Zhao Chengfeng didn't fight with the city leader of Lihu, and they didn't even meet. However, when he lived in the city leader's mansion, Zhao Chengfeng felt the power of the city leader of Lihu!

It's a real king's master, far more than any count or viscount!

Even though the city leader of Lihu was killed by someone, the thin camel was bigger than the horse, and there was no news before he died, which was enough to prove that the other side was strong. Zhao Chengfeng is not absolutely sure that he can defeat the other side, even if Zhao Chengfeng has now reached the empty state.

"Then what? Shall we wait here? "

Youya is worried again. You can't be helpless. It's her best friend Elsa.

"You can't wait."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, pondered for a long time, and asked: "you ya, how did you know the news of the death of the leader of Lihu? Did you see Elsa? Or they told you. "

"As soon as I entered the city Lord's mansion, I felt that the atmosphere inside the city Lord's mansion was strange. I was originally asked by the guard to take me to Elsa, but the guard didn't take me, and his words were flashing."

"Later, I saw Jason, Elsa's younger brother, in a small room, but Jason's condition was not good. He was obviously tied up and seemed to have been beaten," she said


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow a twist, Jason just over ten years old child, as for to the child hand? These guys are too vicious, even children do not let go, not like words!

"Jason told you that?" Zhao Chengfeng guessed something.


Youya nodded and then said: "Jason told me to leave quickly. He said his father was dead, and his elder sister Elsa didn't know where she was taken. She told me to run away quickly. At that time, I was shocked to hear the news. I just wanted to leave quickly and move the rescue soldiers. I didn't ask too much details, so..."

In the end, Youya is a little embarrassed. If she had calmed down a little, she would have got more accurate information. It's not as black as it is now. Just as Zhao Chengfeng said, if the rescuers move, they will be surrounded as soon as they enter the main house of the city. It's embarrassing. In the end, not only people don't come back, but more people join in.

"Jason has been locked up and beaten, so Elsa should be locked up not far away, even the two sisters are locked up together."

Zhao Chengfeng touched his nose and twisted his brow into a big Sichuan character. He couldn't understand something.

"And why is Jason's little room unattended? Are they not afraid of Jason running away This is what Zhao Chengfeng is most concerned about. How can it look like a trap?

It seems that someone deliberately spread the news of the murder of the city leader Lihu to Zhao Chengfeng, forcing him to save people.

"Yes, why isn't Jason's little room guarded and Elsa not seen?" Youya slapped her head, "I asked Jason at that time, but he didn't answer my question. Why? Is it a trap? "

At this moment, Kung Fu Youya has calmed down a lot. People must be saved, but they must not act rashly before they investigate the matter clearly.

"It's really strange."

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help looking at Youya more and pondering it over and over again. He still asked, "Youya, it's up to you. I wonder if you should give me an account of your background. You shouldn't be an ordinary woman?"


Leisurely elegant one Leng, counter ask a way: "what relevance does this have?"

"Of course."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "now I need to judge who the other party is putting a trap on, you or the person behind you. After all, you have a good relationship with the city Lord's mansion."


Youya doesn't speak any more, but her face becomes extremely ugly in a moment. Yes, they may have forced the people behind them to show up and get some benefits, or even killed their family!

What an insidious fellow!

"Youya, you have to think it over." Youya's silence strengthened Zhao Chengfeng's conjecture. "If we can't find out each other's real intention, we will act rashly, for fear that it will backfire. If you can say what you know earlier, maybe I can save Elsa. Otherwise, we have to wait. "

"We can wait. Elsa can't wait. At the same time, the people behind the scenes can't wait. They may be unable to bear loneliness and attack us. Do you think we have been in a passive defensive situation?"

"All right!"

In the end, Youya's psychological defense line collapsed and took a deep breath. Youya said seriously: "in fact, I am the daughter of Murphy city. My father is the leader of Murphy city. Because my father and the leader of Lihu city are very close as brothers, I have a very good relationship with Elsa, even more than my sister."

"I think you're right. After they deal with the leader of Lihu City, they want to hurt my father too. They have a vicious plan." Youya gritted her teeth and felt a lot heavier in an instant.

Before you ya a cavity of blood to save his little partner, but ignored a lot of key things, fortunately Zhao Chengfeng remind, otherwise, the situation will be worse. Once I rashly ask for help, I'm afraid that not only Elsa will be harmed, but even my father will not be able to leave. The whole Murphy city will have to give up.

"Behind the scenes, there's a big picture." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng hears about it, you Ya's origin is extraordinary. No wonder he knows a lot about it.

However, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't understand that Youya is also the daughter of the leader of Murphy city. Normally, it's the second generation of the rich. How can you be so stingy and mean? A living miser, no rich second generation of forthright!

You know, the second generation of the rich on earth is called a rich man who buys the sky, the land and the air, as if there is nothing in the world that they can't buy.

In contrast, Youya is much worse.

"No way."

Youya suddenly thought of a thing, wondering: "now the Lord of Lihu is dead, they have seen me clearly. Why don't you take me alive and use me to threaten my father? You're going to cheat me into going out and giving me information. Isn't that a deliberate leak? "


Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and sighed: "it seems that your intelligence is only temporary. How can you not understand such a simple question?"

"..." you ya doesn't understand and has no time to argue with Zhao Chengfeng.

"They're familiar with black street, but are they familiar with Murphy? Is it easier to prepare your father, or to beat him off guard? " Zhao Chengfeng asked.

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