Sure enough, Zhao Chengfeng was silent. Originally some relaxed expression, instant dignified a few minutes, Chiba world that ancient martial giant incomparably yearning for the place, in the end have what?

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know, let alone how to solve the cause of the earth's aura explosion. One thing Zhao Chengfeng knows very well is that there are many enemies in Chiba world.

For example, Huazong and Murong family, and even yunshaozhu! What bothers Zhao Chengfeng most is Wuji gate. Wuji gate is the most powerful sect in Chiba world, the top existence in Chiba world.

Although Zhao Chengfeng's Laozi used to be a gifted disciple of Wuji gate and the pride of Wuji gate. But Zhao Feitian is a scum of Wuji gate, which makes Wuji gate ashamed. Heaven knows whether Wuji gate will account for itself.


Zhao Chengfeng sighed in his heart. He had some helplessness, but he had to hold on. If Zhao Chengfeng is unable to complete the task, the crisis on earth will not be lifted.

With the resurrection of the Millennium blood zombies, even Zhao Feilong, who is half in the realm of God, has a headache. The consequences must be more serious than Zhao Chengfeng imagined. When he thinks of his own people, even his relatives and friends, who have been devoured by the Millennium blood zombies one by one and become walking corpses, Zhao Chengfeng's heart is as painful as a knife!

"Don't think about it too much. When the boat comes to the bridge, it will be straight." Seeing the man's dignified look, Tang Wei couldn't bear it. She patted the man on the shoulder and said, "there will always be a solution. I believe you."

However, Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a wry smile and said, "but I'm not sure now. To tell you the truth, I have no idea what to do next. I can only go step by step."

"Before I left, my uncle told me something. Let's go to Chiba world to think about it." Referring to this matter, ah long's expression became serious.

"Tell me." Zhao Chengfeng immediately became interested. As long as there is a direction, then everything is easy to do. It's better than running around like a headless fly, right?

"Wuji gate."

A long said in a deep voice: "your father asked us to go to Wuji gate to explore the reality. The first thing we should do is to check Yunqing, yunshaozhu, the guy of Qianji gate."

"Your father thought that kid was weird, and the timing of their appearance was questionable." Ah long then said, "why do they want to let the earth's aura soar? Is it good for them? I remember Yun Qing saying that the earth is a wasteland. Since it's an abandoned land, why should we let him regain his aura? "

"That guy is really strange." Zhao Chengfeng lit up a cigarette and took two mouthfuls. He also calculated in his heart.

At the beginning, under the leadership of Yun Qing, the guwu family took action against Zhao Chengfeng, which made Zhao Chengfeng rather embarrassed and implicated many women around him. At that time, Zhao Chengfeng had a chance to kill Yunqing, but because of the earth's aura, Zhao Chengfeng had to stop and focus on the overall situation.

Now that his father suspects that guy, Zhao Chengfeng knows that his guess is close to ten.

"Your father said Ah long continued: "he said that Qianji gate is not a powerful force in Chiba world. It can only be regarded as a sect in the upper middle class. One of Qianji gate's young masters has such a great deterrent power. I'm afraid Qianji gate is puckering up. Let's be careful of Qianji gate. If possible, you can sneak into qianjimen, but be careful. "

"Is this thousand machine gate so powerful?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow twist more tightly a few minutes.

If ordinary people say that qianjimen is powerful, Zhao Chengfeng will never take it seriously, but if even the old people in his family say so, Zhao Chengfeng must pay attention to it.

Although Zhao Chengfeng has always been against his Laozi, he does not doubt his Laozi's ability. He was a bully in the Chiba world, much more powerful than himself.

"It's said that qianjimen was created by a celebrity. Counting the date, that celebrity has been thousands of years since now. Do you know who he is?" Ah long sold a pass, and a mysterious smile rose from the corner of his mouth.


Zhao Chengfeng rolled a big white eye, did not have the good airway: "all when, still hide to ye, have strength?"

"Hey, hey."

Ah long seldom laughed and showed his big white teeth, "ZHUGE Kongming."

"What is it?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng completely ignorant force, surprised almost even chin fell down, thousand machine door founder is Zhuge Kongming? Isn't that the top bull of the Three Kingdoms period? Up to now, there are still many people on the earth praising his story.

"Ah long, don't you have a fever? Is that possible? " Zhao Chengfeng is still not sure.

"ZHUGE Kongming? Ah long, you mean Zhuge Liang. " Tang Wei is also a scholar. She knows a little about history. Although she is not very proficient in history, she is not a Chinese if she does not know such great people as Zhuge Kongming.

"Do you think I'm joking?"

However, ah long put away his smile and said solemnly, "actually, I have investigated this matter. In the secular world on earth, there is also a sect called Qianji gate. The founder of the book above is Zhuge Kongming. The Qianji gate in Chiba world should be closely related to the Qianji gate on earth. "

"Coincidentally, Zhuge Kongming's good skill is calculation and array practice. Isn't that what Yun Shaozhu knows? Don't you think that's strange? "

Zhao Chengfeng is silent, and Tang Wei is silent. If you really want to say that, it seems that qianjimen has something to do with Zhuge Kongming.

"Did my father say anything else?" Zhao Chengfeng pondered for a long time and asked again.


Ah long nodded, shrugged his shoulders and said, "but the last sentence is not said."

"What did he say?" Ah long said that, but Zhao Chengfeng was very curious.


"Ah long sighed," he said, "when we get to Chiba world, we have to rely on ourselves. We have to think more about everything, and then there will be no more."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng slightly a Leng, immediately smile, "is really a no nutrition nonsense ah."

Although Zhao Chengfeng had a smile on his face, he was even more depressed because the ancestor of qianjimen was Zhuge Kongming. Although the old man had died for many years, God knows if he would be just like the king of thieves. In fact, he didn't die at all. He just entered another space?

Zhuge Kongming is not the king of robbers. He is definitely a powerful man who is 100 times stronger than the king of robbers. At the thought that he is likely to fight Zhuge Kongming or his descendants, Zhao Chengfeng is shocked.

"No matter what, let's go first. As long as people don't die, there's always a way to get ahead." Tang Wei gritted her teeth and gave everyone a reassurance.

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