For everyone's comments on himself, he Feng never paid attention to them.

Because after reading the novel of listening to Feng's update at night, he turned on the computer and played the game.

Of course, before playing the game, he set up a new network protection measure, which is much better than what he did before. It is estimated that even the top ten hackers in the world are hard to break his network, and then he finds that he is playing through the line of fire.

After a morning's play, he Feng calls Xia Menglu, and the two sides make an appointment to meet outside the company gate. He Feng is ready to go out.

"Ready to make money?"

Just out of the office, Wang Xiangyun's voice came from behind.

Wang Xiangyun had been waiting for a long time. He Feng thought that he Feng would do something, but he didn't want the latter to stay in the office all morning without any action. This made her quite confused, so she came to have a look.

"Making money?"

After playing the game for a long time, he Feng almost forgot all about it.

Wang Xiangyun saw he Feng's reaction, a face suddenly black down, "He Feng, do you forget the bet between us? If that's the case, you can just throw in the towel now. "

This bastard is really irritating. I've been worrying about it all the time. I didn't work hard all morning.

"How can I? I've been thinking about how to make 10 million yuan today. Now I've got some signs. However, after thinking about it for a long time, my head is swollen and painful, so I'm ready to go out and relax. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Go out and relax?"

Wang Xiangyun looks at He Feng suspiciously, "what are you doing out there?"

"Dear Wang Dong, I know you are a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks, but I have to eat three meals a day to feed myself. Now it's lunch time. I'm going out for lunch, of course. " He Feng shook his head and sighed.

"Out for dinner? Isn't there a restaurant in the company? Why don't you eat it in the company's restaurant? "

"Poof! Where do I eat and why? Do I have a fish and a piece of meat at noon, and I have to say why? "

He Feng is very speechless.

"Then at least tell me why you eat out?" Wang Xiangyun snorted, "otherwise, what if you go out to do without telling me?"

He Feng suddenly said with a bad smile: "Congratulations, you really guessed right. I really want to go out and do something sorry for you without telling you."

"What did you say?"

"There's a girl waiting to date me. Well, if the development is good, we may open an hour room in the hotel at noon. "

He Feng evil smile way, but he feels his this idea also seems to be feasible.

Xia Menglu, who is sexy and charming in appearance but pure and quiet in inner, is really popular with He Feng. He Feng is also ready to work hard to develop Xia Menglu into her own woman.

Otherwise, if such a simple girl was chased by other men, it would be outrageous.

"To the hotel for an hour room?"

Wang Xiangyun didn't react for a moment. After all, she never went to a hotel with a man. She even had a casual talk about love. She didn't know what happened between men and women.

"Cough, I said daughter-in-law..."

"Call me Wang Dong!" Wang Xiangyun frowned gently.

"Well, well, I said, Mr. Wang, you are too simple. You don't even know what hour room means?"

He Feng said: "the meaning of the hour room is that you go to the hotel for one or two hours and check out after the time. As for what the owners want to do during this period, that's their business. "

Hear here, with the intelligence quotient of Wang Xiangyun, where still don't understand what he Feng says to mean.

Obviously, it's the shame between men and women!

"In an hour or two, how many of you men can last so long?" In order to make complaints about his embarrassment, Wang Xiangyun blurred out a sentence.

"Look down on people, don't you?"

He Feng's eyes swept around Wang Xiangyun's body and said, "do you want to have a try? If you agree, I can fight with you all night. I won't sleep. I won't be tired."

"Get out of here!"

Wang Xiangyun's face immediately changed. He Feng glared at him fiercely and turned around and left.

Looking at Wang Xiangyun's back, he Feng is a little depressed.

"This woman is also true, brother Feng didn't lie. For an hour or two, it's really just pure venting. "

With a trace of expectation and fantasy, he Feng comes to the parking lot. When he drives past the gate of Yuncheng group, he sees Xia Menglu waiting outside.

"Lulu beauty, this way!"

Xia Menglu didn't notice the Maserati, so he Feng opened the window, waved at her and yelled.

At this time, it is the morning off work time. There are many people coming and going at the gate of the company. In addition, Maserati is eye-catching. At this time, he Feng shouts again, which immediately attracts many people's attention.

"Well, isn't that Dong Wang's car? It seems to have been opened by Wang Dongzhu? "

"Lying trough, it's more than just open out. It seems that he's still open out to pick up girls."

"NIMA, this guy is too good. He drives the boss's car to pick up girls. The point is, it's one of the four goddesses of our company. "

"I decided that he Dongzhu would be my idol from now on."

The envious eyes fall on He Feng.

Even many people are envious of Xia Menglu.

However, people think it's a talented woman.

