"The operation of the marketing department is fairly stable, and the previous posts have been filled. As long as nothing serious happens again, the two vice ministers can solve it. " Gong Wei said.

"In that case, choose one of them to take your place. As for you, it's almost time to take the post of vice president. "

"Vice President?" Gong Wei opened her mouth. "My work experience should be quite different, right? I don't have much experience in managing other departments except the marketing department. "

"Experience can only be accumulated in practice. How can you know that you don't have the strength before you take up this position? You can rest assured that I will ask sister yuan to help you in the early stage. "

Wang Xiangyun said with a wry smile: "and you should be very clear that the two vice presidents of our company have left. Now I can't think of a more suitable person than you. If you don't take over as vice president, I'll be dead tired. "

"Weiwei, if I help you, you can rest assured that there won't be any big mistake." Yuan Yashi also advised.

"Well, I'll try." Gong Wei's helpless way.

"You can't try. Now that you're a vice president, you have to do everything well."

Wang Xiangyun looks at Gong Wei with a smile, "how can Gong Wei I know suddenly become so insecure?"

"I'm not self-confident. I'm afraid that I'll arrange something else for me after you. At last, I'll be a shopkeeper." Gong Wei rolled her eyes.

"Hey, you can rest assured that even if I want to be a shake off shopkeeper, it's not this time. At least you have to wait until you are fully familiar with all the affairs of the company." Wang Xiangyun said with a smile.

"Ha, you really have this idea. Then you have to treat me to a big meal." Gong Wei stares.

"No problem. Why don't you go to my house this weekend evening and I'll let aunt Zhan make your favorite spicy tofu. But you've got to make my favorite salt and pepper steak

"What? Let's invite me to dinner. Do you want me to cook? "

"I'm sorry. You haven't made salt and pepper strips for me for a long time."

Wang Xiangyun didn't feel embarrassed at all.

She and Gong Wei became good friends when they were in college. One of the most direct reasons why they became good friends is that Gong Wei's salt and pepper strips are very delicious, better than aunt Zhan's.

"OK, who let you be my boss? My salary depends on you. Let aunt Zhan buy a good platoon. By the way, there's tofu. You can't forget that. " Gong Wei said with a smile.

"Don't worry, you won't forget it!"

Wang Xiangyun said and looked at Yuan Yashi, "sister yuan, if you don't have anything to do at the weekend, why don't you go to my house together?"

"Wang Dong, I'm afraid I can't go this weekend. I have to go to the hospital. Recently, the company is very busy. I didn't have time to go to the hospital on the last two weekends. " Yuan Yashi shook his head.

Hearing this, Wang Xiangyun felt an apology on his face, "I'm sorry, sister yuan! Well, let's go to the hospital to see Yuan Ye later? "

"No, you haven't relaxed for a long time. Take a good rest this weekend. It's the same when you're free after a while."

"Well, let's go shopping together then." Gong Wei suggested.

"Yes, yes, we haven't been shopping for a long time." Wang Xiangyun agreed happily.

"Hello, I'm talking about some beauties. It's working time. Can we talk about work first?"

He Feng see a few women did not stop chatting mind, can't help but interrupt said.

"What do you care if we chat?"

Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng.

Previously, there was also the appearance of a smile, a cold down to He Feng.

"Well, it's true that I don't care much about my business, but can you give me the 50000 yuan first?" He Feng touched his nose and said.

If it wasn't for the 50000 yuan, he didn't want to face Wang Xiangyun's frosty face.

"Cut, you only have money in your eyes!"

Wang Xiangyun is very disdainful said, but still took out a piece of paper, wrote two lines of words on it, handed to He Feng said: "hurry away, go to finance to get money."

"All right, bye!"

He Feng took the list, turned and walked out of the office.

"Yunyun, what's 50000 yuan?" Gong Wei asks curiously.

"Well, before you were in Yuhua group, I couldn't get in touch with you. I knew that something must have happened to you, but I didn't know how to solve it. Then I asked he Feng to bring you back, but he Feng asked for a reward of 50000 yuan."

Wang Xiangyun said the matter simply: "but it doesn't matter. This time he went to Yuhua group, he must also face a huge risk, and it's not unreasonable for him to make 50000 yuan."

"But... In addition to asking Duan ming to repay us 80 million, he also blackmailed Duan Ming 800 thousand." Gong Wei said weakly, feeling like she was complaining, a little empty in her heart.

"What? Has this guy lost his money? " Wang Xiangyun was very angry: "he blackmailed 800000 yuan from Duan Ming, but fortunately he asked me for the 50000 yuan."

"Wei Wei, you haven't told us what happened in Yuhua group? You said that it was he Feng who made Duan Ming pay off his debt. Is there no one in Yuhua group today? "

Yuan Yashi asked curiously.

