"I've thought of what you said." Zhao Chengfeng naturally knew what the problem Liuli was talking about. Obviously Liuli also noticed the problem of time. "For this reason, I also asked that gentleman. I even learned from him the specific time when he left the earth. It was only two years since we left the earth."

Liuli stares at Zhao Chengfeng. After a long time, he comes back to himself. "It's only two years, but it's said that the war has been thousands of years since now?"

"Even if there is no millennium, there must be hundreds of years. If you count from the time that the king of thieves became famous, it will be no less than a thousand years. Considering that he should not become the king of thieves as soon as he comes to the world, it should be longer. " Zhao Chengfeng nodded.

"Can we say that the velocity between the earth world and this world will be hundreds of times, even thousands of times?" Glass eyes and stare of a big point, then a punch hit in the palm.

"If so, that's a good thing. At least we don't have to worry about time for the time being."

She was originally a more introverted character, and after the previous encounter, she was not easy to show her feelings, but now she was more excited and a little excited.

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "no, I'm afraid it's not so optimistic. Although I don't know much about this aspect, the speed of time is often related to the level and quality of the plane. From what we have seen since we came to this world, the plane of the Black Death world and the eternal life world and the plane of the earth world, It doesn't seem to be that big in terms of quality and level. "

"If there is such a big difference, it is impossible for the two planes to connect because space-time is too distorted."

Liuli pauses for a moment. She really doesn't understand what Zhao Chengfeng said. After all, not everyone is as lucky as Zhao Chengfeng. When she is in the earth world, she can contact so many people who "either come from the ectopic plane or have visited the ectopic plane".

However, after Zhao Chengfeng said, she also seemed to understand something, half understood something.

I was disappointed.

"I guess there are probably two reasons for this situation. One is that there is some distortion of space and time in the process of our coming to this world. In other words, we may come to the future corresponding to the earth's world plane, which is a bad situation." Zhao Chengfeng frowned and analyzed.

Liuli nodded subconsciously, "if that's true, it's really bad."

If they really come to the time node in the future, even if they find a way to return to the earth world, is it the future Earth or the past earth plane?

Another bad thing is, if their time and space are distorted in the process of coming to this world, will other people be at the same time node with them?

That's what they're worried about.

"But I don't think it's very likely?" Liuli is testing the way.

After all, the process of their transmission is basically smooth. If there is such a strong distortion of time and space, it is impossible to be so calm.

"It's true." Zhao Chengfeng also nodded, "in addition to this possibility, that is the second possibility, that is, Mr. Wang, who came to this world is not a transmission of space nodes, but a passage of time and space."

Zhao Chengfeng said that he moved out the miniature pyramid from the dimensional objects.

The reason why the word "move" is used is that it's too heavy. Even if he had been prepared for a long time, it still makes a dull sound when he lands. Fortunately, the ground is strong enough, otherwise it will sink in directly.

As soon as Liuli saw that Zhao Chengfeng took out the pyramid, his eyes lit up and his attention was attracted. He had been walking all the time and could not help squatting down.

Reach out to feel, but reach out and stop, look up to Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng looks as if she is a cold-blooded woman warrior, but now she seems to be a curious little girl. She can't help laughing. Seeing that she looks at herself and looks expectant, she nods with a smile to show her casualness.

Glass was allowed to instant joy, first carefully touched.

Although it feels like a stone or metal, it has a strong texture.

But it's not just why, maybe it's psychological effect. She always feels that this thing has a mysterious power passing through her fingertips, which makes her heart slightly accelerate.

She pushed with her fingers subconsciously, and did not move.

This made her a little surprised, and she could not help adding some strength, but still did not move.

This time, she was really surprised.

When Zhao Chengfeng took it out, she felt as if it had a lot of weight, but it looked heavier than she thought.

Can't help looking at Zhao Chengfeng again, some surprised way: "so heavy ah, this is not really a pyramid miniature like this?"

"It's really possible." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it and thought that it was very possible. If it was so small, it would not be the title of time gate.

"How do you use this one?" Liuli asked subconsciously, but he didn't hear Zhao Chengfeng's answer. When he looked up, he saw Zhao Chengfeng laughing and saying nothing.

In the heart not from meal, this just realized that oneself asked a little too many.

Even if she has decided to follow Zhao Chengfeng now, and Zhao Chengfeng obviously regards her as her own person. After all, they are the only two people in this place from the earth world, and the natural is the community.

That's why even these secrets are left for her to share.

But she also realized that Zhao Chengfeng did not have complete trust in himself, at least not to the point of no reservation.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that." Aware of this, she apologized in a hurry, fearing that Zhao Chengfeng might suspect that she really had his thoughts.

"It doesn't matter. I'll let you know these things in the future, but it's really not the time to tell you now. Even I'm hesitant. I don't know what to do Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and then sighed.

"No, it's my fault." Liuli bit his lips, though he was a little bit lost.

But she's not a three-year-old, and she knows some of the truth.

Some things, not whether Zhao Chengfeng will tell her, but she should not ask.

At the end of the day, she's trespassing.

"So that elder, he really came to this world because of this thing from the earth plane?" Taking the previous question, Liuli asked a new one.

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