"Ha ha..." Zhao Chengfeng said with a sneer: "no malice. All the strange uncles said that when they cheated little Lori. Except violent criminals, no one would tell their malice directly."

"But it sounds as if your excellency is very disdainful of gods and temples?" Zhao Chengfeng immediately turned his eyes and continued to explore.

"Mr. Minge" smiles and shakes his head. His body leans back, and the shadow on his face changes, which makes his expression more strange and unpredictable.

"No, it's not disdain. Although they are really nothing, the guys behind them are enemies to me. It's also the reason why I can't formally tell you who I am, because as long as I mention it to you here, they will probably be able to detect it. Although they won't be able to find me immediately, they will always have less trouble, won't they?"“ Mr. Minge said.

"Behind, behind the gods? Your enemy? " Zhao Chengfeng can't help but move when he hears the words. He looks at this person with awe inspiring expression.

I don't know if this person is trying to make a mystery, or if it is true.

If so, then this person

Zhao Chengfeng wondered: if a person can have an opponent who can be detected by name, what kind of existence is this person?

But Mr. Minge didn't want to say more.

Zhao Chengfeng thought it over in his heart. He wanted to take this man and see if he really had some amazing skills or made a fool of himself.

But he pondered a little, and then he laughed, and the hand holding the hilt also loosened, "well, even if you are Mr. Minge, what's the purpose of Mr. Minge inducing me to come here?"

"Purpose? Hehe, aren't you asking me for something? " As if he didn't understand him, Mr. Minge asked back with a smile.

Zhao Chengfeng looks slightly changed, did not immediately speak, but warily looked at this person.

But I can't see anything.

Then he laughed, "ha ha, my original purpose is to ask Mr. Minge for help, but Mr. Minge as I know seems to be just a former extradite, and he doesn't seem to need any help from me, but now it seems that I am wrong, so I don't intend to ask you for help."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng raised his hand and said, "excuse me. If I leave now, Mr. Minge won't stop me?"

"Mr. Minge" was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the young man should be so straightforward and leave without saying a word.

But he twirled and laughed, nodded, "of course, please help yourself!"

Now it's Zhao Chengfeng's turn to wonder. He turns to an Tong and says, "what about this Mr. an Tong?"

Before he finished his words, Mr. Antong stood up with a smile and said, "brother Minge, thank you so much. I won't worry about your words."

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned and swept around again. Sure enough, he found that the illusory feeling around him had disappeared and became real again, as if he had been pulled back from the illusory space.

He was just in a daze, but he heard that "Mr. Minge" said with a smile: "it's a small matter. If you want to say thank you, I should thank you. Since i... ah, if you hadn't taken care of me and Heiniu all the time, otherwise our father and son would have been dead in the wilderness."

He said and looked at Zhao Chengfeng with a smile, "I'm sorry, Mr. Qianzhi. I'm really powerless about your friend's business, but I'll give you something to help you solve some problems."

Zhao Chengfeng frowned at this Mr. Minge. For a moment, he was in a trance. Some people didn't know whether he or Mr. Antong had fallen into illusion just now.

How do you feel like they just had a friendly chat, and I suddenly pushed the door in.

He frowned subconsciously and was about to speak. Suddenly, he felt that Mr. Minge's eyes hidden in the shadow suddenly lit up a magical brilliance. Zhao Chengfeng was shocked and was about to draw his sword. Suddenly, he felt a torrent of information rushing into his mind.

A paragraph of text, a picture, there are more than the picture and text, mysterious and mysterious, can not say the unknown things.

Zhao Chengfeng felt as if he had suddenly fallen into a huge world composed of information.

Zhao Chengfeng was shocked and wanted to do something, but the whole person seemed to freeze.

What scares him even more is that the star sky sea and the mysterious Taiji map, which have been immune to any mental attack, have not responded at this time.

"How can this happen? What the hell does this mysterious guy want to do? What is this?"

In fact, he encountered this situation.

In the past, the bandit king, Zhao Feilong and others all used this method to instill information into themselves.

But no matter what, he knows something about those people. At least he knows that the other party has no malice in this matter, and every time he sends only one or two messages.

At most, it is the capacity of a piece of practice.

But he didn't know who the so-called "Mr. Minge" was. He didn't know any sign before and didn't even say hello.

What's more, the message is so huge that it's frightening. It's like a world.

What on earth does this person want to do? Does he want this method to directly break down the world of consciousness?

Zhao Chengfeng thought of a possibility, but he was surprised and angry.

However, this kind of surprise and anger was soon replaced by a sense of pleasure. All kinds of information and knowledge made his instinctive consciousness seem to have an uncontrollable joy. It was a kind of travel and knowledge ocean, human's instinctive desire and joy for knowledge intake.

However, the more so, the deeper the fear in Zhao Chengfeng's heart.

Although with the continuous infusion of this information, the amount of knowledge in his brain is increasing rapidly, and a lot of this knowledge is what he has been longing for but not available.

If it's possible to accept all of them, it's a great adventure for him.

But Zhao Chengfeng is very clear that this is impossible, such a huge flow of information, even the supercomputer can't accept it all at once, otherwise it will crash.

And if these vast amounts of knowledge are really accepted by him, his world outlook, outlook on life, I'm afraid everything will be completely distorted, and even his memory will be reorganized.

This is the same reason as the brainwashing of religion or some groups, but it is more terrifying and violent. At that time, his eight achievements will no longer be Zhao Chengfeng.

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