"To tell you the truth, why did you miss Yunhe choose this place instead of other places?" Zhao Chengfeng touched his chin and looked at the mountain in front of him. He could not count how many mountain branches there were, how many thousands of miles or tens of thousands of miles, and almost 90% of the area was covered by primeval forests.

To tell you the truth, I'm really speechless.

He thought that the purpose of a cloud crane was to let her brother unite the authority of the baron. Although the place he chose was dangerous, it was easy for him at this time.

It should be a very easy job to ignore the deep water behind the incident.

But NIMA, it's a little different from what I thought.

What the hell are you going to do in the vast mountains, let alone the world? Even in the earth world, ordinary people dare not easily set foot in such primeval forests.

In the case of lack of preparation, even if it is a magic martial arts realm during the collapse of the master is a dead end.

He said, intentionally or unintentionally looked at the black crane.

The latter said with a wry smile, "the young lady chose this place to give master Yuhe more suitable and better authority. Unfortunately, my Wansheng building is really inadequate now. Ah..."

The black crane said another bitter sigh.

Zhao Chengfeng smiles and exchanges his eyes with Liuli.

Both of them saw the eyes of "probably not wrong" from each other's eyes.

If they just doubted before, then at this time, they can almost be sure that Miss Yunhe just chose to take the rank for her younger brother at this time, which is no accident.

It can't be just to condense the order for the little master of jade crane.

But both of them still don't understand what Miss Yunhe's plot is and where is her confidence?

There is also how much Wuhe steward knows.

Just at this time, a member of the crane tribe came to ask, "master Qianzhi, Wuhe is in charge. The way up the mountain has been found. Excuse me, two of you, shall we start right away?"

"My Lord, you say..." Wuhe turns his head and looks at Zhao Chengfeng.

"What do you think?" Zhao Chengfeng did not answer directly, but asked the Hezhi people who came to inquire, "you should have more experience in this kind of thing than me, so you might as well talk about how to arrange it?"

That person smell speech a Zheng, subconscious of see to Wu He in charge of a business.

Wu he didn't seem to expect Zhao Chengfeng to say that. His eyes flashed and his face sank. He said, "if you're asked to say it, you can say it. What do you want me to do?"

"Yes." The man looked confused for a moment, and then tentatively said: "tell master Qianzhi that Wuhe is in charge. If we follow my advice, then I think we'd better take a rest at the foot of the mountain first. Although it will take a little time, if we don't make any preparation, we may lose more time after entering the mountain."

The man glanced at Wuhe again intentionally or unintentionally. Wuhe frowned and snorted coldly, "hum, what did you do earlier? The young lady and the young master are in danger now. This is a matter of race against the clock. Now tell me to prepare?"

The man bowed his head.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "I don't think they are to blame for this. Some things like going to the mountain may really need to be on the spot to prepare."

Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's intercession, the man breathed out a breath and said: "what Qianzhi said is exactly what he said."

Then he secretly looked at the black crane.

Wuhe pondered for a moment, then asked calmly, "how long will it take you to be ready?"

"Five Chen, no, four Chen, only four Chen will be ready." The man was busy.

"Hum, what four Chen? I'll give you three Chen. You must start immediately after three Chen. Don't forget Lin He and Songyuan. They may have entered the mountain now. Once they are asked to find the first lady, the consequences will be unimaginable!" Wu he said without waiting for the man to answer, he waved his hand, "OK, don't give me any more words, go quickly!"

The man did not dare to say any more and left in a hurry.

Wuhe took a look at the deep mountains, and then said to Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli, "Qianzhi, Miss Liuli, you two should find a place to rest for a while. I have to stare at them and neglect them!"

"Well, you go. We're not here to be guests if we don't neglect anything." Zhao Chengfeng smiles and waves.

Wu he apologized again, then turned to the people who were preparing. Before he came near, he urged them to command this, command that.

After a look at the black crane and the sweating crane people, Zhao Chengfeng tilts his mouth slightly, and then turns to look deep into the mountains.

He felt his chin and meditated.

Next to Liuli also don't know what he thought, but Zhao Chengfeng didn't say, she didn't ask.

In fact, little by little, she remembers that she found her from Wuhe and asked her to meet Zhao Chengfeng on her behalf, until she and Zhao Chengfeng arrived at Wansheng tower, and then from Wansheng tower to the front of her eyes.

Every detail of what happened during this period was passed through in her mind.

And then combined with her and Zhao Chengfeng's previous analysis.

But she still felt that there were many things she couldn't understand.

On the other hand, Zhao Chengfeng is the same. Both of them feel that this matter is suspicious everywhere, but they can't find the answer.

"No way, we still have too little information." Zhao Chengfeng sighed in his heart. He suddenly asked, "Liuli, do you think we should get out of here?"

Hearing the words, Liuli pondered for a moment, then slightly shook his head and said, "if it was before, I might suggest you to get away, but I think of a question that makes me feel a little confused about how to give you advice."

"Oh, what do you think of?" Zhao Chengfeng looks at Liuli in surprise.

He didn't expect Liuli to answer like this.

Liuli looked around. Although she was speaking Chinese, it was impossible for anyone to understand her, she instinctively lowered her voice and said, "my Lord, if we can get the crane jade of the time, would it help us to return to the earth?"

When Zhao Chengfeng heard her words, he was stunned and didn't connect the two things.

But he immediately understood the meaning of Liuli.

"The crane jade of time, the law of time... You mean it may correct the deviation of time and space caused by the gate of time and space?"

"My Lord, I think so. Since your gate of time and space is named after time and space by the Lord robber, does it mean that it may involve the double laws of time and space, and that the reason for its time deviation is that it is imperfect or damaged to some extent? So... "Liuli carefully said.

After all, in her present state, she doesn't know anything about this level, if Zhao Chengfeng hadn't mentioned it.

It was only by chance that she could think of this, so she had no confidence in her words.

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