"Well?" Roy's pupils contracted.

He had expected that Zhao Chengfeng could avoid his attack, but he didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng could dodge so easily, just like walking in a leisurely court

And after dodging, unexpectedly did not take the opportunity to fight back, but calmly again toward him hook fingers.

This is no longer provocation, it's a naked shame.

"Looking for death ~!"

Roy stares at Zhao Chengfeng coldly, gnashing his teeth and spitting out two words.

"How many times do you think you can avoid it

While he was talking, Roy kept on attacking. The three stop board door knife fell straight in his hand, cutting faster and faster. The huge blade like a door leaf kept falling into the void and cutting out from different positions.

He clearly feet standing in place, rarely move, but the attack is like a shadow with the general, keep up with Zhao Chengfeng's body. It seems that space and distance have lost their meaning under the knife of his three stop gate.

However, it's a pity that the shadow can't coincide with the noumenon after all. The fierce and terrifying slash, however, all fell on the open space.

In a short time, a large area of open space in front of Antong's house was cut to ravines by the afterwave of the three stop plank knife, but Zhao Chengfeng's clothes were not touched.

In this strange scene, the spectators around, no matter an Tong or the soldiers of the guard, have become numb from the first shock.

"Damned outsider, can you only hide? If you have the seed, you will take my knife, and I will not cut you off. " Roy yelled, furious.

He was really in a hurry.

Originally, in his expectation, even though these outsiders retained some external abilities, he had the three stop gate sword in his hand. It was only a matter of time to kill this man. In addition, he also had the same armor with the same empty tie pattern ware, and he was not afraid of Zhao Chengfeng's counterattack and sneak attack. He was standing in an invincible place.

No matter how fast he is, no matter how fast he reacts, as long as he is negligent or delayed, he will be killed by us immediately.

So he was very confident and didn't regard Zhao Chengfeng as a great enemy at all.

However, after dozens of cuts, he was not so confident.

This person is like up and down, around, in all directions, 360 degrees have eyes, no matter how unexpected he is, the other party can casually avoid his knife.

Don't say chop. You can't even wipe it. How can you fight.

If it goes on like this, he won't be able to support it until he makes a mistake. Even if he can insist, the energy of the three stop board door knife is not unlimited.

Although the quality of his weapon is better than that of an Tong's and a group of soldiers' empty spears, it can support the outbreak for a long time with one charge, but its endurance is still limited no matter how strong it is.

Anxiously, his eyes flashed sternly, "it seems that I can only use that move, but that move is too heavy. Once I use it, my tattoo tool will be useless, and I will suffer internal injury myself."

Although tattoos use stored energy, they are still required by users, especially the super skills of some tattoos, which do great harm to users.

This is not known to ordinary users, but he can become the leader of the guard in the canyon camp, and he has advanced tattoos such as three stop board door knife. Of course, he knows this.

Because he has such a super skill.

But he has never used it. Will he use it today?

Roy hesitated, but the knife in his hand didn't stop, and he was still scolding, even though he felt useless.

But to Roy's surprise, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly laughed, "well, if you want, I'll take your knife. It's really boring to repeat such monotonous attacks all the time, so let's end it!"

With that, he stopped. Instead of dodging like before, he raised his hand to meet the falling terror knife.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned, even Roy didn't expect it.

Although Zhao Chengfeng's words were extremely contemptuous, he was not angry at all. Instead, he laughed, "OK, he's a hero, ha ha..."

Unfortunately, he is an idiot hero... He added in his heart that this kind of provocation, which even he felt clumsy, was unexpectedly effective.

Unexpectedly, someone really picked up his three stop board door knife with empty hands because of his provocation.

Originally, he was still hesitant to scrap this beloved tattoo, and took some damage to use the super skill of the three stop board door knife. Now it seems unnecessary.

What a sweet enemy.

On the other side, an Tong was shocked.

"Mr. Qianzhi, no..."

A "can" word has not been exported, on the battlefield, the three stop board door knife has fallen, and Zhao Chengfeng's hand bumped together.

"Death ~!" Roy gritted his teeth and yelled!

Roy's eyes were red with excitement when he saw that he was going to cut the hateful guy under the knife. He even seemed to have seen the bloody picture of the blade splitting the palm of the man, then the arm, and then splitting the man in half.

But suddenly, he felt a sharp rebound force coming from the blade. The huge force tore his tiger's mouth in an instant. However, he couldn't care about the pain of tearing the tiger's mouth. When he looked up, he saw that Zhao Chengfeng's fingers were closed, and his blade was crushed violently. Then he pinched the falling blade.

This horrible scene made people almost stare out of their eyes.

Roy is even more frightened, but he immediately reaction, holding the handle of the hand also don't care about the tiger mouth tear, blood dripping, suddenly downward pressure, hoping to take the opportunity to cut Zhao Chengfeng's palm, and then split his head.

But the blade seemed to be welded. He tried his best, but he couldn't fall at all.

"Ah ~!" Roy roared like a trapped animal, and the veins on his forehead swelled like earthworms.

But Zhao Chengfeng is calm, the color does not change, breathless, just quietly looking at this person, "your so-called take your knife is only this degree?"

Roy's face was livid, but he didn't care to speak. Seeing that he couldn't chop, he tried to take it back.

Unfortunately, although the tattoo ware is wonderful, it can't add much power to the users.

Zhao Chengfeng is a master of virtual reality. Two fingers seem to be pinched casually. Even the most powerful truck in the world can't pull anything. What's more, Roy's power is a little stronger than ordinary people besides tattoos. How can he break free.

Only tired, he was flustered and panting, his arms trembled, and he could not move as much as a dragonfly shaking a stone pillar.

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