At this time, Gong Wei and Fang Kan are sitting on a sofa with a cup of coffee in front of them, looking worried and angry.

In front of the two, there is a middle-aged fat man with half a cigar in his hand. He is puffing away with arrogance and looks at Gong Wei with strong desire, but he is forced to restrain him.

This person is Duan Ming, the chairman of Yuhua group.

"Here comes the man, boss." Duan Ming behind a strong middle-aged man respectfully said.

Duan Ming raised his head and looked at the elevator. He Feng walked out of the elevator with a cheap cigarette in his mouth.

"Oh, the friends of Yuhua group are very enthusiastic. They know I'm coming, and they send so many people to welcome me. I'm a little flattered." He Feng's smiling voice rang out.

Gong Wei hears this voice, looks slightly surprised, quickly turns around and looks back, and sees that the person coming is He Feng.

"He Feng, run away quickly. Tell Wang Dong to call the police." Gong Wei shouts to He Feng.

Fang Kan, who was sitting beside her, frowned, but soon his brows began again.

"Run away? Ha ha, that elevator is my exclusive elevator. Unless I want it to go down, no one can take it to leave. And the stairway was also sealed by me. So, if someone wants to go downstairs, they have to get my permission. Of course, there's another way to go downstairs, and that's to jump out of the window. "

Duan Ming takes a puff of his cigar, spits out thick smoke, and points to the glass window not far away.

"Jump down?"

Gong Wei looks at the window and her heart cools down.

This is the 26th floor. It's a dead end to jump from here.

"Is Yuncheng group really going to end?" Gong Wei's eyes showed a touch of pain and reluctance.

But she is also very clear that he Feng has come to the same end as them. Now the only way is to wait for the police to save them.

Once the police arrive, the media will know about the incident. At that time, although Yuhua group has a bad reputation, Yuncheng group will be even more affected.

Outsiders will only think that Yuncheng group must have no money, and even reduced to asking for debts from Yuhua group.

Once the news spreads, the internal staff of Yuncheng group will be in a panic, and a large number of people will leave.

At that time, the cloud city group is likely to collapse completely.

"Why should I run away? It's so hot now. It's hard for me to come here. Besides, Weiwei beauty, you are controlled here. I must take you away. Otherwise, Wang Xiang... Wang Dong and sister yuan will certainly blame me. "

He Feng smokes a cigarette and walks towards Gong Wei.

"Stinky boy, stop for me!"

"Damn, how dare you be so arrogant here?"

"Beat him first and let him know where he is."

The security guards around saw that he Feng ignored them. They were all angry. Five or six of them stood in front of him and attacked him without saying a word. They used fists, legs and batons.

But without exception, these people's attacks are very fierce and domineering. At first sight, they are the owners who often fight, and they have a street fighting style. At first sight, they know that these people used to be gangsters, not ordinary security guards.

In the face of their several people's attack, he Feng stood in the same place, no movement, as if scared silly.

"Stop it, stop it, or I'll sue you for malicious wounding."

Gong Wei saw this scene, a look of panic appeared on her pretty face, and then she looked at Duan Ming and cried out.

Bang Bang Bang

At this time, there was a dull sound from fists to meat behind.

Duan Ming originally wanted to see the scene of He Feng being beaten, but when he heard Gong Wei's voice, his eyes fell on the latter's graceful posture, licked his lips and said, "if you want me not to hurt him, it's not impossible. As long as you can promise, you can leave now."

"You... You are shameless!"

Gong Wei looks angry, but full of helplessness.

"No wonder I don't know this person at all. He broke into our Yuhua group and hurt my people. It's very kind of him not to kill him today."

Duan mingtou didn't lift his head and yelled: "how many of you didn't have enough lunch at noon? It's not loud enough. I can't hear it. "


As soon as his voice fell, a figure flew towards him and fell steadily under his feet.

"Be careful, boss!" Zhou Jindao, Duan Ming's bodyguard, stands in front of Duan Ming and looks at the front with a dignified face.

"Well? What's the situation? "

Duan Ming just then reacted and looked up to the front. Then he saw that the five or six security guards who had attacked he Feng had all fallen to the ground.

And the rest of the security, looking at He Feng's eyes is also showing a strong color of fear.

"Er, how are you all stunned? Do it quickly. Don't delay my time back to the company, OK?"

He Feng impatiently glanced around, and then his eyes fell on Duan Ming again, "who, these people are all your men? How do you keep all these losers? Your eyes are too rubbish. What are you doing with these eyes? Let's feed them to the dog. "

Hearing the speech, Duan Ming's face suddenly became very ugly, and he felt deeply humiliated.

"What are you doing here? Why don't you do it for me? Together, give me waste him, and then throw him from upstairs Duan Ming stands up and points to He Feng.

He can't remember how long no one dared to be so arrogant in the Yuhua group. Now a man he didn't know even rode on his head and scolded himself like this. How can Duan Ming bear it?

"Come on, kill him."

"Do you really think you can be so arrogant if you have some ability? No matter how bad it is, it's just one person. "

"So many of us can get him down at will."

With Duan Ming's command, the security guards who were afraid of He Feng became active again.

More than 20 people rushed to He Feng with a roar.

"He Feng, be careful!"

Gong Wei also realizes that he Feng is not an ordinary person, but has a certain fighting capacity. For a moment, she is both expecting and worried about He Feng.

Fang Kan, sitting next to her, frowned, but soon worried.

"Gong Wei, if you want him to live, you should quickly agree to my terms. Otherwise... I fell down from 26. I don't know if I can leave him a whole body. "

Seeing his subordinates rush to He Feng almost at the same time, Duan Ming's face shows a touch of self-confidence again, and his eyes also fall on Gong Wei.

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