When Park Chang Hao saw that Zhao Chengfeng said he would do it, he felt disdain. In his opinion, Zhao Chengfeng had been provoked before, and he didn't dare to say anything. At this time, he had no brains to try to deal with him. It was cowardly and mindless.

In his opinion, he is already the top of the world on this side. The reason is that his cultivation has been stagnant recently, and he has not made any progress. This is clearly the performance that he has reached the critical point of the world on this side.

Otherwise, with his talent, how could he not be promoted?

What is Zhao Chengfeng? He is just a junior. How dare he be so arrogant.

It's not death. What is it?

Park Chang Hao sneered in his heart. Naturally, he would not give way. He raised his hand lightly, which was a blow. But he pretended to be angry and said, "what do you Chinese want to do? Do you want to break the rules?"

But before he finished, his face changed.

As soon as the fists of the two sides touched, he immediately felt a force of destruction, and swept towards him crazily.

At that moment, he felt like a plastic bag in a typhoon. It was really flying all over the sky and messy in the wind.

The power he once thought of himself had nothing to comply with in the hurricane, and he was devastated in a moment, so he could not resist.

First of all, his arm was split in an instant, then he flew out uncontrollably and fell on the gray ground below the altar with a bang.

However, Zhao Chengfeng didn't intend to kill him, so although his fist was powerful and violent, he still kept a little discretion. Therefore, although this great master was extremely miserable, he still held his life and didn't even lose consciousness.

But at this time, his expression was really dull, full of horror and disbelief, "how can it be like this? It can't be like this. I'm already at the top of the world. How can I be hit by a little kid?"

His three disciples were also dull, and they looked more incredible than their master.

Isn't master invincible?

Isn't master the pinnacle of this world?


How could that be?

What are we going to do now?

Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the three people without any pity, and immediately turned his eyes to the people of humanity: "ladies and gentlemen, I am deeply honored that my Chinese side is ranked first."

As soon as he said this, the crowd suddenly rioted slightly. Everyone thought that Zhao Chengfeng was unwilling to be the first one because of his sudden strong hand. Unexpectedly, Zhao Chengfeng said that he was deeply honored.

But then they were relieved.

I thought to myself, if I am in that position, what can I do? After all, it was the result of all the votes before. If the Chinese people don't admit it, isn't it equal to beating everyone in the face?

And now the Chinese people are not willing to choose the Chinese people. How about other people?

Once the rules are broken, no one will abide by them any more. Disputes will go on endlessly, and Chinese people can't afford it.

As for Zhao Chengfeng's attack on the Korean people, they don't care. Anyway, some people come out and pit the recent strong Chinese side. Then those who come out are unlucky. The Chinese people give in. What does it have to do with other people.

"Although the Chinese are strong, they can't fight against everyone."

Hua Xia side, small five has stopped the blood on the wrist, see this, is also a sneer of sarcasm, "I thought he had how strong, the original is just like this."

However, when he thought that he was also a member of the experimental group, he felt that all this was caused by Zhao Chengfeng.

"But..." at this time, Zhao Chengfeng said again, "although I am very honored to give the first place to our Chinese side, at the same time, I firmly believe in the judgment of all those who participate in the restoration of the gate of time and space, including my father and my elder martial sister, and firmly believe that the space passage at this time is safe and reliable. But out of respect for life, I don't think it's too prudent. What do you think? "

When he opened his mouth, many people narrowed their eyes slightly. Some people said with a smile: "of course, it's right out of respect for life, but what kind of prudence do you call prudence? You won't tell us that we have to wait for ten or eight years, will you? If so, we can wait, but the enemy in the inner world can't wait. "

"Oh, so you are in a hurry?" Zhao Chengfeng also narrowed his eyes and looked at the man. When the man heard the words, he looked stagnant and his eyes flashed fiercely. But after all, he hummed and closed his mouth.

If he dares to continue to hate Zhao Chengfeng, who knows what this madman will do? Even though he thinks he is stronger than that Korean stick, but the Chinese side is not as long as Zhao Chengfeng. Don't forget that the two real terrible gods are still watching the fun?

"Ha ha, it seems that this friend is not in such a hurry." Zhao Chengfeng's joking smile made the man's face turn blue and red. Then he continued: "of course, I can't really make such a time-consuming proposal, because although this friend is not in a hurry, I am really in a hurry."

"So my proposal is actually very simple, that is, before the official start, we should do an experiment with some other living things, such as the Korean people. I don't know if any of you object to my proposal. If you have any, please raise your hand."

"What, I'm against it, you bastard surnamed Zhao? What do you mean? What's the name of other living beings? Are we not human beings in Korea?"

Hearing Zhao Chengfeng's suggestion, everyone was stunned, but the three Koreans and Park Chang Hao, who was lying on the ground with less air and more air, changed their faces greatly, and they were even more ashamed and indignant.

Before, they aimed at the Chinese people, at least they just said that they encouraged everyone to vote for Huaxia to be the first, and the reasons were also high sounding.

It's good to go to Zhao Chengfeng. First, they beat their team leader down with a direct blow, and then they openly proposed that they should be test objects.

Even said that what is in respect of life, that other life, this is simply waiting for and directly announced that they are mice.

But to their despair, except for their own three hands, no one raised their hands.

It's unbelievable. "What's the situation, doesn't it mean there are many Notre Dame watches in the world? Don't you have any objection to such a cruel thing as experimenting with human beings? "

Unfortunately, the fact is that there is no such thing.

Zhao Chengfeng looked at the three people with a smile and said, "there is a philosophical allusion in China called white horse is not horse, so of course Korean people are not people, at least you three are not in my eyes!"

"And it seems that no one is against it, so this proposal is an open, fair and transparent voting result. Three, please

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