"In that case, I'm afraid we can't follow their rhythm any more."

After understanding his determination, the color of Liuli changed slightly, and then nodded.

Then he looked at the black crane, who was still directing the crowd in the distance.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded, also looked at the black crane, the corner of his mouth slightly tilted.

Then he walked to Wuhe with a smile, "why, is Wuhe not ready to take charge?"

"Ah..." Wu he didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng was so active suddenly. He came to urge him, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

As soon as I looked up and saw Zhao Chengfeng's smiling eyes, I was puzzled. I couldn't help but dodge. But then I adjusted back and said with a smile, "OK, OK, it's OK. I'm sorry, Qianzhi. I've kept you waiting for a long time."

"I don't care. I'm afraid the eldest lady and the young master of your family can't wait." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

"Ah, what you said is very true!" Wuhe seems to be in Zhao Chengfeng's mind. He looks worried and anxious.

Then he turned to one of the cranes and said anxiously: "hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, don't worry about those, horses... What kind of horses... Don't take them if you're afraid of falling leaves. Leave one person here to watch and take all the other things with you... Hurry up, hurry up... We're fighting for time with those bastards, don't you know?"

Black crane while urging, while snoring, sweating all over his head.

Zhao Chengfeng looked at his every move, his heart more determined, Liuli and his guess is right, "it seems that the young lady is not simple."

Why is Zhao Chengfeng so determined?

It seems that there is nothing wrong with Wuhe's performance.

But he didn't realize that there was a flaw in his words when he didn't notice.

The flaw is that, "we are fighting for time with those bastards.".

This sentence sounds OK at first, and even Zhao Chengfeng would not have noticed it if he had not suspected it for a long time.

But if you listen carefully, you will find a flaw, and there is more than one flaw.

The first is who the word "asshole" refers to. On the surface, it seems to be talking about Lin He, Songyuan and others, but if it's really Lin He and others, he will definitely add Lin He, or those assholes in Songyuan.

Secondly, the biggest flaw is that this sentence clearly reveals a message that he is only worried about those bastards, or that he is very clear that now they need to seize the time only those bastards.

Why is he so sure?

Normally speaking, shouldn't he worry about the danger of trapping Yunhe and Yuhe?

That's the most lethal.

It is even possible that the sister and brother of Miss Yunhe are still alive. They should not be sure.

But the message revealed from the tone of Wuhe's manager is that he seems to be very sure that Miss Yunhe's still safe.

For what?

There are only three answers.

1、 He had a way to keep in touch with Miss Yunhe at any time, and he knew that they were not really trapped or threatened.

2、 It's true that he is trapped and in danger, but he firmly believes that this danger will not really threaten Miss Yunhe's sister and brother in the end.

The last possibility is that he doesn't care about the two brothers and sisters.

However, combined with his previous speculations about Liuli, he thinks that the first and the third may not be big, because the first situation is meaningless.

It's the third. It's simpler. He just pretends not to know. Even if he can't pretend not to know, he doesn't have to find himself.

So there is only the second possibility, that is, Miss Yunhe is really trapped at this time and in a very dangerous situation, but he, or miss Yuhe, is very confident that she will be OK in the end.

Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli look at each other and see four words from each other's eyes - "sure."

"That young lady is really cruel. Those behind the scenes take her as a bait, but everyone probably didn't expect that she even takes herself as a bait and even takes on her brother."

"It's really a death and a posterity..."

"This family of cranes is really cruel..."

However, Zhao Chengfeng still has one thing that he doesn't understand, that is, why is that Miss Yuhe and those people who are staring at shizhiheyu behind the scenes so sure that the person who takes shizhiheyu will bite the bait?

What's more, it's not hard to think of the purpose of other people. What's the purpose of that young lady?

Even if she has a back hand, it should not be enough to take the crane jade of the time, right?

However, these problems can not be analyzed with the current intelligence.

I can't think about it any more.

Anyway, it doesn't matter. At present, he only needs to confirm one thing. One of the things is that the person who holds the crane jade will appear.

But Liuli's words were right. Now that his goal has been changed, the rhythm will be changed.

You have to take the initiative.

He thought so, but his face remained silent.

Just at this time, Wuhe handed two small packages with a smile.

One handed it to Liuli and the other to Zhao Chengfeng, "master Qianzhi, Miss Liuli, these are all necessary items after entering the mountain, including fluorite for lighting, some antidote pills, and mask for preventing miasma."

"Although they are all available in these teams, it's better for both of you to take some with you."

"Good!" Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli are not polite about this, and they don't worry that the other party will cheat in these places.

First of all, no matter the other party finds them, at present, it seems that the purpose should be to borrow Zhao Chengfeng's power. Even if it is used, it will not poison Zhao Chengfeng. If the risk is too high, it is meaningless.

The most important thing is that they are not rookies, even if the other side has any bad intentions, the general means can not hide them.

"Are you all ready?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. If you don't mind, we'll leave." The black crane replied.

Zhao Chengfeng points.

Wu he immediately waved and drank: "let's go!"

With his order, the team, which had been stagnated for nearly two hours, actually set out this time and stepped into the virgin forest of Hengyun mountains.

It doesn't matter. People feel that it's dark and one step away, but it's like stepping from one heaven and earth to another.

Everyone can't help sinking, there is a sense of inexplicable, the whole atmosphere and aura are not the same feeling.

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