He Feng is an assistant to the chairman of the board of directors. Although Xia Menglu is only an intern, she has been rated as one of the four goddesses of Yuncheng group because of her outstanding beauty. She is as famous as Wang Xiangyun, Yuan Yashi and Gong Wei. These two are a perfect match.

When Xia Menglu hears he Feng's cry, she also looks over and sees that the latter is actually driving Maserati. She has some doubts in her heart, but she still walks quickly to get on the bus.

"Brother Feng, how did you get out of Wang Dong's car?" Xia Menglu feels that this seems to be a bit ostentatious. After all, there are so many people standing at the gate of the company.

"I'm her assistant. Isn't it normal to drive her car out? Hey, Lulu, what are you going to treat me to at noon? "

He Feng casually explained a, is to smile to recite of ask a way.

"I know a good restaurant nearby. Let's eat there. I'll navigate."

Xia Menglu has long thought about where to eat, and immediately took out her mobile phone to set up the navigation.

He Feng looked at the navigation route and stepped on the accelerator to speed up.

At the moment, outside the gate of Yuncheng group, an ordinary security guard watched Maserati leave, found an excuse to go to the bathroom, and then took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Have you heard from He Feng?" A voice of youth was soon heard on the phone.

"Brother Zhou, just now I saw he Feng driving Wang Dong's Maserati past the door of the company, and then he left the company with Xia Menglu. They seem to be going on a date." Said the guard.

"Date? OK, I see! "

In the office of the technology department, Zhou Heng hung up and looked very gloomy.

"He Feng, it seems that you are determined to rob me of Zhou Heng's woman. It's just noon, and you can't help going out on a date."

Zhou Heng often takes a woman out on a date at noon, so he immediately thinks that after he Feng and Xia Menglu have a meal, they will go to the hotel to open an hour room.

Think of the woman you like, he Feng is likely to be immediately under the pressure of the body, he is very uncomfortable.

Therefore, without saying a word, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the black wolf's phone.

"Cousin, just now I've got accurate information. He Feng left in a Maserati. Please send someone to follow him."

"Don't worry, my people will follow me right away. You are waiting for my good news."

Hang up the phone, Zhou Heng just relieved a lot.

The corner of his mouth also showed a cold smile, "He Feng, do you really think you can be cool and happy today? Maybe today next year will be your death day. "


"Yueyue, that he Feng... How did he drive Wang Dong's car and take other girls out to be smart?"

Maserati's behind, Passat closely behind, but driving Zhang Mingjie is some doubt asked.

Chu Yue thinks about what happened in the financial department of Yuncheng group yesterday. At that time, it was because the woman was bullied by Qian Zhou, director of the financial department, that he Feng helped her and saved her.

Maybe, this girl is to thank he Feng, so they come out together.

Although the head in the heart thinks so, but Chu month always feels that the affair does not have oneself to think so pure.

"Is He Feng and sister Yun really married or not? If it was a fake marriage, how could they sleep together last night? But if it's true, how dare he Feng drive sister Yun's car to take other girls out to dinner? "

Chu Yue's heart is full of doubts, but she has some expectations.

That man is definitely not a safe man.

Maybe he really dares to soak other girls in front of Wang Xiangyun during his marriage.

If so

Chu Yue's face can't help becoming ruddy.

"Yueyue, what are you thinking?" Zhang Mingjie see Chu month has not spoken, can't help but doubt asked.


Chu Yue came back and said, "it's nothing. I just wonder if song Yan will take the opportunity to let people deal with He Feng. I don't know who he's looking for this time. He has a gun in his hand. We have to be careful. "

Zhang Mingjie thought for a moment and said, "it shouldn't be a big problem. The four underground forces of our Cloud City Group, in addition to the most mysterious force, the shadow group, have few guns. Yesterday, after they failed to deal with He Feng with guns, they would not use guns again. So we shouldn't be in any danger. "

"Well, be careful anyway." Chu Yue nodded.


"He Feng, that's the hotel. I feel it's not bad. We ate here for the Department Party some time ago."

Before long, under the guidance of the navigation, Maserati came to the door of a hotel.

The name of this hotel is Jiangbin impression. You don't need to go in and look at the menu at all. Just look at the decoration style, you know that the consumption is very high.

"What's more, Qian Zhou must have been in a good mood because he got the money, so he let the people from the finance department come here for dinner." He Feng turned his lips.

He won't eat in such an expensive restaurant.

"Are you two, sir? Inside, please

Two waiters standing at the door saw that he Feng was driving Maserati, and they didn't care whether he Feng was wearing ground stalls or not, so they hurried forward to greet him respectfully.

