When several people in that team heard Zhao Chengfeng's self mockery with a joke, they all laughed except that the girl with horsetail blushed a little. It seemed that they all got Zhao Chengfeng's little wit.

He was still the man with long hair. With a smile and a sigh of regret, he said, "that's a pity. I'm just about to ask about the information about Lord robber Wang and here. It seems that we have to find someone else for both."

He said that, and then both sides laughed.

The man with long hair immediately remembered something and said with a smile, "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Lin Ke. I'm from the city of April 20. These are my companions, and they are all from the city of April 20. Recently, I happened to be training near here. I heard that the withered stone forest has an idea, so I came to have a look, thinking that even if I can't get the treasure of the robber king, Maybe you can see it. I wonder if some of you have the same purpose as us? If so, I think maybe we can go together. "

"On May 9, the Wuchen family was chivalrous." The man with long hair has a good manner of speaking, and he doesn't beat around the bush. Although Zhao Chengfeng is a little surprised that these people are only barons and even want to fight against the robber Wang Baozang, he doesn't have a bad impression on them.

So it also reported on the identity of today's fake, anyway, it can't be the world's Beihai City Zhao Chengfeng, right?

"Wuchen? You are the son of the clan, but your rank... "Those people were surprised when they heard that he had reported his family. It was OK for others, but the girl with two horsetails couldn't help crying out. Fortunately, in the middle of talking, she also realized that she had said something she shouldn't say. She quickly covered her mouth and looked at the man with long hair with a guilty face.

The latter can't help but smile bitterly, want to apologize, but I don't know how to say, can only toward Zhao Chengfeng apology smile.

In fact, he was a little surprised. He said in secret: "no wonder this man seems to have only the authority of scholar level, but other people seem to take him as the center. It turns out that he is a son of the clan. If he is only a son of the clan, this rank is really... Well, however, there are many people in the clan, if it is a collateral branch..."

He thinks like this, a person behind him is wrinkling eyebrow, seem to be thinking what, suddenly the facial expression moves, then a face surprised of see to Zhao Chengfeng.

Obviously, this man thought of some rumors about the Wuchen family on May 9.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care, but he just gave a faint smile. Then he pointed to Adele and other humanitarians: "these are my friends in the black street city. They all belong to Adele's team. This is captain Adele, old Bill..."

One by one, he introduced the people on his side. After the two sides said hello, he asked with great interest: "I heard what you meant before. Did you intend to go to the central area of the forest to search for treasure? Why did you choose to enter from this Canyon?"


When those people heard this, they were surprised again. They looked like aliens. If Zhao Chengfeng didn't know that it was not very possible, they would almost suspect that they had been seen through.

After a long time, he coughed with an unnatural expression and said, "well, we're not familiar with this place. It's just that people say that only this canyon can safely reach the central area of the forest. There are other paths, but they are said to be quite dangerous. But this is just our hearsay. Does Qianzhi know there are other ways?"

"Er, this..." knowing that he had asked another idiot question, Zhao Chengfeng simply put out his hand with a wry smile. "In fact, I don't know. We didn't come here to go to the central area. In fact, our purpose here is to take a collection task and look for some materials here."

"By the way, you seem to be familiar with this place. Do you know where these materials can be collected?" Zhao Chengfeng then asked.

Adele's eyes brightened when she heard the words, and she quickly reported the name and description of the materials required by the task to several people.

Long hair man and others first listen to Zhao Chengfeng said, but also dubious, see Adele really have a task list, just know that Zhao Chengfeng and others really just to do the task.

At the same time, he was disappointed.

Because they really don't mean to find Zhao Chengfeng and others. They really want to find some companions. They also know that their strength is a little weak, so they want to find more teams that are not stronger than themselves, but not too weak. Zhao Chengfeng and others' teams seem to be very suitable.

I didn't expect that it was just a few guys with "no ambition". Although I felt that there was one less competitor, I failed to integrate the team.

However, after seeing Zhao Chenghua and others' task list, long hair man and others look strange again.

"Well, you guys, I think you've been fooled." The long haired man wants to talk and stops, but in the end, he may feel that Zhao Chengfeng and others are a little silly, but they are not bad, so he chooses to speak directly.

But his words confused Zhao Chengfeng and others.

Although they also speculate that this may be a trap, how can this guy say that he has been fooled at a glance? Are we wrong? These are not stupid people who are beyond their ability, they are extremely intelligent people?

"What our captain means is that it's impossible for you to collect all these materials here now." See Zhao Chengfeng and others do not understand, the other side of the team another young people straight mouth fast way.

"Well, isn't it?" Zhao Chengfeng and others were surprised, but they couldn't believe it.

"Ha ha, why not? Although all these things were produced here, the withered stone forest is different from other places. Most of the things here are almost non renewable, especially this sword jade, which was preserved after the jade of jianyushu tree fruit was melted hundreds of years ago. If you take off one, you will lose one. If you think about it for hundreds of years, how many of them have not been picked up!" See Zhao Chengfeng and others also doubt their own words, the young man sneered.

Zhao Chengfeng and others can't help but clatter. Although it sounds like this, they think that if this is really a trap, there won't be such a loophole?

Seeing a few people look bad, the man with long hair couldn't bear it. He coughed awkwardly and said, "well, it's just our guess. Maybe we can still find it. Of course, according to my estimation, if there are any, the central area should be more likely."

Zhao Chengfeng and others were worried at first, but when they heard this, they looked more strange... This product can't see that brother Feng is an expert, so we want to go to the central area. Is he fishing in troubled waters?

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