"Yes, my Lord!"

"Yes, brother Feng!"

Brandon and Liuli rush out. Now Brandon doesn't dare to play any tricks in front of Zhao Chengfeng any more. He just makes a killing move. He punches to the meat and moves around in the crowd!

The most unexpected thing for Zhao Chengfeng is Liuli. Although Liuli is a woman, her figure is even smaller than Brandon's, but Liuli's sword is extremely sharp. It looks like a loach in the crowd. Where she passes, there is a mist of blood. It must be a human life if she goes down with a knife!

"This girl is really cruel, worthy of being a Japanese girl!"

Zhao Chengfeng said in secret. It seems that the Japanese women are not only perfect in bed, but also in the battlefield. At least, in a different world, people of the same level will never be the opponents of Liuli! Suffer a loss in the strength is too weak, or say, the strength of glass was suppressed by the authority, can not play out 100%.

"Sorry, Miss cloud crane, I seem to be late." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't need to pay attention to the things in the battle circle, so he comes forward to help Yunhe up, feeling guilty.

Zhao Chengfeng thinks that he is not a good man, but he is definitely a man who keeps his promise. Even though he has no friendship with Yunhe and wanshenglou, since he has promised wanshenglou, he must do it.

It's a pity that after arriving at Guiwu mountain, Zhao Chengfeng fell into the soul nest and dreamland. Wuhe steward and other people died. Now, Yunhe is the only one left in Wansheng tower and even the whole crane family.

"Thank you, Qianzhi. I don't blame you."

Cloud crane a sad smile, "perhaps, this is the fate of our crane clan."

"You should have a rest first. If you have something to do, you can take care of it." After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng said, "by the way, I'm not a Wuchen Qianzhi. My name is Zhao Chengfeng."

"Zhao Chengfeng?"

Yun Hexiu frowned. He searched the name carefully in his mind, but he found that he didn't have any impression. It seems that there are few experts in the whole black street city named Zhao Chengfeng.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded and then said, "I'm Zhao Chengfeng. Before, because I wanted to hide my identity, I chose the name of Wuchen Qianzhi. Besides, I'm sorry you didn't handle your business well, but I'll take you back to black street city. When you get to the Black Street City, your safety will be guaranteed! "

"Thank you."

Yunhe is a little relieved. He can't help looking at Zhao Chengfeng. This guy doesn't look annoying. Although he was indifferent to himself and even to the whole Wansheng building, he is a man who keeps his promise.

Also, why do people work so hard for you Wansheng building? Besides, Guiwu mountain is very dangerous, and it's not uncommon for accidents to happen. It's only the crane people who have bad luck.

"No harm."

Zhao Chengfeng then took out the pills for Yunhe to take, because Yunhe is a woman, the dressing of the wound can only be left to Youya to do.

"Strange corn, where did you turn that girl from?" While people don't pay attention, Youya pulls Zhao Chengfeng to the side, stares at Xiaoxi warily, mumbles his little mouth, and his face is full of unhappiness, "hum, it's only a few days now. I've learned to look for people outside. It's strange that you're not a little brave."

"Don't talk nonsense. That's my friend." Zhao Chengfeng white the latter one eye, in the heart also some displeasure, "besides, I with who together, you tube you?"? You are not my daughter-in-law. Why do you care about me? He said to warm my bed, hum. "


You Ya is ashamed of a big red face. She is ashamed and angry. She is ashamed of warming the bed. Zhao Chengfeng talks about it. She is angry that this guy has changed his mind.

These days Youya has been looking for Zhao Chengfeng. By chance, she meets the man in Wansheng building, and later meets Miss Yunhe. With Zhao Chengfeng these days, you ya got a lot of benefits, not to mention, in the heart of this just know soon man has dependence, in you Ya's view, this man can do anything!

It's just like being surrounded by the foot pinching man. As soon as Zhao Chengfeng appears, all the worries and impatience in Youya's heart disappear.

But this man suddenly had other women around him, and all the women's unique nature showed up, that is to be jealous.

"Well, I'll ignore you!"

You ya also came to temper, a stamp foot to turn round to follow cloud crane side to go.

"Little boy."

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and doesn't pay attention to it. Moreover, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't have the heart to consider these children's private affairs. The most important thing is to find a partner on earth.

Soon, Brandon and Liuli had settled the battle and "cleaned" the battlefield. No matter how powerful these people are, their equipment can always get some money back. Now that you have entered the world, you have to follow its "rules". It's hard to move anywhere without money.

"Chengfeng, where shall we go first? Do you have a plan? "

Yufei came to Zhao Chengfeng's side and said in a deep voice: "although you are very powerful, I have to remind you that because of the Earth Dragon Soul nest, you will soon become famous, and there will be people who will trouble you at that time. You'd better be prepared. "


Zhao Chengfeng pats the latter on the shoulder. His heart is as clear as a mirror. He doesn't know why people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. However, Zhao Chengfeng is eager to be famous now. Only when they are famous can they find themselves. Instead of looking for them in every city, it's better to spread the limelight and let them take the initiative to look for them. Wouldn't it get twice the result with half the effort?

"Go, black street city."

With a big wave of his hand, Zhao Chengfeng led a group of people to kill in the black street city. Because Brandon was an animal trainer, they rode on the birds and animals directly. It took two days and one night to get to the Black Street City in less than one day. This time, it made Zhao Chengfeng look at Brandon with new eyes.

"Mr. Zhao, thank you for saving your life this time. If you don't want to give up, I hope you can go to Wansheng building to have a rest. I can also repay you for your kindness." Along the way, cloud crane's mood also calmed down a lot. Although his face was sad, he at least figured it out. After entering the Black Street City, he invited Zhao Chengfeng to Wansheng building.

Zhao Chengfeng looks back at Youya. The girl is very sad all the way.

"That's OK. Let's go to Wansheng building." Youya doesn't like it. Zhao Chengfeng can't brazenly go to the city Lord's residence to stay. It's good to get rid of Youya earlier.

Zhao Chengfeng is not a fool. He knows what Youya thinks, but he has no time to care about his children's private affairs, and he doesn't want to make Youya feel uncomfortable in the future. After all, Zhao Chengfeng thinks he is a prodigal son. He may be killed when he follows him.

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