At the moment, the anger in Yan Jun's heart was almost indescribable, and he Feng was immediately found and killed with one palm.

"Mr. Yin, that he Feng... If I guess correctly, he should work in Yuncheng group now." Yang Qiang said uneasily.

"Working in Yuncheng group, right? OK, I'll go there myself now and teach him a lesson first. If my family Yin Xian's condition doesn't get better in the end, he'll wait to regret it. "

Yin Jun said, will go to find he Feng in person.

How could Liu Peiyuan miss such a good opportunity to make friends with Yan Jun? He quickly said, "Mr. Yin, you'd better be here with him now. As for the lesson to He Feng, please leave it to me. It's just right. I also know a little Kung Fu. I'm sure I won't let you down. "

"Where are you going?" Yin Jun looked at Liu Peiyuan suspiciously.

He didn't know Liu Peiyuan at all. He thought Liu Peiyuan was just a subordinate of Yin Xian.

Liu Peiyuan said with a smile: "Yin Lao, my name is Liu Peiyuan. I'm Yin Dong's college classmate. I've been practicing taekwondo before, and I won the third place in the Asian Taekwondo League. And then entered the entertainment industry, thanks to a lot of help from Yin Dong, I can make some achievements. Now that Yin Dong was made like this by He Feng, I was really angry. Therefore, I implore the elder Yin to give me a chance to teach the man named He Feng a lesson instead of you. "

"Oh, so you are Liu Peiyuan. My Yin Yin Yin mentioned you twice in front of me. I'm a little impressed."

Yin Jun nodded and recognized the top three results of the Asian Taekwondo League. He thought it was OK for Liu Peiyuan to teach him a lesson, so he immediately said, "OK, you can teach him a lesson for me. You don't have to cripple him, just break his two bones. By the way, let him call you grandfather three times. Do you understand me? "

"Don't worry, old Yin. I'll make him kneel in front of me and call me grandfather three times." Liu Peiyuan excited way, and then quickly out of the hospital.


He Feng has been playing games since he turned on the computer, even forgetting the time.

I can't help it. It's a little far from Wang Xiangyun's office, and Wang Xiangyun is very busy at ordinary times. It's impossible to spot check at any time as he was in the assistant office before.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

I don't know how long it took, he Feng's office door was suddenly knocked.

"Who is that? Isn't it Wang Xiangyun's mother-in-law who has come to inspect the ward again? "

He Feng quickly returned the game, opened a working document, and pretended: "please come in!"

When the door was pushed open, it was not Wang Xiangyun who came in, but Xia Menglu.

"Lulu? Why are you... "

He Feng stretched a stretch and said, he thought it would be Wang Xiangyun.

"Brother Feng, I'm sorry. I saw that the door of your office was always closed. I thought you were busy working and forgot the time."

Xia Menglu thinks that she has disturbed He Feng's work.

In her opinion, he Feng has just taken the post of finance minister, and the workload must be very heavy.


He Feng touched his nose, some embarrassed way: "what, I'm not working, but playing games. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I thought it was Wang Xiangyun who came to check. "

Xia Menglu was stunned and immediately covered her mouth and said with a smile, "brother Feng is so afraid of Wang Dong."

"Lulu, you have to practice your speaking skills. What's fear? Can he Feng be that kind of hen pecked man? What's more, although I have obtained the certificate with her, she is not my real wife. "

He Feng stares at Xia Menglu.

Xia Menglu vomited fragrant tongue, "I know!"

Seeing the lovely and simple appearance of Xia Menglu, he Feng is in a trance for a moment. Staring at Xia Menglu, he Feng begins to wander.

"Brother Feng, why are you staring at me all the time?" Xia Menglu is embarrassed by He Feng. Her face is slightly red and she lowers her head.

"Because you are so beautiful, I can't bear to look away from you." He Feng said with a smile.

"Am I really that beautiful?"

The happy way of Xia Menglu.

He Feng patted his chest and said, "of course, I don't usually praise girls for their beauty. And I can be praised as beautiful, it must be the top beauty

"Then... Brother Feng thinks, who is more beautiful between Wang Dong and me?" Xia Menglu heart suddenly emerged such a question, and then do not want to ask out.

After asking, she knew that she was too abrupt, and quickly said: "sorry, brother Feng, I asked casually. In fact, I know in my heart that Wang Dong must be much more beautiful than me. How can I compare with Wang Dong? "

Compared with Wang Xiangyun, she still has some inferiority complex in her heart.

There's no way. Wang Xiangyun's aura is too strong, and he has excellent appearance and temperament. He has the title of "one of the four beauties in Jiangbin city".

