
As the giant palm falls, Zhao Chengfeng's body falls faster, like a missile to the ground.

"Boom boom!"

There was a strong explosion, and yellow dust filled the city. It seemed that the main residence of Lincheng was attacked by artillery. Countless houses were knocked down, and screams were heard everywhere!

The forest city is in chaos! The city Lord's mansion is in chaos!

What happened?

This is the question in the hearts of all Lin Cheng people.

"Brother Feng, brother Feng!"

"Brother Feng..."

Yunhe and Xiaoxi finally planed Zhao Chengfeng out of the mound. At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng only had the air out, but no air in. Almost all the bones of the whole body were broken, soft, and could not lift the slightest bit of strength. The Xuanyuan sword no longer had the dazzling light before, and fell on Zhao Chengfeng's side.

The body of the sword is stained with a trace of Zhao Chengfeng's blood and is being sucked by it, but no one is aware of it.

"If you can make me use 80% of my strength, you are very powerful." Xiaoyao emperor slowly fall, is still a proud expression, but some uncomfortable in the heart.

Not for Zhao Chengfeng feel sad, but by Zhao Chengfeng that sword to shock hurt, complexion are slightly pale. But not serious injury, a little conditioning can be cured. However, this makes Xiaoyao emperor very uncomfortable!

The emperor master wants to defeat the king master, but he has to be injured? Isn't that hitting yourself in the face? Fortunately, this guy finally died.

"You bastard, I'll fight with you!"

Seeing Xiaoyao emperor fall, Yunhe doesn't know where he has the strength. He grabs Zhao Chengfeng's sword and tries his best to find Xiaoyao emperor.

"Yunhe, come back, come back... Cough..."

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng in Xiaoxi's arms opens his mouth. Zhao Chengfeng tries to open his eyes and wants to catch Yunhe, but he catches an empty one and can only shout.

Zhao Chengfeng's physical condition is very bad at the moment. He is also an expert in fighting. He has countless scars. He has injured many people and suffered many injuries. This time, he is undoubtedly the most seriously injured.

At that time, Zhao Chengfeng seemed to have seen the length of his life, and could only urgently complete what should be completed.

This time, it is undoubtedly the most desperate and helpless one, because Zhao Chengfeng has no help. When he comes to a different world with the hope of his whole family, the whole village, and even the whole earth, he has to die in a foreign land. Zhao Chengfeng's heart is as miserable as a drop of blood. Unfortunately, Zhao Chengfeng is dead now and has the strength to stand up again!

The whole person has been completely beaten through, and it's a miracle that he can still speak.

"Brother Feng, you..." cloud crane some surprised, did not expect Zhao Chengfeng is still alive.

"Brother Feng, don't worry. You can lie down. Don't talk. Just lie down." Cloud Crane quickly squatted down, dare not let Zhao Chengfeng have any action, also dare not let Zhao Chengfeng talk more.

As long as you're alive, everything's fine.

"You surprised me again and again. It seems that I underestimated you." Not only the cloud crane was surprised, but also the emperor Xiaoyao.

The power of that palm can't be clearer. Let alone that Zhao Chengfeng was seriously injured, even if the ordinary king master fought hard, he would die, but he wasn't dead. He was still alive and could speak!

This is a miracle, but it also shows Zhao Chengfeng's eccentricity.

"I said, my life is not easy." Zhao Chengfeng leans in the woman's arms and allows the woman to help wipe the blood stains on her face and body, with a trace of evil smile on her face.

It's not an evil smile, but it makes people feel weird and hairy.

"It's going to change." Bai Changshan naturally noticed this scene and was shocked to numbness in his heart. This evening, Zhao Chengfeng brought himself too many surprises and also let Bai Changshan witness too many miracles.

What is cultivation? This is cultivation!


The emperor Xiaoyao was very dissatisfied. He felt that he had been greatly humiliated. He snorted heavily and said, "can you resist me hard and not die? Boy, you are very powerful, but not so powerful as to be arrogant in front of me. If you don't know your face, I can let you die in an instant. Do you believe it or not

Before he had finished speaking, xiaoyaohuang's momentum soared, as if he had to fight if he didn't agree.

"I..." Zhao Chengfeng wanted to nod.

"I don't believe it!"

However, before Zhao Chengfeng finished speaking, a voice came from the sky, an old woman's voice. It was strange and old, but it was very powerful, with a strong power.

"Granny flower!"

Zhao Chengfeng and others are puzzled, but the emperor Xiaoyao tightens his brows when he hears the voice, and his eyes fall on the gradually solidified figure in front of him. He looks ugly.

The visitor is not tall, slightly fat, and his hair is all white, but his face looks very energetic. His face is red, and he can't see his actual age, and he can't see through his strength!

"Granny Hua, what do you mean?" Xiaoyao emperor's face suddenly sank, almost gnashing his teeth. Obviously, he was very unhappy with the visitors. People with clear eyes knew that there was a festival between them.

Flower mother-in-law light smile, "I have no meaning, mainly see you bully people a little uncomfortable just, how, the road is uneven still don't let people go?"


Xiaoyao emperor snorted heavily and said sarcastically: "I think you want to fall into the well. Do you really think our forest city is lonely? Do you really think I'm easy to bully

"I've never bullied anyone, but I'm sure of him today." With that, mother-in-law Hua looks at Zhao Chengfeng, who is reclining in Xiao Xi's arms. She is curious.

There's nothing strange about this guy. How dare he fight for Xiaoyao emperor? How to make her granddaughter miss so much? It's too much to say.

"..." although Zhao Chengfeng was seriously injured, his brain was still good, and he didn't understand the meaning of mother-in-law Hua. At least Zhao Chengfeng's memory had nothing to do with the old woman.

So why does she have to protect herself? What's more, what's the strength of this old woman? She can make Xiaoyao emperor gnash her teeth and keep a fear at the same time?

It seems that the alien world is also crouching tiger, hidden dragon. The experts on the surface are nothing. The really powerful one is the hermit expert! For example, in front of the flower mother-in-law.

"You have to wade in this muddy water?" Xiaoyao emperor is very unwilling.

Flower mother-in-law heavily nodded, is the default.


After pondering for a long time, the emperor of Xiaoyao gritted his teeth and said, "you can take away the man, but if you want to keep the sword, this boy has stolen the weapons of our city Lord's mansion and must return them to their original owners!"

"Emperor Xiaoyao, do you want to order your face?" Xiao Xi was so angry that he swore, "it's obviously brother Feng's weapon. How can it become something of your Lord's mansion? Your ability to confuse black and white is really good. Why don't you rob it? "

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