Xia Menglu is a little uneasy, because she also knows the consumption situation of this hotel. It's estimated that a meal for two people will cost hundreds.

Although the money can be taken out, it also has a lot of pressure on her.

However, she worried that he Feng would mind if she went to a worse Hotel, so she had to bite her teeth to come here.

"Lulu, I don't like this kind of restaurant food very much. Otherwise, let's go to that one. It's served fast and I like the taste better. "

He Feng points to a hotel not far from the intersection.

Store name: Liuyang steamed vegetables.

"Ah? Where to eat? "

Xia Menglu opens her mouth.

That kind of restaurant, even if two people eat better, it's only tens of yuan.

How could he Feng offer to eat in that restaurant?

She couldn't figure it out for a moment.

"Yes, don't you like it?" He Feng asked.

"I can... I can." Xia Menglu said innocently.

"Let's go and eat steamed vegetables."

With that, he Feng takes the initiative to take Xia Menglu's hand, and they walk to Liuyang steamed vegetables not far from the intersection under the staring of the waiter.

"What's so special, driving a sports car to take such a beautiful beauty out for dinner, actually went to eat steamed vegetables."

The waiter looked at Maserati at the door of the shop, with a look of disdain on her face. "This is definitely a rental car, which is specially used to catch girls. Damn, a poor loser is not as good as Laozi. "

"Why does this car look a little familiar?" But just at this time, a waitress next to him looked at Maserati and suddenly said in doubt.

"What's the matter? Have you ever had a friend rent this car before? " The waiter who despised He Feng brightened up.

The waitress shook her head, thought for a moment, then exclaimed, "I remember! Some time ago, I read a news that it seemed that it was chairman Wang Xiangyun of Yuncheng group who was driving the car. Wow, I didn't expect to see this car in reality. The man just now is either a senior member of Yuncheng group or a friend of Wang Dong. "

"Er... Is it true or not?" The waiter is a little incredulous.

"Well, why do I lie to you?" The waitress looked at Xia Menglu's back with envy. "Now the rich are really low-key. No wonder they can catch up with such beautiful beauties."

Smell speech, male attendant cannot help but face shame.

I think they are just poor losers. I rent a car to pick up girls. It seems that I have a bad eye. No wonder I can only be a waiter.


"Lulu, what do you like to eat? I'll get it for you."

He Feng holding a tray in his hand, standing in front of the big box of vegetables.

"Brother Feng, I'm not picky about food. You can order whatever you like." Xia Menglu said.

"How can that work? You must order something you eat. "

He Feng glanced at all the dishes in front of him and said, "first order this milk steamed papaya, and the white gourd spareribs are also very good..."

Xia Menglu's face suddenly turned red. For fear that he Feng would continue to order those dishes, she quickly took he Feng and said, "brother Feng, don't order these. I don't need to make up any more."

He Feng's eyes suddenly fell on Xia Menglu's chest, nodded in agreement, "it's reasonable to say, Lulu, your current scale has been very terrible. If you continue to make up for it, you will feel like you have no friends. "

"Oh, brother Feng, you are always bullying me." Xia Menglu's face was as red as a burning cloud, and she lowered her head.

He Feng knows that Xia Menglu is thin skinned and shy, so he stops at the end of the order. He doesn't continue to tease her any more. He orders a few dishes and finds a seat to sit down.

"Brother Feng, I heard them say that Zhou Heng was caught watching a small movie in the company. Does it have anything to do with you? You won't be affected, will you? "

Xia Menglu asked with concern.

"Of course, it doesn't have any influence, and even if it does, you don't have to worry about it. I've never paid attention to Zhou Heng."

He Feng took a bite of the egg and said, "if he doesn't come to provoke me, it's OK. I'll take him as an air. If he doesn't know what's good and what's bad and comes to me for trouble, he won't be criticized as easily next time. "

He Feng's remark is undoubtedly an admission that Zhou Heng watched a small film and was criticized in the end. It's his masterpiece.

Xia Menglu asked curiously: "brother Feng, what did you do before? How can he come to Yuncheng group to be an assistant to Dong Wang? With your ability, if you want, you can make more achievements. "

She is really curious, because she heard today that Zhou Heng is one of the top 100 hackers in China.

He Feng's ability to hack Zhou Heng's computer shows that he Feng's computer technology is stronger. If he goes to one of the world's top 500 companies, he can get along well. He doesn't have to stay in Yuncheng group at all. Even if he works as an assistant to the chairman of the board, he seems to be very inferior.


He Feng pondered for a while, suddenly looked at Xia Menglu affectionately and said: "because I have a feeling that if I enter the cloud city group, I will definitely meet the love in my life. Therefore, I entered the cloud city group without hesitation. And now, I feel more and more strongly

By He Feng so staring, ear ring each other's sweet words, Xia Menglu instantly feel the whole person seems to melt like.

