He Feng watched Sanmao two leave with a touch of expectation in his eyes.

"Don't come to me!"

If the other party did not come to find their own trouble, he Feng is afraid to really regret.

"Thank you, sir, for helping us."

At this time, he Feng ears sounded a clear and beautiful voice.

"Big brother, you are so powerful that you beat them to the ground with a slap. You must be a martial arts expert, right? Can you teach me martial arts? " The little boy raised his head and looked forward to He Feng.

And the little girl named Tong Tong, also looked up at He Feng, "after I find a boyfriend, I must find someone as powerful as my big brother."

He Feng raised his hand and wanted to touch the two children's heads.

But when he thought that he had just killed more than a dozen people with his hands, he could not help but let it go.

"Want to learn kung fu? Certainly. However, learning kung fu is very hard. You have to be patient to learn it well. Do you still want to learn it? " He Feng said with a smile.

"Of course I want to learn!"

The little boy nodded heavily.

"Xiao Ming, big brother must be very busy at ordinary times. Today, he just happened to pass by. How can he teach you Kung Fu?"

Ling Weiyu said quickly, "this gentleman, you don't have to worry about Xiaoming's words. We are very grateful for your help today. "

"Who said I was just passing by?"

However, he Feng is to smile, "I but specially come to see you."

"Look at us?" Ling Weiyu suddenly stunned, confused looking at He Feng, he Feng do not know what this means, as if he did not know him, right?

"Why don't you know me? Little feather

He Feng's face showed a smile from the heart.

"Little feather?"

Hearing this strange and familiar name, Ling Weiyu only felt that his body was shaking wildly, as if there was a thunder burst in his brain, and his brain was buzzing, looking at He Feng in disbelief.

In the welfare home, people call her "feather". Younger people call her "sister feather". No one ever calls her "little feather".

Only 13 years ago!

A boy of her age often touched her hair and called her "little feather".

"You... Are you brother Xiao Feng?"

Ling Weiyu stares at He Feng with surprise and fear, for fear that his guess is wrong.

"It's me!"

Fortunately, the man didn't deny it. He just nodded with a smile and touched his nose. "I thought you forgot my name? You still remember the feelings. Oh, how can you shed tears? Don't cry. Have you forgotten that your brother Xiaofeng is most afraid of girls crying? "

However, the girl's tears not only did not stop, but directly cried loudly, and rushed into his arms.

"Brother Xiaofeng, you are still alive. Wu Wu... I thought you would never come back. I miss you so much. Wu Wu Wu... "

Listening to the cry in his ear, he Feng felt that his throat was blocked and his eyes were dry. He blinked several times, then patted the girl's back gently, "don't cry, I'm back."

At this time, several figures came out of the gate of the welfare home. In front of them was a 70 year old woman with a bent back and a crutch. Her old face was full of wrinkles.

At this time is a face anxious, quickly toward Ling Weiyu and he Feng side.

When she saw Ling Weiyu lying in He Feng's arms crying, she thought he Feng was playing a hooligan and bullying Ling Weiyu. Without saying a word, she raised her crutch and hit him on his back.

"You rascal, dare to bully my feather, I'll kill you."


He Feng was solid solid hit a stick.

It's not that he can't escape, but that he thinks that he did something wrong, sneaked out of the welfare home and didn't come back for so many years, which must have made the old Dean extremely worried.

Let the old Dean give a beating. It's like letting the old Dean vent his anger.

"Aunt yuan, please stop fighting. This is brother Xiao Feng." At this time, Ling Weiyu just reacted and said to the old Dean.

"Little Maple?"

When the old Dean heard the name, he frowned. Obviously, he thought of something, but he couldn't remember it all at once.

He Feng touched his nose. He felt a little lost in his heart. The old Dean heard his name. Why didn't he think of him?

"Aunt yuan, thirteen years ago, brother Xiaofeng had a fight with Wang Tian for a corn cob. You taught him a lesson. Then he sneaked out of the welfare home and never came back. Do you remember?" Ling Weiyu helped the old Dean and said patiently.

As Ling Weiyu finished speaking, the old Dean's face twitched twice, and his mood seemed to be quite excited.

"You... You are Xiao Feng? That little bastard? Are you... Are you still alive? "

The old Dean wants to extend his hand to He Feng's face, but his arm is shaking.

"Aunt yuan, I'm still alive. I'm sorry, it took me so long to come back. " He Feng holds the old Dean's hand and puts it on his face. Looking at the old dean who is much older than 13 years ago, his eyes are already a little wet.

In the past 13 years, the old president must have suffered a lot, right?

"Just come back, just come back." Aunt yuan, the old Dean, kept nodding, and tears ran down her cheek.

"Aunt yuan, isn't it a good thing for me to come back? Why are you crying? "

See Aunt yuan tears, he Feng quickly hand to help wipe.