Any woman will feel inferior to her when compared with her.

"Nonsense, how could Wang Xiangyun be much more beautiful than you?"

He Feng a stare, is very displeased way: "you compare with Wang Xiangyun, not bad at all.". Even, because you are younger than her, more lovely than her, more simple than her, you are more charming and more likable than her. "


Xia Menglu did not expect that he Feng's evaluation of her would be so high, which surprised her at the same time very happy, "really?"

"Of course it's true. When did I cheat you?" He Feng said with a smile: "just like me! In my eyes, you are no worse than her. Especially in character, you are much more talkative than her. I told you yesterday that if I choose a daughter-in-law, I would like to marry a girl like you. "

Xia Menglu is embarrassed by He Feng and says, "brother Feng, stop talking. You're the head of our finance department. I don't deserve you."

Her heart is really a bit of inferiority, because she is too ordinary.

Seeing this, he Feng sighs, but he also knows that it's no wonder that Xia Menglu came from an ordinary family, and she usually comes into contact with ordinary people. Now he casually becomes the head of the Finance Department of Yuncheng group. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is a successful person among the successful people. Naturally, Xia Menglu feels that he Feng is not worthy of him.

In such a case, even if she really likes he Feng, she probably doesn't dare to express it.

However, he Feng believes that under his influence, Xia Menglu will never have such an idea again.

"Lulu beauty, you remember, maybe in some ways, you are not as good as others, no one else is outstanding. But I believe that your purity and kindness can't be compared with others. "

He Feng looked at Xia Menglu and said seriously: "in my eyes, you are an angel, the most perfect masterpiece of the creator."

Hearing this, Xia Menglu couldn't help looking up at He Feng. Her beautiful eyes were full of vibration.

She did not expect that this man's evaluation of himself would be so high.

She didn't expect that her position in this man's heart would be so high.

There was an impulse in her heart to rush directly into He Feng's arms

"Lulu, what can I do for you now?"

He Feng can see that Xia Menglu is now being said by himself that her heart is in turmoil. She quickly shifts the topic and asks.

He wants to catch up with Xia Menglu and make this girl as simple as a piece of white paper her own woman. However, he won't let the girls throw themselves in his arms with just a few sweet words.

Although he knows that he won't change his mind about Xia Menglu, he still hopes that Xia Menglu can understand herself a little more and make her final choice after he really understands herself.

After all, Xia Menglu is too simple. Many things may be made on impulse.

"Well, I want to ask brother Feng, it's so late, don't you go to lunch?"

Xia Menglu said, "if you want to play a game, I'll pack it for you."

He Feng cleared his throat and half bent over, "Dear Ms. Xia Menglu, do you have the honor to invite you to lunch?"


Xia Menglu a Leng, pretty face slightly red next, "I... I would like to."

"Let's go!" He Feng very gentlemanly made a please gesture.

"Let's get together." Xia Menglu's heart beats faster.


Immediately, the two walked out of the office side by side and came to the company restaurant.

Along the way, many people cast curious and envious eyes after seeing he Feng.

The reason is very simple. All the employees of Yuncheng group have received the e-mail notice from the personnel department. He Feng has become the director of the Finance Department of Yuncheng group.

For the attention of the people and some whispered comments, he Feng suddenly didn't feel it, pointed to a place and said: "Lulu, there are still two vacant seats over there, you hurry to occupy the position, I'll go to buy food now."

"Well, I'll go and take the place first."

Xia Menglu walked over immediately.

Because the distance is a little far, and there is almost no vacancy in the whole restaurant, so Xia Menglu's pace is a little fast.

He Feng takes back his eyes and walks towards the ordering area.

Although all the money he has earned in recent days has been given to the welfare home, and there are only a few hundred yuan left in his whole body, today he is eating with Xia Menglu, so he doesn't save so much money. He orders two meat, two vegetables and one soup directly, which costs more than 100 yuan.

After ordering a good dish, he Feng takes the brand and the list, and goes to let Xia Menglu occupy the position.

However, before he came near, he vaguely heard a quarrel coming from the front, and many people around him stopped to wait and see, so that he Feng could not see the front clearly.

"Xia Menglu, right? I know you, a little girl and intern in the finance department. You are so brave. In order to occupy this seat, you pushed me away. Are you too arrogant? "

There was a young man's voice in front of the crowd, mixed with a trace of anger and ridicule, "but I tell you, don't think you have an affair with He Feng, I will be afraid of you. Well, I tell you, today you have to apologize to me. Otherwise, don't say it's you. Even he Feng has to follow his bad luck. "

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