Yesterday, when she was most desperate, he Feng seemed to save her from fire and water, leaving a deep brand in her heart.

To this man, some emotion in her heart has begun to palpitate.

It's just that she's worried.

She is worried that this man has his own favorite people, she is worried that this excellent man will not look up to himself

Now, she felt that he Feng's words should be said to herself, which made her excited and uneasy.

What if the woman he Feng likes is not himself?

Xia Menglu's brain keeps turning. She is thinking about He Feng. If he Feng didn't say this to herself, who would he say it to?

Wang Dong?

Xia Menglu thought of Wang Xiangyun the first time!

As soon as he Feng entered Yuncheng group, he became Wang Xiangyun's assistant, and Wang Xiangyun seemed to maintain him. He was not dismissed from playing games at work. You should know that in the past, any employee who played games was directly dismissed.

"Brother Feng, may I ask you a question?" Facing He Feng's eyes, Xia Menglu inquires.

"If I know anything, I will tell you everything."

"What's the relationship between you and Wang Dong?"


He Feng can't help but be stunned, didn't expect that what Xia Menglu asked would be this question.

"I'm Dong Wang's assistant!" He Feng would like to say this sentence directly, casually flicker in the past.

But at the thought of Xia Menglu's simple temperament, he really can't bear to cheat.

"Lulu, if I tell you that Wang Xiangyun and I are husband and wife, do you believe it?" He Feng whispered.

"Husband and wife?"

The expression on Xia Menglu's face suddenly solidified.

He Feng said, she will not doubt, because she knows he Feng will not deceive themselves.

So, at this time, there was a sense of collapse in her heart.

The man I like is married?!

Moreover, his wife, or no matter what aspect, is countless times better than herself.

Xia Menglu is very weak!

"Oh! I see Xia Menglu forced a smile, also don't know what to say, just feel empty heart.


He Feng also want to say what, but suddenly found a group of people pouring in at the door of the shop, at least a dozen.

"Ladies and gentlemen, are you here for dinner?"

When the shop owner saw this, he went to the reception.

"Get out of the way!" Head of a strong man, a direct kick in the boss's stomach, he kicked on the ground.

There were not many customers in the store, so they immediately stood up and paid the bill.

"Brother Feng, let's go, too?" Xia Menglu is very nervous because she sees the group of people coming towards them.

"Their goal is us. How can we go?"

He Feng said with a smile.

"Ah? So... What should we do? " Xia Menglu's face turned white. She quickly took out her mobile phone and said, "I'll call the police now!"

"Forget it, it's too late to call the police now. This place is rather biased. The police can't get there for a while and a half." He Feng waved his hand, "don't worry, I'm here, it won't be anything."

"But... They look terrible, and they're armed. You'll be in danger." Xia Menglu is still worried.

These people are different from the company's security guards. They all seem to be fierce, obviously they often fight. And these people are holding some iron bars, steel pipes, baseball bats, wine bottles and other weapons in their hands. If they are not careful, they may be seriously injured.

"Hey hey, unless they're alone with an atomic bomb, they're not a threat to me." He Feng said with a smile.


Xia Menglu doesn't know what to say. She just thinks he Feng is bragging, but she still prays in her heart that he Feng will be OK.

"He Feng?"

The leader's name is Wei Bei, who is the brother of black wolf. He walked to He Feng and asked coldly.

"What can I do for you He Feng glanced at Wei Bei.

"Son of a bitch, do you want to die?"

"Damn, how dare you talk to our North brother like this? Do you believe I'll chop you up and feed you to the dog?"

"Damn it, North brother, stop talking to him and let the brothers kill him."

A group of Wei Bei's subordinates are all angry. The weapon in his hand points to He Feng and shouts.

Wei Bei raised his hand and motioned for everyone to be quiet. Then he continued to ask to He Feng: "my brother asked me to bring you a word. Be a low-key person in the next life. Don't offend anyone. Whether it's a big man outside or a small character around you, it's not easy to provoke. Do you understand? "

"Your brother?"

He Feng frowned, "what is he?"

"Ha ha, dare to be so arrogant, right? OK, then I'll play with you slowly. Waiting will waste you, and then play with your woman in front of you. Hey, this woman is beautiful and sexy. I haven't seen such an excellent woman for a long time. "

Wei Bei is also angry by He Feng's words, but he is not in a hurry to start. Instead, he moves his eyes to Xia Menglu. His eyes suddenly brighten, and he feels that a stream of evil fire has sprung up in his abdomen.

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