Cloud crane is very moved, moved at the same time, the heart is very lonely. Perhaps, when you become the master of the Black Street City, you can easily restore the glory of the crane people.

But, those relatives are all gone, his own brother, as well as take care of their sisters for many years of Wuhe steward, they all went, even if they have this city, what can they do?

"I'm the only one in a city. What's the point?" Suddenly, cloud crane showed a sad smile, look very sad.

The greatest suffering in this world is loneliness. When you have the supreme power and status, but found no one to share with themselves, is undoubtedly a great sorrow.

What's more, there is only one crane left. How can it be recovered?

"That..." Zhao Chengfeng is slightly a Leng, seem to understand the meaning of cloud crane.

However, the cloud crane turns around and leaves at the moment, and the lonely figure is very distressing.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head. He is puzzled. Is it too light to give her a city? Is she not satisfied?

"My brother Feng, are you stupid?"

Xiao Xi's figure floated up and shook her head again and again: "can't you see it? They like you and want to be with you. They don't think a city is important to anyone. Isn't that you? "

"..." Zhao Chengfeng looks confused. Is that what she means?

"Brother Feng, you want me to say it." Xiao Xi came over, half joking and half seriously said: "sister Yunhe is still very good. She has to go out of the hall and into the kitchen. She has to have appearance and figure. Why don't you take her away? I'm very optimistic about you."

"Can I not know her figure? I've even touched it! "

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes, but he didn't say what he thought. Instead, he said with a smile to Xiao Xi: "Xiao Xi, you also want to have a face, a face and a figure. Why don't I accept you? Do you look after me? "

"Go, go."

Smell speech, small Xi pretty face slightly red, a face dislike way: "I tell you the business, don't you find cloud crane elder sister to you very heart?"? As long as you are in Wansheng building, you can walk around you every day, or you can inquire about your news in Wansheng building and pay attention to you all the time, for fear that you will be injured or in danger. Isn't that how I like your performance? What else are you hesitating about? "

"Don't you like me?" Zhao Chengfeng asked?

However, Zhao Chengfeng's romantic nature shows up at this moment. Frankly speaking, Zhao Chengfeng does have an idea for Xiao Xi. This girl is so beautiful, with every smile and every move.

"I don't care about you."

Xiao Xi Bai took a look at Zhao Chengfeng and stretched out his hand to say, "give me your mobile phone to play with. I'm suffocating when I stay here all day."

"It seems that you prefer mobile phones." Zhao Chengfeng is a little speechless. Doesn't he have an attractive mobile phone? If it comes to those people's ears, it will surely die of laughter.

"Of course."

Xiao Xi did not deny that he was very excited when he mentioned the mobile phone. "The mobile phone is so funny. The most important thing is that I can make myself more beautiful. Don't tell me, you earth people are so smart that you can invent such a funny thing. "

"The wisdom of the earth people, you can't imagine that there are better things to play on the earth than mobile phones." Zhao Chengfeng has a proud face and a heart like beauty. It's much more fun.


Xiao Xi said: "brother Feng, I don't care. Anyway, you are going to take me to the earth. I want to go now."

"Do you like me?" Zhao Chengfeng holds his arm and looks calm.


Xiao Xi didn't say a word, and seemed very tangled. Say you like it. What if he does something to himself? But if you don't like it, in fact, Xiao Xi really likes the feeling of being with Zhao Chengfeng. The most important thing is to have a sense of security. It seems that as long as a man is around, he doesn't have to worry about the collapse of the sky.

This sense of security is something Xiaoxi has never had, even if his father did his best to protect himself. In addition, Xiao Xi thinks that Zhao Chengfeng is a man of love and righteousness. He will not be cruel and bloodthirsty in order to get cultivation resources and everything he wants.

It's just like the reason that Xiao San Xiao Si have already died. They died tragically, but at the same time, they were respected. They were not removed from the crystal nucleus and their bones were incomplete. This is a good end for them.

"If you don't like me, why should I take you to earth? Isn't it easier and more convenient for me to go back alone? " Seeing Xiaoxi's melancholy and hesitation on his face, Zhao Chengfeng added a piece of material.

Xiao Yang, today you have to like brother Feng as well as you don't like him. Are you kidding? Brother Feng is so handsome. It's your honor to like brother Feng!

"I, I don't know..." Xiao Xi bit her red lips lightly and lowered her head. She was embarrassed and didn't know what she thought.

It may not be difficult to see through other people's hearts, but sometimes the hardest thing to understand is yourself. Only when it comes to choosing, can we know how tangled it is.

"Forget it if you don't know. Come back to me when you know." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and pretended to be indifferent.

"Well, you're a stranger. You're bullying people again, aren't you?"

However, at this time, you ya broke into the house and glared at Zhao Chengfeng to vent her dissatisfaction.

"Girl, don't be afraid. He doesn't dare to bully you with me, hum!" Said, you ya a face proud of Chong Zhao Chengfeng snorted.


Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "you ya, I didn't see it. It turns out that you still have the potential to be a heroine."

"Well, I'm a heroine, OK? I don't like your bad uncle. I know how to bully girls and take advantage of others. It's so bad for you. " You ya takes the eye straight horizontal Zhao Chengfeng, in the heart inexplicably spreads a sour taste.

This guy has been away for a long time, and he started to hook up three to four. It's not a thing. After listening outside for a while, Youya felt that she had to stop it.

"Heroine? Don't you want to be a little money fan? Why don't you give it back to me? " When Zhao Chengfeng heard the speech, he held out his hand to Youya.


Youya immediately retreats and stares at Zhao Chengfeng warily. "You don't want to hit my Shouzhu's idea. I deserve it. You can't think about it."

"See, that's the virtue of a heroine." Zhao Chengfeng shrugged and said with a smile to Xiaoxi.

"Me Youya is so angry.

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