"This breath... Is a Viscount level strongman!"

Baron link, Baron big nose and others are changing colors.

Not waiting for them to have more exclamations, the three breath has been fast approaching this side.

Originally, they were more than ten miles away from the mouth of the valley, but the three breath was less than several miles away from them among dozens of breaths.

"It's so fast. Pull over quickly!" When a group of people came back to their senses, Baron big nose quickly asked them to lean to the side, so as not to block the way of those people and cause bad luck.

Although the Baron and the Viscount are only a gap in rank, the gap in strength is still relatively large, just like the warrior in the spiritual realm of the earth world meets the warrior in the illusory realm. If there is nothing special about each other, it is absolutely not a problem to fight ten at one time.

There are so many people here. If they can work together, it's not that they have no power to fight against the three viscount. But if it is not a last resort, no Baron level warrior is willing to provoke the misfortune of a Viscount warrior.

Zhao Chengfeng and others are also close to the edge. Of course, Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid of a few petty Viscount, but he doesn't want to make trouble for nothing. Anyway, he won't die.

During this time, the three breath had been only a few hundred meters away. For the speed of the three Viscount levels, such a distance was just a matter of breathing.

Youhu had already come to the front, and everyone saw that they were really three strong men at the level of viscount, two men and one woman, each with a terrible breath.

The people were awe inspiring, but they were also a bit depressed and angry. Generally speaking, the strong Viscount did have a strong breath, but usually they didn't let it out. It was obviously intentional for the three people to make such a huge impact.

"Damn, it's just a viscount. It's not a count or marquis. Is it necessary to be so arrogant?"

It's just that the arrival of these three people has deepened their worries. With these three people, there must be other experts, even the top ones, coming one after another.

Originally, I wanted to catch up with these strong people and find some cheap things before they react. I didn't expect that these old wangba came so quickly.

But in the hearts of all the people, no one really does not know how to speak out and cause trouble.

I just want to pretend to be my grandson for a while and wait for these three people to come.

"Viscount axe sword, viscount ice flower, please wait a moment." But I don't want that when the three people pass by, one of the men and one of the women looks at them and ignores them, while the other short man suddenly stops and stops the other two. Then he came to the crowd.

The man and the woman, who were obviously the vicomte of axe and sword in his mouth, and the woman, who were obviously the so-called vicomte of ice flower, probably understood his meaning when they saw their companions stop and walk towards the group of Baron level warriors, so they all stopped, but they didn't speak.

The speaking Viscount was dressed in silver armor, with a long silver sword hanging at his waist. His golden hair was carefully combed. On the surface, he looked quite elegant, but Zhao Chengfeng felt the lightness in his face.

This man was going to the Baron link and Baron big nose, but suddenly he saw Adele, Liuli and Youya. His eyes couldn't help brightening and he exclaimed.

Then he changed his direction and came to Zhao Chengfeng and others.

Zhao Chengfeng and Adele and others can't help frowning.

The man didn't seem to notice the displeasure of several people, or noticed it, but he didn't care at all. He still walked towards them with a frivolous smile.

He didn't look at Zhao Chengfeng, old Bill and others, but at Youya, Liuli and Adele. "I didn't expect to meet three such amazing beauties in this desolate place. No wonder master Shi Fei said that today we will have peach blossom luck. Master Shi Fei's divination skill is really amazing."

Listen to him say so, Zhao Chengfeng and others can't help but once again a frown, Zhao Chengfeng and leisurely elegant look is a bit cold.

Also frowning was the ice flower Viscount, and there was a chill and a vicious flash in her eyes, but the chill was not aimed at the frivolous guy, but at Youya and Adele.

The change of her expression was not seen by others, but Zhao Chengfeng had a panoramic view, and immediately had no good impression on the three people.

Reach out to lightly press the leisurely ya that wants to attack, then step to block in front of three people, cold voice opens a mouth: "what's the matter with you?"

His opening, in addition to Youya and Liuli, other people can't help but slightly Leng, Adele and others are OK, at least a little psychological preparation.

Baron link and others can't help but open their eyes and look at Zhao Chengfeng in astonishment. "This guy is so stupid. He dares to talk with a Viscount so coldly. Isn't he stupid?"

This boy is looking for bad luck, ah ~!

Sure enough, when the frivolous Viscount heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, he was stunned. It seemed that he suddenly noticed that there was such a person beside the three beauties.

But then the pretty face slowly cooled down, but the smile on the corner of the mouth became stronger, but there was more chill in the frivolity, "are you talking to me?"

Zhao Chengfeng glanced at him, but he was speechless. Is there something wrong with this brain? I'm not talking to you, am I talking to ghosts?

But he didn't want to pick anything, so he still asked, "what's the matter with you? If you have something to say, if you have nothing to do, please. We still have something to do. "

"Ha ha, what did you say? A scholar's mole ant, do you know who this seat is? How dare you be presumptuous in front of me? Haven't you heard of the name of viscount silver armor? " Silver armour Viscount anger extremely counter smile, while speaking, viscount authority authority without reservation burst out, when the head toward Zhao Chengfeng rolling over.

Baron link and Adele's team all changed their faces when they heard the name of the viscount.

"Viscount silver armor? Is he the silver Baron of elephant city? "

"It's probably him. It's said that this man likes women and is very arrogant, but he's cruel and ruthless. He's the son of the deputy mayor of elephant city. Even ordinary earls don't dare to offend him. Unexpectedly, it's him. He's finished!"

Baron link and other people who had a good impression of Zhao Chengfeng could not help sighing for Zhao Chengfeng.

But no one plans to stand up for Zhao Chengfeng.

Although a few of these men saw Adele and other women's looks, they still had some "understanding" of Zhao Chengfeng. If I had such a beautiful female companion, I was afraid that I would die like this.

However, before there is not enough strength, forced to come out, the end is so miserable ah.

This is the curse of beauty.

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