After studying for a long time, Zhao Chengfeng didn't find out the secret of the jade slip, but he couldn't get into the dimensional space any more.

"It's a strange thing."

However, it does prove that this jade slip is really famous.

All of a sudden, he had an idea and took out the small pyramid, because he thought, if there is any difference between his dimensional space and before, that is, if there are more small pyramids, why the jade slips could be taken in before, but now they can't be taken in, is that the reason for the small pyramid?

He is holding the attitude of a try, did not expect this time actually become, after taking out the small pyramid, and then put the jade slip, immediately smoothly put in.

Then he took over the little pyramid, but nothing happened. It was very smooth.

Then he took out the jade slips, but he couldn't take them in.

After experimenting back and forth several times in this way, he was surprised to find out.

As long as the small pyramid is in the dimension, the jade can't be collected, otherwise it will be OK.

Then he tried to experiment with other things, but without any hindrance.

"Ha ha, it's a little interesting."

Is it these two things? Well, to be exact, it should be said that this jade slip is not only afraid, but also resistant to the small pyramid. It is not willing to stay in the same space with it. Otherwise, it will be OK.

"Because the level of this small pyramid is higher than that of the jade slips, the former is not afraid of the latter, while the latter is afraid of the former?" Zhao Chengfeng pondered that it seemed possible.

Of course, there is another possibility that although these two things are mutually exclusive, the latter has spirituality, but the former does not, so the latter knows how to avoid, while the former does not.

Zhao Chengfeng thought about it and put back the little pyramid. He was thinking about whether to take out the jade slips and put them close to his body.

If these two things really rush, one of them will be damaged.

But before he did so, he suddenly felt that the dimensional object moved for a while, and then Ding Dong made a light sound, and the jade slip fell to the ground.

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly widened his eyes and was stunned. He took a look at the jade slips and the dimensional objects. "What's the ghost? Is the dimensional object missing?"

Of course, Zhao Chengfeng knows that this is impossible. To some extent, the space within the dimensional object is an independent space opened up by manpower, although this kind of opening up is based on the physical properties of some materials.

However, as an independent space, it is not necessarily connected with the plane world, and its contents can not be leaked out at all. Don't say anything. Even if it is forcibly destroyed, the things inside can't fall in front of him. Instead, they are scattered in the void or annihilated in the void.

Instead of falling out like this, it's not a cloth bag.

This is also such a dimensional thing. Once it is refined, only the owner can use it. If other people can't erase the mark of the former owner and refine it again, then it is useless to get it.

But what's going on now?

Zhao Chengfeng frowned and looked at the jade slip. He felt strange. No, it was very strange.

But the jade slip had no breath at this time, just like an ordinary jade slip.

But Zhao Chengfeng has a feeling that he is staring at this thing.

He has a feeling that this thing may have its own consciousness.

Although a jade slip has its own consciousness, this kind of thing is a little inconceivable.

But there are all kinds of strange things in the world. Who can be sure that there are none?

"What are you? What do you want to do lurking around me? " Stare for a long time, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly fierce voice way, a pair of young master has seen through your appearance.

However, the jade slip was as quiet as ever, just like a dead object, without any reaction.

"Oh, I'm still pretending to you. Believe it or not, I'll make a pee on your face."

Zhao Chengfeng then pretended to untie his trousers.

Fortunately, there is no outsider at this time. Otherwise, seeing him like this, he would threaten a jade slip and treat him as a psycho.

Although Zhao Chengfeng also knows that it's a bit silly to talk to a jade slip, he just feels that he can really understand it.

But no matter how he threatened, Mei Yujian still didn't respond.

Half a day later, Zhao Chengfeng was finally discouraged.

I can't help it. That's what he said, but can he really take a bath with this thing? In that case, does he want it? It's not disgusting others, it's disgusting yourself.

"What should we do? Should we just smash it? Or is it lost? " If the threat doesn't work, Zhao Chengfeng thinks that he might as well throw it away.

It's really weird that a jade slip seems to have independent consciousness and can penetrate the dimensional things.

No, it's not suspected. Zhao Chengfeng is almost 90% sure that this thing is conscious and cunning.

But why do you say that?

There is a basis for Zhao Chengfeng.

Think about it. It has been a long time since Zhao Chengfeng got the little pyramid. If this thing is pure spirituality and knows how to avoid and overcome the physical nature, then with its ability to "fall out" from the dimensional things, it should have "fallen out" long ago.

But it didn't. It was only when Zhao Chengfeng took out the materials and Shouzhu that it was caught in those things and "taken out". Yes, Zhao Chengfeng thought so at that time, but now it seems that it was really because he "accidentally" caught it in those things and was taken out together?

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think so.

At that time, he didn't think much about it, but now the situation can't help him.

This thing is probably in disguise. It has the power to penetrate space and contradicts the small pyramid, but it doesn't make a sound until Zhao Chengfeng takes something else.

To some extent, it also succeeded. If it didn't finally lose its composure and "fall" out of the dimensional things, Zhao Chengfeng thought it was spiritual at most.

"Ha ha, you are self defeating." Zhao Chengfeng looked at the jade slips and gave a sneer.

In fact, even if it ran out as soon as Zhao Chengfeng got the little pyramid, he probably would not doubt it too much. Instead, he might marvel at the magic of this thing, and even care more about it.

But it chose to camouflage and lurk, which reveals that it is not just a little spiritual.

However, no matter what Zhao Chengfeng said, the jade slips still didn't react at all. They pretended to be dead dogs.

Zhao Chengfeng see this no longer say, touch chin, some hesitation.

To tell you the truth, if Zhao Feilong didn't give it to him, he would smash it or lose it.

But it was Zhao Feilong who gave it to him after all. Does the old guy have any deep meaning, or does he know the strangeness of it?

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