"My God, is it green?"

"My grass, it's full of green, and the water head is full, and the quality is quite high."

"Are you kidding? How can the broken stone turn green

"Isn't Zhong Xun saying that it's hard to bet on the original stone here? Isn't it that this guy's luck is too bad? "

Everyone was shocked and opened his mouth, especially the boss.

But in a flash, his face was full of surprises.

Since he Feng's stone is green, and it's so big and thick green, it's very likely that it's a big rise, indicating that Zhong Xun's words are not trustworthy.

And Zhong Xun and he Feng bet five times in a row, which is bound to cause a sensation. There must be a lot of customers who come to his store to buy raw stones at that time.

Ji Xinyu, who is standing outside the door, is also surprised to see he Feng. Obviously, he didn't expect that the man who chatted up with him could bet more.

Gong Wei, who is psychologically prepared, is also surprised to see he Feng. Is this rascal really going to create another miracle?

"Do you want to continue cutting, sir?"

Master Jieshi looks at He Feng and asks.

At first, he thought he Feng was just playing, so he cut it casually, but now it's really green, and it's still a big piece of green, big fists, which may contain high-quality jade. He's afraid that cutting according to He Feng's random lines will damage the things inside.

"Of course. Just cut along the line I drew. Even if the jade inside is damaged, I won't blame you." He Feng said with a smile.

Jieshi master was relieved, and then continued to cut.

Before long, the second stone was cut off again.

The same is the emergence of a strong green.

To this moment, a little knowledgeable people have seen the results.

In particular, Yu, an expert, just looked at his heart, and his face was shocked. "This is king green of ice, and it's very close to glass. If the appearance is the same, the price of this jade material will directly reach ten million level. "

The origin of jadeite is in Myanmar, but it has been mined for hundreds of years. The jadeite there has been exhausted for a long time, so it is difficult to dig out the first-class jadeite. Therefore, the price of jadeite rises rapidly.

Now, even if it's a piece of glass as big as a fist, the price of imperial jade can reach hundreds of millions.

Of course, the jade cut by He Feng is not made of glass, but it's quite close. The water head is enough. If you're lucky, it will sell for 30 million to 40 million.

In a few minutes, the original stone was cut all around and polished very clean. The jade inside was not very big, but it was half the size of a basketball.

Make a profit!

Everyone's eyes are full of envy and hatred when they look at He Feng. They can buy a piece of stone casually, and they can bet on it. Moreover, it still goes up sharply, earning at least 20 million yuan. Lucky number can earn 30 million yuan or 40 million yuan.

"Congratulations, brother. You've made at least 20 million yuan with one knife." Yu's boss hugs He Feng and congratulates him sincerely.

"Ha ha, luck, luck!" He Feng said with a smile.

"He Feng, how did you do it?" Gong Wei was also shocked.

She expected that he Feng might bet up, but she didn't expect that he Feng would go up so much.

"I just said that. It's pure luck." He Feng touched his nose and said.

Gong Wei rolled her eyes. She didn't believe it. But think of here many eyes miscellaneous, she is very discerning did not continue to ask.

"Brother, I'm willing to pay 20 million for your jade. Now I can transfer it to you. Do you want to sell it?"

At this time, outside a jewelry business boss came in and said.

When they heard what he said, everyone was amazed. Some people think that his offer is too low. After all, he Feng's jade is not difficult to sell for more than 30 million yuan with good luck.

However, at this time, it is difficult for them to take out more than 20 million in cash, so although they are willing to bid, they can do nothing.

"20 million? I'm really sorry. I don't know much about jadeite, and I don't know the market price of this jade. "

He Feng a face confused way, and then look at the boss, "boss, you are expert, can you give me this jade valuation? How much will it cost? "

The owner of the gem who just asked for the price immediately winked at Yu.

After hesitating for a while, Yu took another look at He Feng and said, "brother, to tell you the truth, if your jade is under normal circumstances, it will probably sell for about 25 million. If the market is good, it's easy to sell 30 million yuan. If you're lucky, 40 million is possible. However, if you want to sell more than 25 million yuan, you still need to operate. If you just sell it casually, 20 million is not a pit. "

What he said was to the point. He didn't help the gem owner or raise the price of jadeite.

"Twenty million?"

He Feng pondered for a while and said: "OK, I don't know if you are interested in buying this jade from me, boss? In terms of price, it's 20 million. "

"You, you want to sell it to me?" In the boss a Leng, immediately surprised extremely said.

The gem owner, who quoted 20 million yuan, was stunned, then shook his head with a bitter smile, and didn't ask again.

