Hearing sang Le's words, Zhao Chengfeng didn't get angry at all. Instead, he laughed and looked at him with disdain. "Do you understand my power? What's the Wuchen family, but in the short term, you can understand it like this? "

To tell you the truth, Zhao Chengfeng didn't pay attention to the so-called Wuchen family in his heart. Although he didn't know the power levels of the world's knights up to now, according to his current collection and several verifications.

The level of the world's taxi barons should be equivalent to ordinary ancient warriors and some ordinary fighting masters in the earth world.

Baron level is the realm of Lingwu.

The level of viscount is equivalent to the realm of magic martial arts.

The count is roughly equivalent to the void realm.

Further up, he has no concept of both, so he can't speculate.

However, a Wuchen family only has two Viscount, that is to say, at most, there are two below the peak of magic martial arts. It's really nothing.

What he was worried about was the world itself, and the formation that almost covered the whole eternal world. Although he still doesn't know what the reason is, he didn't respond when he entered the city.

But he did not dare to take this thing lightly.

The second is the other powerful masters in the city, the earls and the masters above the earls.

Even if Zhao Chengfeng's heart is high, he doesn't dare to ignore all the experts.

But fortunately, I met a bad luck ghost Wuchen Qianzhi. If I can make good use of this identity, I should not arouse the vigilance of those other experts and take a firm foothold in Wuchen Qianzhi's identity.

And he pretended to use this identity, that five Chen's nature is also can't get around, and if can control such a power in the hand also be regarded as a good thing.

But after all, he is not really five Chen thousand childish, so it has to be operated well. If he can't succeed, he may even capsize in the sewer.

Because although Wuchen had only two Viscount, they could borrow the power of the great array in the city.

And once someone doubts his identity, he can't predict the reaction of other clans and nobles in the city.

But sang Le three people don't know his situation, think he is really five Chen thousand Yang, hear him tone so big, and seem to take back five Chen's control is not so attentive, can't help dumbfounded.

In the heart secretly way: "this young master's tone is also too big, five Chen's don't calculate what, then why do you descend to escape to wilderness?"

At this moment, they suddenly suspected that it was right or wrong to cooperate with him.

Although he seems to have hidden a lot of strength, and he is generous, it would be very sad if he is a liar.

But look at his words and deeds before.

Several people are suspicious, but dare not say.

Zhao Chengfeng could see their thoughts naturally. He said with a smile, "don't worry. I've endured for so many years. I'm not a rash person. Otherwise, do you think the two Viscount will let me live till now?"

"However, what I said before is not casual. If I didn't get stuck in a bottleneck before, can they force me away?"

Zhao Chengfeng said here with a smile, "I'd like to thank them. If they didn't want to persecute me and force me to come to such an end, I really couldn't have a chance to make great progress."

Zhao Chengfeng said with a grin, as if the fire of hatred was burning in his eyes. Although he also knew that his reasons were poor, with the similarity between him and Wuchen Qianzhi, most people would not doubt his identity.

So it's enough to have a bad reason to explain the gap between my strength and Wuchen Qianzhi.

Anyway, Wuchen Qianzhi is now burned to ashes, and there is no proof of death.

Sure enough, as soon as they listened to him, they all bowed their heads and said in secret: "I see. It turns out that he made great progress only after he was forced to leave. I would say that there is a big gap between the five Chen chivalry and the strength in the legend? If it's simply forbearance, it's too forbearance. "

"If it was weak before, and then it made great progress, then it makes sense." In fact, this kind of thing is common in the eternal world, especially in the marketplace.

And most of them are very similar to the experience and situation of "Wuchen Qianzhi" at this time. When your son was in trouble, he encountered an adventure and made great progress. He met a group of friends in need and helped him. Then he went back to his hometown to avenge himself.

This scene as like as two peas is almost the same. Five thousand childish is the realistic version of the story of the expensive son. But are they not the ones who are companion in adversity?

When they think about it, they are still a little excited. If they are not careful, they may become legends.

"Then, my Lord, are you going to kill me now? Don't worry, my Lord. Our brothers will help us. " Monkey FIGO's eyes are shining, full of expectations, hoping that Zhao Chengfeng shouts, "let's kill back!"

Then they immediately rushed to Wuchen's nest on May 9. Well, there are only four people who are not so powerful, but don't worry about the details.

"You are an idiot. If you want to kill me like this, what else do you need to do? How much strength can you help me?" Dori the black bear is much smarter than FIGO. No wonder he often calls the latter an idiot.

But FIGO refused to admit it. He hummed coldly, "you're an idiot. I'm sure I can help you when you say you want to cooperate with us. Otherwise, do you think you'll be as stupid as your stupid bear?"

"Well, you two, don't argue. My Lord must have a plan." Sang Le stops them and looks at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "ha ha, it's not realistic to go back now. First, I don't have enough titles. Second, they hold clan insignia and have the power to borrow the power of the great formation. I'm not afraid of them. But in the face of the great formation, don't say that I'm not afraid of them, even the earls and dukes."

"Ah, what shall we do?" Monkey FIGO was disappointed, but he was deeply worried.

The other two frowned together.

"However, there will be a chance soon. Soon, it will be the time for the clan battle of the city of May 9. At that time, except for special circumstances, all the clans will lose their power temporarily. They will not be able to regain their power until the end of the war and the end of the change of power. At that time, I will return to the city of May 9, Take back all that belongs to me. "

"And at that time, all the Wuchen clansmen would kneel down in front of us and beg us, because no one except me could let them keep the honor and dignity of the clan!"

Zhao Chengfeng is confident.

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