"Compensation? What's the compensation? "

Murphy frowned, his face as heavy as water, and he was very uncomfortable. You know, Murphy city is named after Murphy. We can see how much Murphy values it. Now Murphy city has to change its name, which is hard for Murphy to accept. If it's not because Zhao Chengfeng and his daughter are friends, or if it's not because Zhao Chengfeng is so powerful and has a super power like longwalker, moffi will even teach Zhao Chengfeng a lesson, even kill him!

This is a provocation, an unacceptable provocation!

"Lord Murphy, I know it's hard for you to accept, but please believe that I have no malice. As long as you find my person, you can change your name back." Zhao Chengfeng seriously explained: "in fact, I'm not a person in this world. I think you can see that. In your world, there are my scattered companions, so I have to find them. As long as you find them, you can immediately change their name back, and I will give you some compensation that you can't refuse. "

"Irresistible compensation?"

Murphy smiles and shakes his head. With some irrefutable contempt, Murphy is also the leader of the city and a famous person for a long time. What's the big scene and what's the good thing?

"Tell me where you come from first. Are you going to leave?" Murphy asked, in the heart really to Zhao Chengfeng many doubts.

Murphy also talked with her daughter Youya. A guy who doesn't even know the goddess's feather, a guy who doesn't even understand Shouzhu, how can he be so powerful?

The most terrible thing is his speed and shooting, too fast, too accurate! Murphy also secretly calculated that although his strength level is higher than that of Zhao Chengfeng, it's not necessarily his opponent to fight with Zhao Chengfeng. The best situation is a draw!

Isn't the world he lives in more ferocious?


Zhao Chengfeng slowly opened his mouth, showing a bit of complex emotion, "for some reasons, we were inexplicably across to this place, I want to go back, with my companion to go back."

"I think I understand." Murphy expression unchanged, but suddenly thought of his daughter, for a time some tangled.

Knowing that his daughter is not like his father, Mo Fei can see that even if he is a fool, his daughter likes him, but he is destined to leave. Isn't her daughter going to be sad for a while?

"As long as you help me find my companions, the black street city today is your compensation. How about it?" Zhao Chengfeng threw out the conditions and raised an imperceptible smile of confidence.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Murphy was slightly stunned, staring at Zhao Chengfeng in horror, trembling: "what? You're going to give me Murphy city? "

"Of course, don't you believe me?" Zhao Chengfeng laughs even more happily, because Murphy has been moved.

As long as Mo Fei agrees to help, the chance to find Tang Wei and the imp is undoubtedly much greater. Now Zhao Chengfeng doesn't even want to practice. He just wants to find Tang Wei and the IMP and return to the earth as soon as possible. Now Zhao Chengfeng is eager to return home. When he thinks of the difficulties that may happen on the earth, he can't wait to fly back!

"Didn't you leave the black street city to Yunhe? How come Murphy didn't know why, so he frowned slightly.

"She doesn't need black street to protect her anymore."

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and said, "from now on, I will protect this woman myself. When I find my companion, she will leave with me."

"I see." Murphy looks at Zhao Chengfeng with complicated eyes, and he has begun to mourn for his daughter. This is very clear - Zhao Chengfeng has an extraordinary relationship with Yun He, and his daughter has no chance.

Read this, Murphy some depressed, but also pondered to find a super son-in-law, got, white happy.

"Lord Murphy, I don't know what you think about? I think it's tempting. " Zhao Chengfeng laughs very firmly.

"It's really tempting!"

Murphy didn't deny it, but said frankly: "but, I can completely occupy the black street city after you leave. After all, the major forces in the black street city are scattered. As long as you control the city leader's house, it means you control the whole black street city. Why should I help you? Besides, as you know, changing the name of the city is a big blow to me. "

"Master Murphy is very calculating, but he is also a magnanimous man. I admire him." Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised, but he didn't worry. Then he said, "however, you seem to have forgotten a fact, Lord Murphy, that is, strength is respected. If I'm going to destroy Murphy and change its name, do you think I can do it? "


Murphy's face was as pale as paper, ugly to death. Murphy finally knew that Zhao Chengfeng was terrible, not only for his strength, but also for his sharp means. It was a very obvious move to combine kindness and power!

If you are obedient, it doesn't matter. Hello, I'm good; If you don't listen, I'm sorry, you'll all die! It's crazy, but people have reasons and capital to be arrogant!

"That's all. You won!"

After thinking about the pros and cons for a short time, Murphy suddenly became ten years old and sighed: "as you wish, isn't it OK to change the name of Murphy city? But what name are you going to change? "

"Global village two!" Zhao Chengfeng slowly spits out his cigarette ring and smiles.

Little boy, you are still young. You know, Zhao Chengfeng is good at calculating people, but in order to quickly solve the problem, Zhao Chengfeng will choose to kill people.

"OK, I'll change my name when I go back today. I'll send someone to inform you as soon as someone from the earth comes." Murphy pour also happy direct, "however, this black street city in the future also belongs to me."

"It's natural."

After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng said: "as a friend, I have to remind you that the Shahai worship is not very reliable. If you want to really control your subordinates, the best way is to make yourself strong."

"Well, I see." Murphy nodded and frowned again unconsciously.

Shahai is unreliable. Murphy is also clear, but what can be done if it is unreliable? Anyway, he is a king master, even standing still can bring great pressure to the enemy.

Improve their own strength, Murphy also know, but how can it be so easy? Especially to the level of the king master, every further step is no different from the difficulty of climbing to heaven. How easy is it? As for cultivating his cronies, it's bullshit, because Murphy has only one daughter, Youya. Can't a girl fight with people all day with a sword? This is not what Murphy wants to see.

"Let's go over there and don't keep them waiting." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and went to the front hall, but he was thinking about which city to accept next.

With a long in, Zhao Chengfeng is more confident.

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