this time was actually a foreigner. More importantly, he even knew the foreigner.

In fact, it's a little too much to know. I just heard about it. And it was many years ago.

"I can't help murmuring," I didn't expect that he came to China and went to the challenge arena here. "

"Do you know this man?" Hearing Zhao Chengfeng's murmur, Shangguan Yan'er and others were surprised.

On the other side, the black man was also surprised, but he didn't believe it. He thought that Zhao Chengfeng was cheating on him again. When he heard Shangguan Yan'er ask, he also raised his ears.

"Well, I've seen his name and photo on a bounty list. If it comes out, you may know that his name is torreson!" Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

"Ha? He's the thunder killer, torreson? " Shangguan Yan'er is shocked by the speech, and she can't help opening her eyes to the stage.

Even the kids and others nearby can't help their face changing slightly.

The black man on the other side couldn't help but be surprised, "do you really know him?"

"Hum ~!" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng turns his mouth, he turns his head aside and ignores him.

The black man was stunned, but this time he didn't get angry. Instead, he frowned again and asked, "you actually know torreson. It seems that you are not an ordinary person, but I wonder why I can't feel your qi and blood fluctuation, and your breath and temperament don't look like a master. Who are you?"

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that the shadow, who is the third most famous killer in China, is so curious, but why should I tell you?" Zhao Chengfeng see black skin male curiosity is quite heavy, can't help laughing, joking.

However, his understatement made the black man's face changed greatly. He even stepped back involuntarily and looked around. He was relieved when no one noticed.

Then he looked warily at Zhao Chengfeng, "who are you and when did you recognize me?"

"Shh ~, in the stands, do you think torreson can challenge success?" Zhao Chengfeng put up a finger, a smile, and then diverged from the topic.

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