Wang Xiangyun also seemed very curious, and then asked: "yes, yes, if he Feng can let Duan Ming take the money out, then Fang Kan should also be able to take you away from Yuhua group? Why are you two still trapped? Fang Kan's strength should not be much worse than he Feng's? "

"Er... Yunyun, you asked he Feng to save us and Minister Fang. Don't you know he Feng's specific strength?" This time it's Gong Wei's turn to be surprised.

"I know he Feng's fighting strength is very strong, but it seems that Kan can't be much better, can he?"

"Well! Yunyun, it seems that you really don't know much about He Feng. His fighting strength, for example, Kan, is many times stronger. I can't describe it, but dozens of people are definitely not He Feng's opponent. He is a Wulin expert. "

Looking at Wang Xiangyun and Yuan Yashi's more and more curious eyes, Gong Wei had to tell what happened in Yuhua group in detail.

Wang Xiangyun and Yuan Yashi are both nervous when Gong Wei says that he Feng is surrounded by dozens of people from Yuhua group. After Gong Wei says that he Feng has solved these people easily, the second daughter is unbelievable.

When they heard Gong Wei say that Duan Ming and Zhou Jindao took out their pistols, but they didn't have a chance to shoot or even dare not, they screamed directly.

"God, he Feng's strength is so strong?" Yuan Yashi couldn't help covering her mouth. "No wonder he wasn't afraid of Fang Wen at noon today. It turns out that he didn't pay attention to Fang Wen at all."

"Yes, it's hard to imagine that he looks like no different from ordinary people, but he is actually a super master."

Gong Wei also praised, and then looked at Wang Xiangyun and asked, "yunyun, what does he Feng have to do with you?"

Yuan Yashi also looked at Wang Xiangyun.

He Feng was brought into the company by Wang Xiangyun, and directly served as an assistant. It can be seen that their relationship is definitely extraordinary.


Wang Xiangyun opened his mouth, a little hard to say.

Is it hard to say that he and he Feng are already legal husband and wife?

However, she didn't know anything about He Feng except a little vague memory of her childhood.

"In fact, he Feng is a distant cousin of mine. He came to take refuge in me in Jiangbin city. Because he has no other professional skills except his skill, so I arranged for him to be my assistant. Usually, I would not let him do any work. I just asked him to come here to earn money. " Wang Xiangyun casually dealt with a sentence.

As for the rest, I'll explain it later.

But Gong Wei, who knows Wang Xiangyun better, frowns subconsciously. She thinks that things should not be as simple as Wang Xiangyun said.

"Dong Wang, this time he Feng makes Duan Ming vomit blood. With Duan Ming's style, he should not give up. I think he will not only find a way to embarrass our Cloud City Group, but also seek revenge from He Feng. You'd better remind He Feng to be careful when he goes out in the future. "

Yuan Yashi reminded.

"This should be OK for the moment. He Feng hasn't found a suitable place to live now. I'm going to let him live in my house for a while. As long as he's with me all the time, Duan Ming won't dare to mess with me. " Wang Xiangyun said.

"In your house?"

This time, both Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi were wide eyed.

"It doesn't matter. I'm not trying to help my relatives."

Wang Xiangyun pretended to be indifferent, and then quickly turned the topic to work, "by the way, there are tens of millions of debts in the finance department that have not been recovered. Do you have any good opinions?"

"I have one opinion. It depends on what you think of Wang Dong."

Yuan Yashi has been with Wang Xiangyun for many years, so he has no reservation at the moment. He said directly, "I think Qian Zhou, the Minister of finance, should be replaced."


Wang Xiangyun looks at Gong Wei, "Weiwei, what do you think?"


Gong Wei looks a little trance, she is thinking about He Feng living in Wang Xiangyun's home.

I don't know why, when she learned that he Feng was living in Wang Xiangyun's home, she was distracted.

"What do you think?"

Wang Xiangyun looked at her angrily, "sister Yuan said just now, replace Qian Zhou, the Minister of finance department. What do you think?"

Gong Wei stopped thinking for a while and said, "I've been in touch with Qian Zhou several times. Although he has done a good job on the surface, I always think there is something wrong with him. If I remember correctly, it seems that the two former vice presidents jointly recommended him to be the Minister of finance. What's more, his working time in Yuncheng group is not very long, mainly because of his high education and previous working experience, but we don't know much about his character and specific working ability. "

"Well, I'll think it over carefully." Wang Xiangyun nodded.


After he Feng walked out of the chairman's office, he went straight to the elevator and took the elevator to the floor where the finance department was located.

