"Brother Feng, the two girls you mentioned should be Mr. Yuan Dongzhu and Mr. Gong of our company?" Xia Menglu guessed.

"Well, how did you guess?" He Feng surprised way.

"It's not hard to guess, because they are so excellent in our company. I don't know how many men like them. It's normal for you to take a fancy to them, brother Feng."

Xia Menglu added: "but I think besides the two of them, brother Feng, you should also want to catch up with Wang Dong, right? After all, although you and she are not married yet, they already have the name of husband and wife. And with my understanding of brother Feng, you must not be willing to just be a husband and wife with Wang Dong in the legal sense. You will try to make Wang Dong really become your woman. "

Hearing this, he Feng was surprised, "Lulu, I didn't expect you to get along with me for only two or three days, so you know me so well. Tut Tut, you are the woman I like, brother Feng

Xia Menglu pondered deeply, and the tangled color flashed in her beautiful eyes.

A moment later, as if she had made a decision, she suddenly looked up at He Feng and asked, "He Feng, you just said... I'm the woman you like? And I remember you said to me yesterday, "do you like a woman like me?"

"Yes, I did. What's the matter?" He Feng took a bite to eat.

"Well, if I want to be your girlfriend. You, will you accept me? "

This sentence seems to have exhausted all Xia Menglu's strength. The whole person seems to be in vain. At the same time, she has a shy face, and her eyes are full of anxiety and expectation.


He Feng's actions of eating vegetables all stop, and he looks at Xia Menglu in surprise.

How did this girl suddenly become so active?

Seeing he Feng in a daze, Xia Menglu continued: "brother Feng, I know I don't deserve you now. You are so excellent. Now you are the director of the Finance Department of our company and the husband of Dong Wang. Your future is limitless. It is reasonable to say that you have already married Wang Dong, and I should not step in any more. However, you told me yesterday that you and Wang Dong are only nominal husband and wife, and your marriage is only a transaction. So today, I'm going to be brave enough to tell you that I like you and I want to be your girlfriend. "

"Lulu, how can you suddenly... Suddenly be so direct?" He Feng can't help but ask curiously.

Xia Menglu opened her lips lightly, "because... I'm afraid that if you catch up with Gong and Yuan Dongzhu in the future, you won't look up to me. After all, they are so excellent, one is an experienced assistant to the chairman, the other is a vice president, and they are all so beautiful. And I'm just a yellow haired girl. So, I just

"Er... That's the reason?" He Feng was dumbfounded and couldn't tell what it was like.

No wonder Xia Menglu suddenly becomes so bold and direct. She is afraid that she will not want her in the future.

For a moment, he Feng looks at Xia Menglu's eyes more and more soft, can't help but want to embrace the beauty.

"Lulu, listen. No matter how many women I will be around in the future, how excellent those women are. But you can never be replaced. Each of you is different. You are all the best works of the creator. You are all the angels in my mind. I will feel sorry to lose any of you. So don't think that if I have them, I won't look up to you. "

He Feng said softly.

Hearing this, Xia Menglu's heart suddenly jumped again, and joy and sweetness emerged in her beautiful eyes.

"Well, brother Feng, do you mean to accept me?" Xia Menglu said coyly, but also has a trace of hope.

"Lulu, don't worry."

He Feng said with a smile: "although you are like them, you are very important to me. But there is one thing that you are different from them. You are more simple than them. You look at things and a person. You are not as mature as them. Now you are not ready to be my girlfriend. "

Smell speech, summer dream Lu immediately a face of lose, "Feng elder brother, you this is to refuse me?"

He Feng then realized that he had expressed something wrong. With a wry smile, he quickly explained: "you misunderstood me. You are such a beautiful girl who confessed to me. If I refuse you, it means that I have lost my mind. People will call me a fool."

"Brother Feng, what do you mean?" Xia Menglu is confused.

"Well, I'll be more direct. Because I think your understanding of me is too one-sided. After all, we have only known each other for two days. There are two main reasons why you tell me

He Feng put up two fingers and said in a serious tone: "first, you have a good feeling for me, but now you haven't figured out what you really like. Now you just like me, but you don't really like a man like me. Second, it's because Weiwei and sister yuan have been together, and you've been influenced by them, so you've suddenly confessed to me. "

Hearing this, Xia Menglu opens her mouth to explain.

