Listen to Zhao Chengfeng say start, shadow suddenly spirit shock, "that boss, where shall we go first?"

Zhao Chengfeng thought for a moment, "go to Yida department store square first. My company is there. Although it's unlikely, maybe I still have colleagues who survived. I want to go and have a look, and there's a flower and bird pet market in that direction!"

"Flower and bird pet market?" The shadow was stunned, but then it reflected, "the flower and bird pet market is good, there are many animals and plants in that place, and the probability of mutated creatures is certainly high!"

After their discussion, they immediately set out in the direction of Yida department store square.

With Zhao Chengfeng leading the way, although today's city and city are beyond recognition, but the general direction and geography have not changed.

The speed of the two people is not slow. In less than twenty minutes, two people are already near the busiest CBD plot in Beihai, which is also the area where Yida Department Plaza and perfume lily company are located.

But from entering the center of the city, they had to slow down, because the closer they got to the center of the area, the more serious the city was damaged, countless buildings collapsed, and the roads were also dilapidated.

What makes Zhao Chengfeng feel more heavy is that along the way, they did not see a living person, or even a mutant.

However, this does not mean safety. On the contrary, the more you go in this direction, the denser the large and small cracks in the sky are. Even Zhao Chengfeng saw with his own eyes that a red light, like a tongue shadow, was emitted from one of the cracks. A ten story building collapsed in front of their eyes.

Even though they are almost masters now, they can't help but feel shocked when they see such a scene.

"Boss, let's change our direction. That seems to be the origin and center of the chaos. You see, the cracks in time and space are not only more and more dense, but also lower and lower. If we move closer, I'm afraid there will be cracks in time and space near the ground." Looking at the smoke and dust in front of the mushroom cloud, the shadow couldn't help swallowing saliva, scared way.

It's not that he is afraid of death, but that the situation is far beyond the scope of manpower.

He couldn't imagine what would happen to them if the red light just fell on their position.

"You stay here, I'll go in and have a look!" Zhao Chengfeng also feels that his throat is dry. The situation in front of him seems to be much more serious than what he heard from Xiaogui and Tang Wei before.

It seems that although nearly three days have passed, the situation has not improved but is worsening.

But now that he's here, he still wants to go in and have a look.

Even if the hope is close to zero, but a familiar face flashed in my mind, if you don't look at him, you will feel uneasy.

Shadow a wry smile, "in this case, that or together!"

Zhao Chengfeng took a look at him, then nodded, "in this case, let's go."

After that, I moved cautiously to the location of the perfume lily company.

Sure enough, as the shadow thinks, to the location of perfume lily, the time and space crack has reached the surface.

Even when they approached Yida department store, they were shocked to find that there was a huge crack in the square in front of the department store.

It felt like there was a big earthquake here.

But if you look carefully, you will find that the crack is totally different from the earthquake crack on the ordinary ground. It is also a space-time crack.

"Time and space cracks appear on the surface of the earth!"

Both of them were stunned when they looked at the crack.

Because all the cracks in time and space that I saw before were in the void, just like the void was a piece of glass, and then someone fell it.

This also makes them think that the cracks in time and space will only appear in the void.

But the immediate situation clearly tells them, in fact, it is not the case.

This is not to say that the space-time fissure theory can appear anywhere.

Is it possible that when they open the door of a building, there is another space behind the door?

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head, shakes off this strange brain hole, and then looks around.

The familiar environment and scene are beyond recognition.

The traffic is gone, the tall buildings are gone, the streets are gone, and the shops are gone.

This huge area has turned into ruins. Although the other places they passed before were also seriously damaged and a scene of abandoned city, at least many buildings have survived.

And it's completely destroyed.

In particular, the Yida Department Store Plaza building, which he was most familiar with, was also the tallest building in the original area. It was broken in two.

The lower half is still intact, but the upper half is completely smashed on another high-rise building nearby.

"What's the cause of this?"

Zhao Chengfeng's heart completely sank to the bottom.

The situation is much worse than he thought.

The tallest buildings and the largest commercial centers of the whole city are gathered here, but at this time, the whole CBD area is just like a girl who has been ravaged by countless big men, and it can hardly see its original appearance.

"Boss, what should I do? Do you want to come in and have a look?" Asked the shadow, swallowing again.

After asking him, he also knew that he had asked a piece of nonsense, and he had already arrived here. How could Zhao Chengfeng give up.

Can't help but smile, look around, looking for an entrance that has not been buried.

But I heard a bang.

Shadow startled, turned to see, Zhao Chengfeng has punched a big hole in a wall.

When he turned his head, Zhao Chengfeng had waved away the smoke and walked into the big hole.

Shadow a wry smile "boss, you are too violent, you are not afraid of this building by you this punch, directly collapsed."

But that's what he said. He followed quickly.

But as soon as he stepped into the cave, he suddenly heard a cold drink from Zhao Chengfeng, "don't come in, quit!"

The shadow hears speech a startle, also don't know what circumstance, but dare not neglect, almost the first time a flash body retreated.

I was about to ask what was going on, but I heard two bangs inside. It felt like a fight.

The shadow was surprised and immediately realized what had happened, "meet the enemy!"

Then listen to Zhao Chengfeng came a dull hum, as if to suffer losses, this shadow is more surprised.

Zhao Chengfeng's strength he witnessed with his own eyes, not to mention now, even when he was in Linshan City, it was much stronger than his strength at this time.

In the end, what enemy should have let him suffer losses so quickly? Even if it was a sneak attack, ordinary enemies were not so bad.

At the same time, I heard Zhao Chengfeng's cry of surprise and anger, "how can it be you?"

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