He can see that this young man is definitely not an ordinary person. Since he said he would sell jadeite to his boss, he would not sell it to others.

"Yes, won't the boss?" He Feng asked.

"Yes, of course."

The good thing came so suddenly that boss Yu didn't think back, "do you want cash or transfer? If you want cash, there's not as much as 20 million in the shop. I have to pick up some myself. "

"Ha ha, it's not easy for me to withdraw 20 million cash. You can transfer it to me directly." He Feng handed his bank card to boss Yu.

"OK, I'll transfer it for you."

Boss Yu quickly asked his assistant to take the notebook and turn it around for another 20 million yuan.

In less than half an hour, he has transferred 40 million yuan.

However, with more time and a little operation, he can not only earn back the 40 million yuan, but also make another 20 million or 30 million yuan.

This is definitely a very profitable business.

Before long, he Feng's mobile phone received a reminder of the arrival of the account, with 20 million more on the card.

Looking at the excited look on the boss's face, he Feng hesitated, but still said: "boss, do you think that whether you buy jadeite from me or from Mr. Zhong before, as long as you sell it, you can make a lot of money?"

"Ha ha, how can I? I can only sell as much as I can, but I'm not sure I can make money." Yu said modestly.

"Boss, the jadeite Mr. Zhong bought for the fourth time doesn't seem to have been completely cut, has it?" Hefeng road.

"It's not completely cut, but the variety and size of the jade have been determined. Basically, there will be no more problems." Yu's boss frowned.

"If you can trust me, boss, I'll give you a suggestion. Don't carve that jade yourself, just sell it."

He Feng deliberately lowered his voice.

Boss Yu's face changed slightly. "What do you mean, brother?"

He Feng grinned, "if I guess correctly, that jade seems to be the size of a fist, and it's very close to ice. On the surface, the price is more than ten million. But in fact, it's not worth a million. Because, inside it is empty, only outside a layer of green light wrapped

"What, this... How is this possible?" Boss Yu exclaimed.

"I just want to tell you that if you don't believe it, you can let the jade carving master have a look." He Feng didn't explain too much, and then he turned to Gong Wei.

Weiwei, the task is finished. Let's go back

"Good!" Gong Wei nodded.

Immediately, they were ready to leave.


In the boss quickly follow up, want to call Hefeng explain clearly, but Hefeng no longer pay attention to him.

This made him very uneasy.

"Did Zhong Xun really cheat me?" Yu's face was ugly. "It's really possible that Zhong Xun is arrogant, fierce and insidious. It's really possible to pit me. Even if I find out at that time, he can say that he doesn't know. It's really insidious. Fortunately, this brother reminded me, otherwise I would lose tens of millions in vain. Well, let's sell this jade directly at the price of tens of millions, so at least I can guarantee that I make money. "

Everyone's eyes are full of envy and jealousy when they look at He Feng. Some of them have twinkling eyes, and there is a cold color in their eyes.

He Feng and Gong Wei just walked out of the Ming yuzhai, a woman appeared in front of them and stopped them.

It's Ji Xinyu.

"Beauty, what's up?" He Feng mouth clip cigarette, slightly upturned, highlight a smoke, look quite indifferent.

Hum, let you not give brother Feng face before, now let you taste what it's like to stick a hot face on a cold butt.

"I want you to do me a favor!"

Ji Xinyu directly took out the Hosta, handed it to He Feng, and said directly: "if you can tell the origin or real function of this Hosta, I can pay you a hundred million reward."

a hundred million?!

This words, all the people on the field were severely shocked.

There was even a staggering body, fell to the ground.

At this moment, almost everyone was shocked to see Ji Xinyu.

If it wasn't for the experience of Ji Xinyu's powerful skills and the fact that Ji Xinyu was carrying a pistol with him, it would be unusual for everyone to think that he was a female swindler.

Only Gong Wei, who knows Ji Xinyu's identity, looks normal.

Because they know that for Ji Xinyu, it's nothing to take out a hundred million yuan.

"The origin of this jade hairpin?"

He Feng put the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out. He took out the cottage smart machine in his pocket. "I'm a little tired today, and I can't think of the origin of this jade hairpin. Otherwise, tell me your contact information first. When I remember, I'll call you at any time. "

It's obvious that it's tantalizing!

If it's an ordinary beauty, you may think it's normal.

But this beautiful woman in front of him has a gun on her. He's not afraid of this beautiful woman's displeasure. He just takes out a gun and kills you?

At this time, many people secretly pinch a sweat for He Feng.

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