However, Yuncheng group is not a small company, and the whole finance department is still very big, so he didn't find where the finance department director's office was for a while.

Many employees in the financial department are curious to see he Feng, and many individuals are still secretly pointing at him for discussion.

"Look, that person seems to be Dong Wang's new assistant. He is sitting next to minister Gong Wei at noon today. He seems to have pissed Fang Wen off."

"Yes, he even dared to ask minister Gong Wei in front of Fang Wen. It's just killing him."

"Shh, keep your voice down. Just stay away from him. Don't let Fang Wen misunderstand you."

"Yes, we can't talk to him, let Fang Wen think we have something to do with him."

During the discussion, we deliberately avoided He Feng, as if to avoid the plague.

He Feng naturally noticed this, but he didn't pay attention to it. He slowly looked for the office of the director of the finance department, and looked around to see if there were any beautiful women in the finance department.

However, although there are many women in the finance department, most of them are crooked melons and cracked dates. None of them can let he Feng have a look more.

Dong Dong

Just when he Feng came to a corner and was ready to turn, there was a sudden sound of quick and clear footsteps in front of him.

He Feng knew that someone was coming, and he was still a woman. For fear that he would be hit by a dinosaur, he immediately stopped.

However, the woman running from the front obviously didn't notice he Feng, just turned the corner and ran into He Feng.


The woman was obviously hurt by the collision, and gave out a cry of pain. All the documents in her hand fell to the ground, and her body fell to the side because she lost her balance.

"Hoo! It's really sweet... "

He Feng took a breath, suddenly felt the fragrance, eyes also captured the beautiful face full of panic and fear.

"Be careful!"

He Feng for the first time took two steps forward, one hand out, easy to embrace each other's slender waist, the latter into his arms.

"Beauty, are you ok?"

He Feng looks down, the Mou son immediately brightened a few minutes.

The woman looks about twenty-three or twenty-four years old. Although she has some light makeup on her face, she still looks very pure and beautiful.

On her body, she wore a dark red tight skirt, which highlighted her exquisite and graceful figure.

Along the skirt collar button, he Feng can see the charming scenery, so that he can't help swallowing saliva, his eyes are a little straight.

This size can almost be compared with Tang Wen, whom he met when delivering the express yesterday, but the style of the two girls is totally different. Tang Wen's outside is full of hot and charming, people subconsciously want to conquer.

And in front of this woman although also very sexy, but he Feng at this time in addition to want to conquer it, but also want to take good care of each other.

This is a woman who can be pitied only by appearance and temperament!

"I'm fine, sir. Can you let me go first?" Looking at the man's face close at hand, Xia Menglu's heart was beating, and her eyes showed a little bit of fear.

Aware of the fear in the woman's eyes, he Feng wants to pity her more.

However, he was afraid of provoking the other party to dislike him, so he immediately stood up with Xia Menglu, and then released his hand and said, "sorry, I was just afraid of you falling, I hope you don't mind."

"It's OK. I bumped into you first. I should apologize. And you just helped me not to wrestle, I should thank you. But I'm in a bit of a hurry now. I have to go first. "

With that, Xia Menglu squats down and picks up the documents on the ground.

Many employees around are curious to see, especially some male employees, subconsciously want to come up to help Xia Menglu pick up the documents.

Although Xia Menglu is a new employee of the company, many people want to get close to her because she looks so beautiful.

But when they see he Feng standing in front of Xia Menglu, the steps that have already stepped out are taken back.

It's OK to be close to Xia Menglu, but if outsiders think that they want to be close to He Feng, they may offend Fang Wen and lose more than they gain.

"Beauty, let me help you!"

He Feng certainly won't miss such an opportunity, squatting down to help Xia Menglu pick up the documents on the ground.

Two people squat face to face, the angle is very appropriate, he Feng is just a casual look up, more clearly see the xiamenglu chest scenery.


He Feng swallowed again.

He felt an evil fire in his body.

Around many looking at this side of the male staff are a face of envy, hate to rush to the He Feng flat meal.

"It's so hateful. He Feng not only held our goddess, but also peeked at her now. It's so inhuman."

"Yes, I really want to go up and beat him. Brothers, do you want to go

"Cough, I'll go to you. I'm a civilized man."

"Well, let's not talk about civilization. But there's no reason to hit him now, or I'd really like to hit him. "

The sound of discussion is getting louder and louder, but he Feng turns a deaf ear to it, as if he didn't hear it.

"Thank you, sir, but I have to go first."

At this time, the document is finally picked up, Xia Menglu stood up, looking at He Feng said.

"It's all right!"

He Feng quickly followed to stand up, as if nothing happened to smile, watching Xia Menglu leave.