"Lulu, don't rush to explain. I know. Maybe you'll say you really like me. However, what you like may be just what you know about me. And the real me, you don't know very well now. After a while, we get along more and you know me better. If you still say you like me, then... "

He Feng showed a bad smile on his face. "I'm sure I'll make you my girlfriend right away. You know, you're so beautiful, and you're in a great shape. I've always rejected you because I've lost my mind. "

Xiamenglu silent down, no longer forced to let Hefeng accept himself.

She can feel, he Feng is sincere for her good, lest she will be hurt by feelings in the future.

"Brother Feng, I believe that no matter how long it has been, I will still like you."

Although shy, but Xia Menglu or brave said.

"Haha, that's the best. If I can have such a pure and beautiful girl as you as my girlfriend, I will be happy in the future." He Feng laughs.


"As long as you like, I can be your girlfriend at any time," said Xia Menglu

"Cough, Lulu, let's not talk about this topic, OK? Let's eat first. "

He Feng quickly changed the topic.

I can't help it. Xia Menglu is so charming. He worries that he will suddenly be unable to help himself. He will let Xia Menglu be his girlfriend, and then

Then in the afternoon, let her go to her office for an afternoon.

"Brother Feng, you haven't told me how long the test period you gave me?" Asked Xia Menglu.

"The test period?"

He Feng Leng next, soon understand the meaning of Xia Menglu, way: "or, three months?"

Xia Menglu shakes her head. "Three months is a little long. Can it be shorter?"

"Well, two months?"

"Brother Feng, I don't think it's a month? A month's time together can produce enough understanding of a person. What's more, we are now in a department. We can meet every day and get to know each other faster. " Xia Menglu said.

"Well, one month."

He Feng nods helplessly and agrees.

Other girls have taken the initiative to say the time, how can he refuse.

But he still knew it in his heart. If it was spread out, Xia Menglu's admirers would know it. He estimated that he would draw villains at home and curse himself every day.

Next, two people eat and chat, the atmosphere is very relaxed.

Especially Xia Menglu, after expressing her inner thoughts, she is more happy to stay with He Feng. She is always smiling on her pure and beautiful face.

After dinner, the two walked to the elevator side by side.

Just about to enter the elevator, he Feng behind suddenly sounded a rather hesitant voice, "He Feng, are you free at night?"

He Feng stops and turns around to see that it's a man talking, and he has seen him in the restaurant two days ago.

At that time, there was a man who almost poured hot soup on himself, so he gave a loud warning.

If you remember correctly, this person's name seems to be Niu Ren?

"Niu Ren? Can I help you? " He Feng asked.

Niu Ren said, "I'd like to invite you to dinner tonight. Do you have time?"

"Tonight? No time

He Feng's answer is very simple.

He acted as a fake boyfriend for Gong Wei yesterday, but he agreed to go to Gong Wei's house for dinner tonight and let Gong Wei cook for him in person. Although Gong Wei was inexplicably angry with him this morning, she was not sure whether Gong Wei would continue to invite him.

But even if Gong Wei doesn't invite him to dinner, he can also invite Xia Menglu to dinner, which can just let Lulu have a better understanding of herself.

As for Niu Ren

He is not familiar with niuren, and niuren is a big man. He is not interested in having dinner with a big man.

"Well, when will you be free?" Niu Ren continued.

"Then I'm not sure. I'm usually busy."

He Feng impatient way: "you a big man mother-in-law what, find me something to say, nothing I can go."


Niu Ren looked at Xia Menglu beside he Feng and said with a grin, "it's not an emergency, so I'll wait for you next time when you are free."

With that, he turned and left.

"Brother Feng, he should have something to do with you? Why don't you go and talk to him now? " Xia Menglu said.

He Feng looks at Niu Ren who leaves inexplicably and frowns.

He knows that Niu Renshi has something to say to himself, but just now it seems that he didn't say it when he saw Xia Menglu by his side, so it's not a trivial matter.


He He Feng is not Lei Feng. He has to help him with everything, and he is not familiar with Niu Ren at all. There is no reason to deal with him.

"I've only met him for the second time, and we haven't talked a lot last time. What can I do for you? Let's go. The elevator is here. Let's go up. " He Feng pulls Xia Menglu into the elevator.

When we got to the finance department, some of the employees didn't come back, but the employees in the finance department were shocked to see he Feng.

Obviously, these people have heard about what happened in the restaurant at noon today.

"Brother Feng, I'll go to work first. You can have a rest at noon." Xia Menglu said.

He Feng said with a smile: "Lulu, you don't have a place to rest outside, do you? Why don't you go to my office and lie down for a while? I have a soft bed in my office

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