"Brother Feng, you're a wet blanket. People haven't had enough fun yet."

Xiao Xi pouted and protested: "now the sun is just right. It's so comfortable to take photos and bask in the sun on the wall. Why do you pull me down?"

"You know how to play."

Zhao Chengfeng rolled a big white eye, but also really convinced Xiaoxi, or to say, convinced a woman. Especially the kind of women who love beauty to the extreme. When Zhao Chengfeng just talked about it on the wall, Xiao Xi was like a little Bai. He didn't care about anything and didn't know anything, so he took photos and regarded others as the air.

In her mind, it seems that there is nothing more important than taking photos.

"I said to you, now that you have regained your personal freedom, you don't want to find a way to find your Laozi, or you don't want to go back for revenge? Can't you just wander outside all your life? " Zhao Chengfeng has no choice but to shake his head.

"People's strength is low, how to revenge."

Xiao Xi was told that he had no temper. He bowed his head and said in a low voice: "besides, I also want to find my father, but you know that Guiwu mountain is so dangerous. If I want to go in, what will I do if I get caught and become a little fox again? You see, I'm so beautiful. If someone gives me something, isn't it a pity? "

"..." Zhao Chengfeng was speechless.

"That's why."

See Zhao Chengfeng silent, Xiaoxi shrugged: "you say I now in addition to play, what can do?"

"Damn, you seem to be very reasonable. Can you stop being so reasonable?" Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes around, almost not to be angry, this little girl film is too irritating.

However, Xiao Xi laughed, "Oh, brother Feng, people know you are the best, so you can play with me. You think I had a hard time before, but now it's not fun. How can I make up for those years?"

"I..." good reason, Zhao Chengfeng again speechless.


At this time, two young men came out of the oblique stab. Their strength was not weak. They were the strong men in the Earl's period. The first man couldn't open his eyes to the news. He obviously took a fancy to Xiao Xi.

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng looks at the scene, he knows that the trouble is coming. Xiao Xi is really beautiful. No matter where he goes, it's a beautiful scenery. But if this woman is too beautiful, it's also trouble, and it's easy to be watched.

"Brother Feng won't play with you. How about I play with you? I can tell you, I can play with Changfeng. You can play as you like, OK? " The count of Changfeng stares at Xiaoxi's chest, and saliva comes out of his mouth.

"Go home and play with your mother, rascal!"

Xiao Xi is lovely, but not stupid. She can't see that this person has an idea for her, so she won't give each other any good looks.

"Hey, you smelly girl, I'll kill you today!"

Count Changfeng was angry for a moment, and he ran across the whole black street city. Few beautiful women were taken advantage of by him. But today, it was a good day, and the weather was good. He finally came out to have a look around and met a beautiful girl. He thought that she would be happy again for a while, but unexpectedly, she didn't buy it at all, and on the contrary, she scolded herself, which was too shameful!

"Take your mother, you rascal."

Although Xiaoxi is very angry, he is not afraid of the bright hooligan in front of him. He holds Zhao Chengfeng's arm and is very secure. Xiaoxi knows that Zhao Chengfeng will never ignore himself.

"Damn it, you die!"

Count Changfeng slapped him.


However, the count of Changfeng slapped him just as he waved it out. Suddenly, a strong force came from his chest. Looking down, Zhao Chengfeng kicked himself up.

The whole person flew more than ten meters in the air before he fell to the ground heavily.


The dust on the ground, the count of Changfeng a mouthful of blood spray out, a very pale face, not ugly.

"With this strength, how do you like to come out and make friends? What's the point? " Zhao Chengfeng had no choice but to shake his head. He didn't even bother to look at the latter. Zhao Chengfeng really didn't like the rubbish.

You can fool around, but at least you have to have the strength to fool around. If you don't have the ability to fart, why do you want to mess with girls? Don't you want to beat them? What's more, even the women around brother Feng dare to touch their fingers. Don't they want to die? You know, Xiao Xi, you haven't had a bite of this dish yet. Why do you come here for dog days?

When Xiao Xi was a fox, Zhao Chengfeng held him in his arms and felt how he wanted to feel. There was no pressure at all. What he should or shouldn't feel was touched again and again, but now he's a daughter. Zhao Chengfeng didn't touch her very much. When Xiao Xi put his arms around him, he could feel the softness of the upper wall. In addition, he didn't touch her.

"Good fight, brother Feng is invincible!" Little Heaton was jubilant, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

"Brother Feng helped you to shoot the hooligans. How do you plan to thank me?" Zhao Chengfeng eyebrows a Yang, unbridled looking at the beauty in front of him, to say not heart, absolutely impossible!

Zhao Chengfeng is a spontaneous person, like is like, don't like is don't like, never hide or cover up his heart the most real idea. In addition, we have been away from the earth for a long time, so there is a need for that.

"Brother Feng, how do you want me to thank you?" Asked Xiao Xi.

"Why don't you agree with each other?"

"Oh, brother Feng, you are good or bad. Even you want to take advantage of me."

Suddenly, Xiao Xi blushed. I'm sorry.

"Don't you want to thank me? It must be sincere. "

Zhao Chengfeng is a serious way: "I think it, you are the best, with your own to thank me is not good? I can still protect you for a lifetime. How about that? "


Xiaoxi's face is more red. Sometimes Xiaoxi also thinks that it's good to be with Zhao Chengfeng all his life. At least he's very nice to people.

"What's the matter? Are you still embarrassed? "

Zhao Chengfeng pretended to be confused and said, "what's the shame? I thought I held you in my arms at the beginning. Didn't you feel very comfortable at that time?"

"Oh, brother Feng, don't say it. I'm so ashamed." Xiaoxi naturally knows what Zhao Chengfeng is talking about. He didn't feel it in the past, but now he is really embarrassed.

At that time, after all, it was not personal, and I didn't feel it was taken advantage of. But now I think of it, it's so bold.

"Count Changfeng, are you all right?"

Count Changfeng's men helped count Changfeng up. However, count Changfeng saw that they were flirting with each other. He was even more angry. He was paralyzed and worried, didn't he?

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