"Let go, let go ~!"

Tang Li is terrified and instinctively slaps Zhao Chengfeng with one palm. He wants to force Zhao Chengfeng to let go with the help of the attack. But his neck is pinched. Zhao Chengfeng just makes a little effort. His eyes suddenly turn dark and his hand drops down.

"Let go, let go, I give up, I give up..." at this meeting, he also knew that he had no chance at all, let alone fight, he could not even struggle.

Zhao Chengfeng just a little hard, he has breathless, eyes black, if Zhao Chengfeng want to kill him, it is a matter of hand.

It's futile to struggle again at this time, and it's just asking for trouble.

Even if the heart does not accept, depressed, do not believe this is the truth, also had to struggle to admit defeat.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't let go immediately. Instead, he looked at him jokingly. When he saw that he was going to suffocate completely, he let go. The latter collapsed on the ground and gasped.

And the surrounding audience has been silent for a long time.

It's not just Tonley who can't believe it, they can't believe it either.

That's a character in the middle stage of magic martial arts realm. Among the martial arts of the earth world, he is already a top group of people.

What's more, Zhao Chengfeng is also an illusory martial arts. Why is the gap so big?

"Well, the boss is powerful!"

"The boss is powerful!"

"Boss Zhao, you are really good."

"A group of barbarians are still empty. It's called kung fu. I can't say it clearly. Now I know it's powerful!"

Compared with other forces, the Chinese people, especially the dragon scale people, were slightly surprised and inspired.

Just a moment ago, when Zhao Chengfeng put forward the rule of ten moves and one hundred moves, even though the kids and others were full of confidence in Zhao Chengfeng, they couldn't help hesitating. At this time, they saw that the white man in the middle stage of magic martial arts just managed to escape one move in Zhao Chengfeng's hand. The second move was directly captured.

But in this way, other people just feel elated, while Huisheng and blood monk are excited, they can't help feeling some pressure.

"Although the boss is really powerful in winning, it's also stressful."

"Yes, I thought I had made great progress recently, but the boss killed my illusion in a moment. It's not much different. It's just a hundred thousand miles away!"

"It's almost the same as the boss, Lao Ying. No wonder your boy is a little arrogant recently. You really dare to think about it." The blood monk looked at the shadow in surprise, and looked scornful.

"Go away." The shadow didn't stare at him angrily, "I don't believe you didn't think so!"

"Cough ~!" The blood monk drank awkwardly and touched his head, "well, I didn't think about it at all, ha ha!"

The public hears speech to all roll a white eye, "so you are good meaning to say other people's shadow."

"But to tell you the truth, recently, we have been a little slack. You see, these people come here earlier than us, and the resources they get can't be compared with us. One by one, they have been promoted to this level. And we've got it to this extent. If we go on like this, it's meaningless for us to be with the boss. "

Huisheng can't help feeling.

The other people nodded in succession, and each of them secretly decided to go back to practice as soon as it was over. There was no longer such confusion.

Zhao Chengfeng also listened to everyone's words, laughing to himself, "these tired guys finally feel the pressure, so it's OK, save me to beat them."

In fact, the blood monk and others are not as bad as they think. In fact, they all worked hard during this period of time. However, compared with the days when they licked blood with the blade, they are a little relaxed now.

If it was a peaceful time, no matter how relaxed they were, Zhao Chengfeng didn't bother to take care of it. But now, more efforts and more strength may represent more chances to live.

Originally, he thought about beating these guys well in a few days, but now it doesn't seem necessary.

"Who else wants a challenge?" Leaving the reincarnation, blood monk and other dragon scale people aside, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes swept to the crowd again, light way.

The silence of the crowd suddenly a slight commotion, before also a eager guy, but now have quietly moved back, for fear of being arched out by others.

Especially those who used to clamor that they could walk ten moves in the realm of Lingwu, now they dare not even raise their heads. They wish there was a crack in the ground to hide.

"Are you kidding me? Even the big guys in the middle stage of the magic martial arts realm can't make two moves. We little shrimps in the spirit martial arts realm are still jumping forward. That's not death, but self humiliation."

As for the scorn and sneer of the Chinese side, they had to pretend that they did not hear and disappeared.

Soon only a few people were left standing still in the crowd.

Jameson is one of them.

Everyone can back, he can't!

He stood in the same place, staring at Zhao Chengfeng tightly, clenching his fists.

He did not expect that his previous intuition had come true, and the situation seemed worse than he could imagine.

But in the end, he took a bite and stepped out.

"You are very strong, but I can't do it without fighting!"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded, "it doesn't matter, just come!"

For this person, he still has a little appreciation, at least dignified, especially after he saw his strength, he dare to stand up, this kind of spirit is a bit of martial style.

As for the other party who is the first to challenge, he doesn't care. Standing here, he anticipates that someone will challenge.

As long as it's a serious challenge, he doesn't care.

In fact, it's a good thing. Now I'm convinced, and it's better to play tricks behind my back in the future.

Otherwise, once he left, he couldn't let go.

"Ha Compared with the frivolity of the white Tom Lee, this Jameson didn't have much nonsense. He just nodded, drank heavily and hit his fists together.

At the same time, the whole body's spiritual power was instantly promoted to the extreme, and then people saw a layer of gray smoke rising around the person, and became angry with the gray smoke.

This person's original dark skin suddenly showed a piece of cyan black, and spread rapidly. In a flash, his whole person has become like a marble statue.

Seeing this scene, people who had already given up hope could not help feeling a sensation again.

"Alienation ability again!"

"What kind of capability is this, petrification or ironization?"

"No matter what it is, it seems that it's very powerful. In this way, there may still be hope!"

"Hope, what hope? Don't look at that fool just now. He also has dissimilation ability!"

"That's different. Although that guy has the ability of dissimilation just now, it seems that the ability of dissimilation can only increase the speed, but it doesn't improve the attack and defense. But the Chinese, as you can see, his speed is just out of the mark, which means that he may be a guy good at speed, and the fool can't surpass the Chinese even though he has improved the speed, What's the use of that! "

"Yes, you have a point. Come on, big black bull

"Come on, Jameson!"

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