"Xiao Feng, how did you get lost? Have you been cheated by the traffickers? Is there any suffering outside? " Aunt yuan looks up and down at He Feng for fear that something might happen to his body.

She has heard that many peddlers will specially catch some children, then break their hands and feet and put them on the roadside to beg, so as to win the sympathy of passers-by and reward them with some money.

"Aunt yuan, don't worry. I'm in good health. I don't know how healthy I am."

He Feng quickly waved his fist, beat twice on his chest, and then jumped twice in place, so as not to worry aunt yuan.

"Good health, good health."

Aunt yuan was so relieved, "Xiao Feng, tell me quickly, were you cheated by the peddlers at that time?"

"Aunt yuan, don't worry. Now it's windy outside. Let's go inside and talk about it." He Feng said with a smile.

"OK, OK, let's go inside and say."

Immediately, the group walked into the Jule welfare home.

Entering the gate of the welfare home, he Feng's smile is more prosperous, and his heart is warm.

Although the inside of the welfare home is even more dilapidated than the outside, the cement floor is almost completely cracked, and the cement on the wall has fallen off a lot, he Feng is more comfortable than walking into the palace compound.

This is my home!

Dilapidated, but can block the wind, rain, bring him warmth.

"Eh, aunt yuan, feather, who is this?"

Just walked into the building of the welfare home, but before he sat down, a young man of twenty-four or twenty-five suddenly came down from the upstairs and looked at He Feng and asked curiously.

With a cheap cigarette in his mouth and a cheap shirt on his body, the young man has a strong body, wax on his hair and a pretty face, which can attract girls' attention on the road.

"Oh, isn't this Liang Wei? He is more handsome now when he grows up than when he was a child." He Feng recognized the identity of the youth at a glance. He grew up in the welfare home with him when he was a child. Unexpectedly, he was also in the hospital at this moment.

"Do you know me?" Liang Wei looks at He Feng in doubt.

"Liang Wei, this is brother Xiao Feng."

Ling Weiyu said with a smile: "brother Xiaofeng, you can't blame me now? Didn't Liang Wei recognize you at a glance? "

"Yes, who makes me much more handsome than before? Of course you can't recognize it." He Feng said with a smile.


"Little Maple?"

Liang Wei thought for a long time, but he still didn't remember. He couldn't help asking, "which little Maple?"

Aunt yuan was immediately displeased. She glared at Liang Wei and said, "Liang Wei, it seems that you don't have our welfare home in your heart, even Xiao Feng doesn't remember. Hum, I've just had dinner. Are you going to have fun outside? Let's go

"Aunt yuan, after all, after so many years, Liang Wei doesn't remember brother Xiao Feng and doesn't blame him. Don't be angry."

Ling Weiyu patted aunt yuan on the back, comforted her, and then looked at Liang Wei and said, "Liang Wei, brother Xiaofeng fought with Wang Tian for corn cobs 13 years ago, and was scolded by Aunt yuan. Then he sneaked out of the yard and disappeared. Do you remember? "

Liang Wei immediately patted his forehead, "it's Xiao Feng! Xiao Feng, aren't you abducted by human traffickers? I've heard that the human traffickers used to be very cruel. I didn't expect that you were still alive. How lucky are you? "

"Liang Wei, are you a dog that can't spit out ivory? How do you talk? If you want to hang out, get out of here. " Aunt yuan waved her stick and was ready to beat Liang Wei.

Liang Wei quickly dodged and ran to the outside of the welfare home. At the same time, he Feng waved his hand with a cigarette in his hand, "Xiao Feng, I'll go out first. I'll contact you later."

Watching Liang Wei leave, he Feng frowned, "little feather, Liang Wei is not very sensible. He only makes aunt yuan angry. Why didn't he go outside to find a job?"

"As you know, he has been naughty since he was a child and doesn't like reading. In the year when you disappeared, aunt yuan was expelled from school because she was too sad to discipline him. Then until now, except for occasionally working outside for a month or two, he usually eats and drinks in the courtyard. Because he grew up in the courtyard, and occasionally can help do some heavy work, so aunt yuan did not bear to drive him away

Ling Weiyu sighed.

Aunt yuan snorted, "he's more than lazy. He's in a bad mood. He's going out to hook up with some rich women to cheat money to eat, drink, whore and gamble. Once he called, but I heard him."

"Aunt yuan, don't worry about Liang Wei. Anyway, he won't suffer any losses outside."

Ling Weiyu is afraid that Aunt yuan will continue to be angry. He quickly shifts the topic and asks he Feng, "brother Xiao Feng, you'd better tell us how you disappeared at that time. And how have you spent all these years? "

Aunt yuan also looked at He Feng, waiting for the latter to answer.

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