"Asshole, I thought you ran away. You look like a man!"

Bai Changfeng stares at Zhao Chengfeng with a ferocious smile on his face. Along the way, Bai Changfeng has already figured out how to clean up Zhao Chengfeng. Of course, he also thinks that Zhao Chengfeng may just leave a fake name and report an address casually. Therefore, Bai Changfeng moves quickly.

Fortunately, he didn't let Bai Changfeng down. This arrogant bastard is really here, so Bai Changfeng is not worried.

"Run away?"

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "I never thought of running. Besides, you white bears are so powerful. Even if I run to the ends of the earth, you can find me. In this case, why do I run?"

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be a little conscious."

Smell speech, Bai Changfeng face smile more and more proud a few minutes, "since you know I white bear will be strong, also dare to provoke me, boy, you are looking for death, or don't want to live?"

"Count Changfeng."

At this time, Yunhe came down from the upstairs. When he saw that Bai Changfeng had brought so many people with him, he was afraid to see the battle. He was the most powerful guild in the black street city. He had a rich foundation!

"Are you Wansheng tower cloud crane?" Bai Changfeng glanced at the crane and didn't get angry immediately.

First of all, the girl was quite beautiful. Bai Changfeng also had her idea in those years. However, the girl had business contacts with the city Lord's mansion, and she had a good friendship, so Bai Changfeng couldn't make it hard; Second, the girl's attitude is good, a very humble look, let Bai Changfeng is very useful.

Because of the strength of the white bear society, Bai Changfeng is often respected by people on weekdays. This kind of feeling of looking down on each other from top to bottom is very cool and has a sense of achievement.

For this feeling, Bai Changfeng is very enjoy, naturally want to give cloud crane a chance to speak, how can you get angry with women for no reason?


Yun he bowed slightly and said, "count Changfeng, this is my friend. He has offended me a lot. I hope count Changfeng can forgive me. After all, he just came to the black street city. He doesn't know your noble identity, count Changfeng, so..."

Yunhe has to plead for Zhao Chengfeng. It's true that Yunhe knows Zhao Chengfeng's strength, but after all, Zhao Chengfeng has only one person, and the people around him are only three or five. How can he compete with the White Bear Club?

You know, the White Bear Club has a large number of people, and each strength is not bad. The most important thing is that the boss of the White Bear Club, that is, Bai Changfeng's father, is the king master!

King, there are only two king masters in the whole black street city, that is, Lord Lihu and white bear. If Lord Lihu is really framed to death, then white bear is the first master in the black street city! It's better not to provoke such a strong enemy. At least, Yunhe doesn't want to provoke, and Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to have conflicts with them.

No way, cloud crane can only intercede.

"Is he your friend?" Bai Changfeng is a bit surprised when he hears the speech. He can't help glancing at Zhao Chengfeng. He says that this guy's face is not small, and he can let the beauty plead for him.

Besides, cloud crane is beautiful enough. The woman I met before, there are two gorgeous beauties around him. I'm lucky. Make Bai Changfeng a little envious.

"Yes, he's my friend. He just came to the black street city. I don't know count Changfeng's strength, so I hope count Changfeng can get away with it!" Cloud crane said: "of course, we Wansheng tower will also give count Changfeng some compensation. What do you think?"

"Compensation? Ha ha, it's interesting. "

When Bai Changfeng heard this, his eyes narrowed with a smile. He walked up and down the cloud crane without fear. He laughed and said: "since you want to make up for me, it's the best. Why don't you take the initiative to be my woman and I'll let him go? "

"Ah, this..."

Smell speech, cloud crane suddenly changed face, if Shouzhu, weapons and so on as compensation, cloud crane eyes do not blink, even if take away the whole Wansheng building, cloud crane will not feel too distressed, money can no longer earn, but if people don't, can have nothing.

Besides, Yunhe knows what Bai Changfeng is, and he has all kinds of poison, such as eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. Before that, he has played with many women, but when Bai Changfeng is tired of playing, he is expelled.

It is said that once a woman conceived a child for Bai Changfeng, and she would be happy to be an ordinary person. However, Bai Changfeng was not only unhappy, but extremely angry, forcing the woman to take the child away, and the reasons given by Bai Changfeng were also wonderful!

After a woman has a baby, he can't do that. It's a beast.

Yunhe knows that once he becomes Bai Changfeng's woman, there is absolutely no good end. He is not sure when he will be killed by this vicious guy. The most important thing is that Yunhe doesn't like Bai Changfeng and has no feelings. How can he become his woman?

"What? Don't you want to be my woman? "

See cloud crane hesitates, Bai Changfeng is not happy, paralyzed, don't know how many women want to climb on their own bed, he didn't take it as a matter, I like this girl, that's her luck, she even hesitated, don't you mean look down on yourself?

"No, I don't mean that, I..." cloud crane is a little flustered, really don't know how to deal with.

"Sister Yunhe won't be your woman, you rubbish!"

Xiao Xi, who had been silent for a long time, finally couldn't see it any more. He gave Bai Changfeng a glance and didn't have a good way: "you are such a waste. It's estimated that few women will take a fancy to you. I think you are a fool, an idiot!"

"Smelly girl, put your mouth clean for me. Do you know who you are talking to?" Without waiting for Bai Changfeng to get angry, the entourage next to him was not happy. Like Xiao Xi, he stared coldly. A strong pressure came on him. Xiao Xi's face was white and uncomfortable.

Although Xiao Xi's mouth is sharp and his brain is smart, his strength is not flattering.

"Smelly girl, and you!"

Bai Changfeng saw Xiao Xi and gritted his teeth: "I must let you beg for mercy in my bed. I will play you to death."

"Hum, hooligan!"

Xiao Xi was so angry that he turned pale that he swore, "you'd better go home and play with your mother. Don't think about me."

"Hehe, isn't it?"

Bai Changfeng sneered, and finally his eyes fell on the cloud crane, "cloud crane, have you considered it? I can tell you, I've never been patient. I've given you enough time today. "


Cloud crane complexion more tangled, do you really want from this bastard? No, it's better to die, but what about Zhao Chengfeng?

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