You know, the Lord of Lihu is a master at the level of king. How can he say that he will die when he is dead? It's impossible!

"You ya, you can't be mistaken?"

Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke and said in a deep voice: "how could the Lord of Lihu have an accident? Besides, we didn't see anything unusual when we came in the city during the day. Don't brag. "

"Do you think I'm joking with you?"

Youya is angry in her heart. She has been talking about it for a long time, but others don't believe it at all. It seems that she made up a strange plot.

He may not know that if someone dares to spread false news about the death of the city Lord, he will be killed if he is caught by the people in the city Lord's mansion. It's also because you Ya has a good relationship with the city master's office that no one will be difficult to be you ya.

"How did the leader of Lihu die? Or, who can be his opponent? I don't understand. " Zhao Chengfeng is not obstinate with you ya, but expresses his doubts.

There's too much to say. Let's not talk about the strength of the leader of Lihu. You know, this is the black street city. Almost the whole black street city belongs to the leader of Lihu. If he dies, why hasn't anyone mentioned it during the day? No matter how to say, the leader of Lihu is also a celebrity in the black street city. If he dies, can he be quiet? It doesn't make sense.

What's more, it's the black street city. It's the territory of the Lord of Lihu. When something happens to his strong, why don't the people of the black street city and even the guards of the whole Lord's mansion act?

It's not reasonable.

"How do I know how he died?" You ya suddenly raised the volume, "this is not, as soon as I learned the news, I immediately came to tell you? I don't know how he died

"Then why did you tell me?"

Zhao Chengfeng also felt funny and asked: "you don't think I killed him. It seems that killing him is not good for me."


Youya didn't say a word immediately. Yes, the Lord of Lihu died. Why did you come to find strange corn?

"Isn't that the end?" Seeing that Youya didn't speak, Zhao Chengfeng slapped his thigh and yawned, "well, I'd better go back to sleep. Anyway, I didn't kill people. It has nothing to do with me."

"Wait a minute."

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng wants to leave, Youya still doesn't hold back and calls Zhao Chengfeng.

"Why don't you go to bed in the middle of the night? Are you trying to amuse me?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned and pretended to be angry.

Zhao Chengfeng is very clear that Youya has a lot to do with the city leader's house, and is a good friend with the daughter of Lihu city leader. In the words of the earth, she is a good friend. How can a friend not be upset when such things happen to her family?

"Can you do me a favor?" You ya grits her teeth and says that you ya doesn't care much now. Although you have some strength in your family, it's too far away from home. When reinforcements come, I'm afraid the whole Lord's mansion will change.

Youya can't control the life and death of other people in the Lord's mansion, but her good friend Elsa can't care. The enemy killed the Lord of Lihu. Then, as the daughter of the Lord, can Elsa still live well in the Lord's mansion? Absolutely impossible!

This is also why Youya came to the city Lord's mansion and ran out again, in order to move rescue soldiers and save her good friend Elsa.

"Little girl, I thought you could hold on."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng not only not angry, even did not make fun of you ya, asked: "is there something wrong with Elsa, someone wants to deal with her, right?"

"You, how do you know?" Youya once again shocked, incredible looking at Zhao Chengfeng.

"It's not hard to understand."

Cloud crane sighed: "if the death of Lihu is a big conspiracy, it is inevitable to seize power. Once Lihu is dead, let alone Lihu's daughter, it is estimated that all his followers will be killed. It's not surprising that Elsa is in trouble. If it were me, I would deal with her, too. "

Smell speech, you Ya is some small embarrassment, he is also concerned about chaos, such a simple reason did not want to understand, really some impulse.

"No wonder last time I made a big noise in the city building, there was no one to bird me. I guess someone was calculating the Lord of Lihu at that time." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of something.

"You, will you help me?" You Ya is biting red lips, a little embarrassed.

Before to throw face to see, now and lick face to ask for help, leisurely elegant feeling face hanging. However, you ya also can't help it. You can't watch your good friend be killed.

"I'm sure it's OK to help. I'm a very helpful person." Zhao Chengfeng touched his chin and said solemnly: "however, you know, I'm more realistic and I won't do anything that's not good. Look..."

"I'll give you all the Shouzhu as long as you can save Elsa!" Youya didn't hesitate, he said: "if I have a chance in the future, I can give you more Shouzhu, but I don't have much on me."


Zhao Chengfeng was surprised. How could this little financial fan suddenly be so generous? Zhao Chengfeng knows that Youya has a lot of Shouzhu. It can be said that she is absolutely a little rich woman. When she comes to the earth, she is also a millionaire. But unexpectedly, for the sake of friends, Youya can actually take out all her family wealth. On this point, xiaonizi is still very righteous!

"Are you willing?" Zhao Chengfeng asked with a smile.

"What's the point? You can say yes or no. Elsa is very dangerous now. " Youya is so anxious that she stomps her feet, but Zhao Chengfeng seems to be just like a man who doesn't care.

Reasonable, you ya want to give him a slap, too grinding Ji!

"I don't want Shouzhu."

Zhao Chengfeng touched out a cigarette and lit it. He narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "I'm short of a bed warming girl now. Look at you..."


On hearing this, Youya's whole face is as pale as paper, shy and angry. Isn't it taking advantage of others' danger? Strange millet is really a big wolf, no wonder just left soon, there is a big beauty around!

"Didn't you hear me? You say you want to? If you don't want to, I'll turn around and go back to bed. I'm almost sleepy. " With that, Zhao Chengfeng yawned again. On the surface, he was very impatient, but in his heart, he was happy.

Don't say, Youya is very interesting, especially when she is angry. She looks funny, lively and cute with a little bit of playfulness. Especially when she is angry, the upper wall suddenly surges. It's not spectacular.

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