"Tut Tut, another top beauty. I didn't expect that there were so many top beauties in Wang Xiangyun's broken company. It seems that the deal with her is quite worthwhile."

Recalling Xia Menglu's graceful posture, he Feng only feels that the evil fire in his body is more and more vigorous. He quickly suppresses these thoughts. Otherwise, if his body has a physiological reaction, it will be embarrassing. So many people are staring at him.

A little faster pace, he Feng continued to look for the Finance Department of the minister's office.

Although the finance department has a large scope, he Feng can't stand looking for it. Five minutes later, he came to a door with a sign of "minister's office".

"Well, it's not easy for that 50000 yuan."

He Feng sighed, went straight forward, ready to knock on the door, but at this time there was a slight sound.

"Don't worry, minister. I'll go to bell group again in the evening, and I'll certainly recover the debt. You can give me another chance."

"Eh, isn't that the voice of the beautiful woman just now?"

He Feng stopped and looked surprised. "It seems that I'm quite predestined with her!"

Although the sound insulation effect of this office is good, who is He Feng? As long as he is willing to listen carefully, let alone just across a door, even if the mosquito downstairs flapping wings, he can clearly hear.

"Well, you can figure it out for yourself. How many times have I given you a chance? Xia Menglu, you really let me down. " A murmur of displeasure rang out. It should be a middle-aged man.

"Minister, I..."

"Well, you go out, your probation period is certainly unable to pass, today I will write the dismissal well, and then you can find another company." The middle-aged man said lightly.

"No! Minister, I beg you to give me another chance. I'm sure I won't let you down again. " Xia Menglu strongly pleads to say.


The middle-aged man's voice stopped for a while, but he didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he continued to speak, "if you want me to give you another chance, it's not impossible. Even I can directly change you from a probationary employee to a regular employee. Not only that, in a few months' time, I can give you a promotion and a raise... "

This time, the voice was obviously lower than before, but he Feng could still hear it word for word.

He raised a radian on the corner of his mouth. "No wonder Wang Xiangyun's mother-in-law's company has so much trouble. There's so much rat excrement in it. Fortunately, those people outside didn't know that I had such a wife, otherwise it would be a shame. "

"Minister, i... I don't understand you a bit." Xia Menglu Leng for a while, and then some surprise and doubt said.

"Don't understand?"

The middle-aged man laughed and suddenly said affectionately, "Lulu, do you know that when I first saw you, I fell in love with you. If you are willing to be my girlfriend, I promise you will be a leader in the company and get a high salary in the future. "

"Ah? But I heard them say you're married. " Xia Menglu is very simple said.

"So, I mean to make you my lover. But don't worry, I will treat you very well. It's a thousand times better than that ugly monster in my family. " The middle-aged man said affectionately.

"Ah! Minister, what are you doing? Let me go. "

"Lulu, I can't help it any more. Just follow me. You can rest assured that I will take good care of you and love you well. Oh! This skin is so smooth... "


Hear here, he Feng where still can wait to go down, immediately step forward, a foot kicked in the past, the wooden office door to the students kicked open.


Inside, the middle-aged man in a shirt screamed with fright. He quickly released Xia Menglu in front of him and looked out the door.

When he saw that the man standing outside the door had never seen him at all, he was greatly relieved, and then angrily scolded: "boy, who are you and who let you kick the door? Get out of here, or I'll let the security guard catch you and beat you up. "

If he Feng is not afraid to go outside to talk nonsense, affect his reputation, he now wants to let the security to teach him a lesson.

"Sister, are you all right?"

He Feng directly filtered Qian Zhou, looking at Xia Menglu with a little bit of irregularity.

"I'm fine, thank you, but let's get out of here."

Xia Menglu had tears in her eyes, and her beautiful and pure face was still a little pale. She was obviously scared.

"Lulu, you can't go! Don't you want this job? If I remember correctly, your brother is now in college, and you have to bear the tuition and living expenses. And your mother is sick in bed, and the medical expenses are not a small amount. If you cut off your income, can you stand the consequences? "

Qian Zhou said with a sneer that he had a clear investigation of Xia Menglu's family situation.

Sure enough, Xia Menglu's pretty face suddenly became very pale, her steps stopped, and her thin and delicate body looked weak.

"Ha ha, Lulu, in fact, you don't have to worry too much. Although I want you to be my lover, I will certainly cherish you very much. Not only will you be promoted in Yuncheng group, but also I will give you a car. Even, as long as you serve me happily, maybe I will give you a house in the future. As you know, the house price in Jiangbin is so high that it is the dream of countless people to have a suite here. "

The more Qian Zhou said, the more confident he was. When he glanced at He Feng, he couldn't help laughing, "boy, don't you go out yet? Why, do you want me to call security to throw you out? "

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